• Master the Proven Growth Formula: Do, Delegate, Delete
    Jun 13 2024

    Running a business with your spouse can be incredibly rewarding, but also uniquely challenging. How do you optimize your time and energy to grow your enterprise while still being present for your marriage and family?

    In this episode, powerhouse couple Kevin and Becca Tinter let you in on their proven formula for doing just that. Known as the "Double Double D", this approach helps you be intentional about what you choose to do, delegate, delete, or "draft" by partnering up.

    With 13 years of experience as couplepreneurs under their belts, the Tinters have navigated the ups and downs of integrating their work and home lives. They share practical tips for defining clear roles, defusing conflict, making time for the activities that give you energy, and leveraging each other's zone of genius.

    Whether you're just starting out in business with your spouse or looking to take your venture to the next level, this episode will give you the tools to design a life and business you love, step by step. Join Kevin and Becca to learn how to master the art of the double double D and experience the power of true partnership!

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    18 mins
  • Prospering With Purpose: Building a Vision Bigger than Yourselves
    Jun 6 2024

    Does your vision for building wealth go beyond just securing a comfortable lifestyle? Do you dream of creating a legacy of generosity that outlasts you? Many couples have the desire to use their prosperity to make a positive impact, but aren't sure how to go about it.

    In this episode, Kevin and Bekah, successful married entrepreneurs, share 4 strategies to get you and your spouse on the path of prospering with purpose. You'll discover how to:

    • Craft a compelling family mission statement that unifies your "why"
    • Maximize your charitable giving through automation and donor-advised funds
    • Develop a proactive plan to support the causes closest to your heart
    • Establish your legacy wishes with the guidance of an estate planning attorney

    Kevin and Bekah also dive into their personal journey of faithful stewardship, from tithing on a tiny military income to now hosting 30-50 person gatherings in their home each month. They offer practical tips on how to get your kids involved in generosity, research charities, and have fun while being a blessing to others.

    Whether you're just beginning your wealth-building journey or well on your way, this episode will inspire you to dream bigger about the impact your prosperity can have on your family, community and world for generations to come. Tune in now to learn how to write your own legacy of purpose-driven abundance!

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    18 mins
  • 4 Keys to Managing Money Well as a Couple in Business
    May 30 2024

    Are you and your spouse struggling to manage your finances while running a business together? You're not alone. Many entrepreneurial couples face challenges like mixing personal and business funds, mismatched money habits, and lack of communication that can strain both the bottom line and the marriage.

    But it doesn't have to be this way! In this episode, Kevin & Bekah, successful husband-wife entrepreneurs, share 4 proven tactics to help you master money as partners in business and life.

    You'll discover:

    • How implementing the Profit First system can prevent financial fights and audit nightmares by keeping accounts separate
    • The power of assigning money roles based on each partner's strengths and personality (saver vs. spender) to reduce conflict
    • Why using a shared tracking app like YNAB or QuickBooks is crucial to identify cash flow problems and trends early on
    • The game-changing habit of a daily 5-minute "money minute" to ensure you're always on the same financial page

    Kevin and Bekah also dive into the importance of trust in a partnership, navigating differing money mindsets, raising financially savvy kids, and creating an electronic envelope system to manage tax, profit, giving and more.

    Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business, this episode is packed with actionable tips and inspiration to help you communicate better about money, achieve your financial goals faster, and enjoy the journey together. Tune in now to start writing your own success story as a couple in business!

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    21 mins
  • Dreaming Together About Your Financial Future
    May 23 2024

    Want to dream BIG about your financial future with your spouse and start building momentum together? According to Kevin & Bekah, who have navigated everything from living in tiny apartments to 7-figure giving goals in their 20+ year marriage, it all starts with dreaming together.

    In this episode, they share 3 powerful tactics for getting on the same page:

    1. How to brainstorm separately and then unite around a shared vision
    2. Making your money dreams visual and concrete to stay motivated
    3. Why casting a shared vision is an ongoing process to revisit quarterly

    You'll also learn why 94% of great marriages discuss money dreams together (vs only 45% of okay or struggling ones), how to navigate very different money personalities, and why "prosperity with a purpose" is the real win.

    If you want to stop fighting about money and start cheering each other on, this episode will show you how. Watch now to start turning your biggest money dreams into reality together!

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    20 mins
  • The High Cost of Financial Disunity
    May 16 2024

    Want to stop money fights from undermining your relationship and business? According to Bekah & Kevin, who have built a thriving marriage and multiple businesses over 25 years, it IS possible. But it takes the right mindset and tactics.

    In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their battle-tested strategies for eliminating financial friction, including:

    • Why 100% transparency about debts and purchases is non-negotiable (no more hidden spending!)
    • How to choose a money management system that reinforces your "oneness" as a couple
    • The weekly habit that will transform your financial teamwork and intimacy

    Kevin & Bekah also dive into eye-opening statistics about the link between debt and marital conflict, the dangers of financial secrecy, and how your family of origin shapes your money mindset.

    If you want to turn money from a source of stress to a source of strength in your relationship, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now to discover practical tips you can implement today!

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    22 mins
  • 3 Tips for an Epic Summer With Your Kids
    May 10 2024

    Want your kids to have an enriching summer while you stay productive in your business? According to Kevin & Bekah, who are parenting 4 kids (including 3 teens), while running a business (or two!) from home . . . it IS possible. But it takes intentional planning.

    In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their top 3 tried-and-true strategies for crafting an incredible summer, including:

    • Why scheduling your "big rocks" like vacations and camps needs to happen ASAP
    • How to adjust your work schedule to get stuff done AND maximize quality family time
    • The types of summer camps and activities they look for (and which ones to avoid)

    If you want to make epic memories with your kids this summer without sacrificing your business, this episode is a must-listen. Listen now to discover practical tips you can implement today!

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    24 mins
  • Healthy Fights: Turning Disagreements into Opportunities
    May 2 2024

    Want to turn every conflict with your spouse or business partner into a building block for a stronger relationship? In both marriage and business, it IS possible.

    In this week's episode, join us, Bekah and Kevin, as we dive into the transformative strategies for handling conflicts in marriage and business. We unveil the art of transforming heated debates into bonding experiences and share the secret of "dropping the rope" to break free from negative cycles, including:

    • How acknowledging family background influences can unveil the root causes of many conflicts
    • The importance of laughter and light-heartedness in overcoming quirky disputes
    • Insights from the 'Love and Respect' course that redefine communication between men and women
    • Why seeing your partner as an ally, not an opponent, can change the game in relationship dynamics
    • The power of phrases like "You might be right" in fostering a supportive and respectful dialogue

    If you're seeking effective ways to deepen your connection and turn every argument into an opportunity for growth, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now to discover how to strengthen the foundation of your relationship and become an unshakeable team in both love and business.

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    39 mins
  • 5 Rules for Unshakable Trust & Respect in Marriage and Business
    Apr 25 2024

    Want to experience the joy and freedom of true partnership with your spouse? In business and in life?

    According to Kevin & Bekah Tintner, who have been married 25 years (13 of those in business together), it IS possible. But it takes more than just love.

    In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their top 5 non-negotiable rules for building a "bulletproof" marriage and an unstoppable business partnership, including:

    • The communication secret that prevents 90% of misunderstandings
    • How radical transparency breeds unbreakable trust
    • Why under-promising and over-delivering is key in relationships
    • What "ride or die" really means for couplepreneurs
    • The perspective shift that eliminates ego and deepens empathy

    If you're ready to take your relationship to the next level, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now to discover practical strategies for becoming an unshakeable team in love and business.

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    33 mins