• 14: The Journey from Generalist to Niched and from Solo to Team with Dr. Charlotte Huntley
    Jun 20 2024

    As with most consultants, my incredible client Dr. Charlotte Huntley began her consulting career by taking on a variety of projects for a variety of organizations.

    Over time, she specialized and niched her work and hired team members to support her, including full time employees. Dr. Charlotte and her team are now focused on supporting large nonprofits and government agencies, especially in communicating health information to BIPOC communities.

    We also discuss how strategic connections and the willingness to adapt can help prioritize momentum over perfectionism.

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    💡 Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

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    49 mins
  • 13: How to Have Fewer Meetings
    Jun 17 2024

    🙋‍♀️Raise your hand if you would like to have fewer meetings on your calendar?

    We're excited to share 4️⃣ practical ways to reduce the number of meetings you attend without sacrificing productivity.

    Our mission is to help you reclaim your time and boost your efficiency!

    💡Could you use support from an experienced coach who understands the unique challenges of nonprofit consultants? I have created a comprehensive program for nonprofit consultants who have reached at least $150K in annual revenue. Once you apply, I host a call with you to answer your specific questions.

    Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants


    Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

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    If you find this content valuable, would you please share with one person today?

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    24 mins
  • 12: The Power of Specializing - Leah Roman’s Public Health Consulting Success
    Jun 13 2024

    One of the things I teach in my coaching programs is that you can position your nonprofit consulting firm in the marketplace by specializing by the work you do, niching by who you do it for, or both!

    Our guest today has found success by specializing!

    Leah Roman, of Roman Public Health Consulting, joins me to share her path from accidental consultant, who did lots of different types of work for public health nonprofits, to SPECIALIZING in e-learning solutions for adult learners.

    While Leah has always maintained a referral based business, she found that once she specialized from doing many different types of work for clients to only offering instructional design support, that the QUALITY of her referrals increased.

    Leah’s desire to create community and serve others has followed her in every role, so naturally she founded and continues to host a free community for public health consultants that has been fostering collaboration and connection for several years.

    Also, it was lovely to hear how Leah’s Mom's work in healthcare inspired her career path and that she remains one of her biggest supporters and fans!

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    Visit Leah’s Website

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    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

    💡Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a review.

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    38 mins
  • 11: Relationship Marketing for Nonprofit Consulting
    Jun 10 2024

    Does having a referral based business make you feel like you don’t have control when it comes to managing your leads? Have you been feeling like there is something you are missing? Or maybe you feel like you need to create a better "marketing plan" in order to get that steady stream of clients you need.

    Relationship marketing is a great way for Nonprofit Consultants to build strong connections, come from a place of service and gain CONSISTENT client leads from referrals.

    This week, Elizabeth Cook, joins me to talk about relationship marketing and how you can use this strategy to get new client leads while also nurturing your current client relationships.

    We also share why it is important to continue grow your network and a few tips to help you do so!

    💡Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

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    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a review.

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    25 mins
  • 10: The Impact of Niching with Youth Development Research Expert Alicia Lynch, PhD
    Jun 6 2024

    What happens when you move from being a generalist to positioning yourself as an expert? My client Alicia Lynch, PhD of Lynch Research Associates is here today to share her incredible journey of transitioning her business from doing research for any type of organization to focusing her business on youth development research.

    She also shares how her innate love and inspiration from all children fuels her mission.

    💡We delve into the power of niching and how it transformed her consulting business, enabling her to surpass revenue goals and create clarity in every part of her business from branding on their website to what to post on LinkedIn to which events to attend.

    Update: A few weeks after we recorded this, two different organizations reached out to Alicia to discuss collaborating on large projects and shared that her website gave them clarity that Lynch Research were the specialists they were looking for!

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    💡Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a review.

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    34 mins
  • 09: Subcontractors - Maintaining Profit and Control
    Jun 3 2024

    Join us in this episode as we provide actionable tips and real-life examples to help you balance fairness to subcontractors while ensuring your business’s success.

    Two critical issues when working with subcontractors is preserving profit and control. We find that nonprofit consultants tend to be overly generous, especially with peers, but this can impact your business’s bottom line and your grip on client relationships.

    The good news? Elizabeth and I are here to share strategies to navigate these challenges. We cover effective rate negotiation, maintaining client control, and handling tough conversations.

    💡Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

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    Connect with Elizabeth on LinkedIn

    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a review.

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    19 mins
  • 08: How She Empowers Her Team and Wins Grants for Cities with LaKeesha Morris-Moreau
    May 30 2024

    My client LaKeesha Morris-Moreau is a natural leader and I loved learning more about how she empowers her team. Join us as we chat about how she established BellTower Consulting Group while she was working at a nonprofit and has grown to a team of 7.

    Since we started working together, LaKeesha shifted from offering grant services to any organization to specializing in grant writing and support services primarily for cities. Her team has grown significantly in the last few years, including hiring full time employees.

    You will enjoy LaKeesha’s tranquil and charming personality and her humbleness around her success.

    Connect with LaKeesha on LinkedIn

    Visit LaKeesha’s Consulting Website

    📋 Snag our new guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make!

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a review.

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    💡Apply for the Impact Collective Mastermind for Established Nonprofit Consultants

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    43 mins
  • 07: Scope Creep with Nonprofit Clients
    May 27 2024

    One of the most universal issues Nonprofit Consultants face is Scope Creep. This is when clients ask you to do tasks and projects beyond your original work agreement (assuming you have one 😬).

    There are ways to prevent scope creep from the beginning of an engagement and also ways to change course if you are already knee deep in projects you never intended to say yes to, but already did.

    🎉 The good news is that we LOVE helping clients through this and to maintain boundaries in relationships with clients.

    Join my colleague Elizabeth Cook and I talk as we cover how to set boundaries, how establishing policies makes things easier, and how to handle difficult conversations with clients.

    If you're seeking valuable tips to maintain a sustainable business while serving your mission, you won't want to miss this episode!

    📋 Grab our guide on the 5 Mistakes Even the Smartest Consultants Make.

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    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Let us know what you think about this new podcast by leaving a rating and/ or review.

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    25 mins