
My father was a veteran; he served in the army in Vietnam, assigned to Military Assistance Command "MACV" and based in Duc Pho from 1970 to ‘71. While he was in the service for only a few years and deployed for only one tour, the experience irrevocably shaped his life, both in many positive and negative ways. It’s because of my dad that I have always been drawn to seek out veterans’ voices. Whether it’s literary fiction and memoirs rich with grace and vulnerability, military thrillers that built upon the real-life experience of their writers, or self-development titles that help the listener glean from the wisdom of those who serve, they’re all stories that everyone can benefit from hearing. I’ve tried to highlight a selection of the best, balanced with newer releases that also shed a light on the complicated modern world we live in and what a return to civilian life can look like today. —Emily, Audible Editor

Audible Originals honoring veterans’ voices