• Breaking Barriers: Exploring Psychedelics and the New Frontiers of Recovery
    Jun 11 2024

    I have a deeply moving and inspirational story to share with you. My guest, Todd Belfer, has been on a remarkable journey of transformation and healing. Todd has been clean and sober for over two decades, successfully overcoming his struggles with drugs and alcohol. However, his path took an unexpected turn a little over a year ago when he faced the unimaginable pain of his son’s suicide. This profound loss led Todd to explore a realm he was once firmly against—psychedelics.

    In this episode, Todd will share how this exploration has significantly impacted his life and recovery. Despite his initial reservations, Todd now advocates for the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, especially in dealing with grief and trauma. We discuss his journey to sobriety, the events that led him to reconsider psychedelics, and how these substances have helped him cope with his loss without jeopardizing his sobriety.

    Join us in this complex interplay between addiction recovery and psychedelic therapy. We’ll talk about Todd’s experiences, from his initial concerns to his transformative sessions with psychedelics. He provides insights into how these experiences have helped him heal, why he believes psychedelics can be safe and beneficial for those in recovery, and what advice he has for others considering this path. This conversation promises to be both heartfelt and enlightening, offering hope and new perspectives on healing and recovery.

    • [05:30] Todd shares how he married his drinking buddy. They had fun, traveled, and drank together. When his wife got pregnant, she looked at him differently and decided to leave.
    • [07:10] Todd went to AA and loved it. Each meeting he let his guard down.
    • [11:04] He slowly began to accept things and started doing the work of getting sober.
    • [14:04] Todd was a staunch believer in sobriety at all cost.
    • [15:01] He was in so much pain after his son passed. His wife at the time recommended trying ketamine or MDMA to deal with all of the grief and pain he was going through.
    • [16:04] He went on a journey with her and connected with his son. It was a healing 5-hour experience where he felt love and connection.
    • [20:20] The psychedelics really help the struggle of separating the ego and forgiving ourselves.
    • [21:26] He also had an extremely profound hypnotherapy session.
    • [25:33] Todd can wholeheartedly say that psychedelics aren't a gateway to relapsing.
    • [28:48] Psychedelics gave Todd peace and comfort.
    • [30:14] Psilocybin wasn't as profound for him as MDMA and ketamine.
    • [32:02] Drugs and alcohol numb you out, where psychedelics bring you closer to your feelings.
    • [36:42] Psychedelics have increased his ability to connect with people on another level.
    • [42:01] Psychedelics aren't recommended for people new to recovery. Do it under professional care as an internal journey to expand.
    • [47:54] Sobriety, 12 step recovery, and psychedelics and a professional manner is a beautiful combination that can heal so many people.
    • [51:59] Trying a psychedelic experience in a spiritual and professional manner could release you from who you think you are in the life that you're living.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Camelback Recovery
    • I Love Being Sober YouTube
    • The Laundry List Podcast
    • Todd Belfer (602) 332-8974
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    58 mins
  • Unlocking Wellness: Dr. Rao's Path to Mastery and Recovery
    May 21 2024
    I have the immense pleasure of welcoming Dr. Srikumar Rao to the show today. Dr. Rao is a distinguished coach, speaker, and author who collaborates with top entrepreneurs, professionals, and senior executives, guiding them on their spiritual and professional journeys. His pioneering course, Creativity and Personal Mastery, has been a highlight at prestigious institutions like Columbia Business School. Dr. Rao's work has reached millions through his TED Talk, Plug into Your Hard-Wired Happiness, and his acclaimed books, including Are You Ready to Succeed? and Happiness at Work. His latest book, Modern Wisdom, Ancient Roots, continues to inspire those seeking unstoppable success. With a PhD from Columbia Business School and extensive media coverage, Dr. Rao is renowned for transforming ancient wisdom into practical exercises for today's intelligent professionals. I’m thrilled to have him share his insights with us today. [04:20] We learn how Dr. Rao created the Creativity and Personal Mastery course. He was getting his PhD at Columbia Business School. [04:49] He worked at Warner Communications and his career took off like a rocket. He worked on the advertising campaign for the movie The Exorcist. [06:26] He became head of communications at Warner Communications. [07:36] He had been doing a lot of reading and wanted to take the work of the world's great thinkers and put them into a course that would be acceptable to intelligent people in a post-industrial society.[08:15] He needed the course for himself. He created it and it did well. He moved the course to Columbia Business School, and it exploded.[09:33] He eventually began teaching the course privately and became a coach by accident.[10:01] Life is a spiritual journey. Addiction uses a dysfunctional mental model or idea of how the world works. The problem is we don't know we have mental models. Instead, we think this is the way the world works.[11:05] It's not the way the world works, it's our model of how it works.[12:01] We don't live in the real world. We live in a matrix. We experience the world the way we create it.[14:24] Think about your awareness like a flashlight. It illuminates whatever you shine it on.[16:01] We often shine our flashlight of awareness on the things that are wrong in life.[16:51] Consciously shine your flashlight of awareness on the many ways that you are truly blessed and fortunate.[19:57] Celebrate that the Universe is aware of you and working for you. A miracle doesn't have to bend the law of physics. All that's necessary is for you to have the conviction that the Universe interceded on your behalf.[21:29] Extreme resilience is when you bounce back extremely fast.[24:27] Asking yourself if there's a positive will move you to a different emotion. Is there something I can proactively do to make this a good thing?[29:36] Mindfulness and mental chatter. Having mental chatter isn't the problem, it's identifying with mental chatter.[34:51] Principles of personal mastery in a recovery journey. If you can reserve your mental chatter instead of becoming it, you'll have power you never had before.[36:01] When you become aware that you aren't your addiction, instead you're an observer of your addiction, eventually you'll have mastery and the addiction will drop.[37:57] Advice when struggling with relapse. Don't beat yourself up. Simply accept what happened and begin again.[41:44] The reason we feel overwhelmed is because there's a lot of mental chatter going on. Learn to focus on exactly what you're doing at that instant.[43:45] Don't label anything that happens to you as bad. Whenever a disaster happens, instead of thinking it's terrible, think about what you can do about it.[44:18] Focus on what is within your control, and you'll stop obsessing about what's not in your control.[44:57] Hardwired happiness. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. You accept the universe exactly as it is.[46:53] The if then model. If this happens, then I'll be happy.[47:26] Instead of realizing the model is flawed, we think we have the wrong thing on the side of the equation. When we recognize that the model is flawed, we begin recognizing peace and joy.[50:53] Whatever happens is fine. [52:10] Dr. Rao explains his coaching process and how it has two levels.[52:55] A transmitted presence elevates your level of consciousness. [53:44] You can decide after the first session if you are on a higher level or not.[01:00:39] You can learn more about Dr. Rao and his programs at his website.[01:02:22] You can also join Dr Rao's Community. Links mentioned in this episode: Camelback RecoveryI Love Being Sober YouTubeThe Rao Institute Dr. Rao’s TED TalkCreativity and Personal Mastery Modern Wisdom, Ancient Roots: The Movers and Shakers' Guide to Unstoppable SuccessMore Books by Dr. Rao
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • From Rock Bottom to Rescue: Zach Skow's Journey of Sobriety and Salvation Through Paws
    Apr 16 2024
    I’m honored to host a truly remarkable guest, Zach Skow, whose life story and work exemplify the transformative power of sobriety and compassion. Zach is more than just a survivor; he is a beacon of hope and change. As the founder of Marley's Mutts Dog Rescue and the visionary behind the Pawsitive Change Program, Zach has leveraged his passion for animals to foster healing and redemption. His innovative approach, which pairs rescue dogs with inmates, facilitates life-changing bonds and promotes mutual healing and growth. Zach's journey is also deeply personal. As someone who has maintained sobriety, he embodies the resilience and commitment we celebrate on this podcast. His experiences, challenges, and triumphs in the realm of sobriety provide profound insights and inspiration to us all. Today, we'll learn how exploring sobriety has fueled his mission and how the unconditional love of dogs can lead to profound personal transformation. [04:23] Before getting sober, Zach's life was completely dedicated to drugs and alcohol. He spent a lot of time making sure he had enough drugs and alcohol to get through the day. [05:40] He spent a lot of time in the solitude of self-hatred. [07:51] He also had terminal depression and he now wonders how he got through it. [08:04] Zach shares the moment that propelled him into sobriety. He was in acute liver failure and everything was going wrong. He needed a transplant and was trying to cope with his own mortality. [11:04] Things were so bad, he couldn't control anything except for the suicidal thoughts that he was obsessed with. [13:36] He was at rock bottom and didn't even recognize himself, but his dogs knew he was still there. [15:57] One glance from his dogs during this terrible time in his life, made all the difference. He stayed up with the dogs, watched the sunrise, journaled, and committed to doing better. [16:38] Everyday of his life since then has been dedicated to helping dogs. He found a profound purpose outside of himself. [17:23] Having a purpose outside of himself allowed him to embrace sobriety. He also had to stay sober for 6 months to get a liver transplant. He had to walk, change everything about his diet, and find a will to live. [18:44] When your energy and mind and spirit are elsewhere, you are required to be present. [19:28] He also attended 12-step groups and got tools that he needed to stay sober. [21:03] He also discovered that he liked himself. [23:30] At first, sobriety was just the means to get a liver transplant, now it's the most important thing in Zack's life. [27:02] Dogs really made a difference in his recovery, especially in the beginning. You need to introduce structure into a dog's life, so they can be adopted. A person in recovery also needs structure. [30:22] Marley's Mutts was born out of Zach's struggle to get a liver transplant. He was working with the dogs while waiting for the transplant. After six months, he didn't need the transplant anymore. [33:02] He started an animal rescue. Marley's Mutts has been around since April of 2009. They have 30 employees, over 100 dogs, and have found homes for more than 10,000 dogs. [34:55] Zach talks about the four programs that are part of Marley's Mutts including the Pawsitive Change Program. [35:04] The Pawsitive Change Program came about when one of his buddies adopted a dog after coming out of prison. The dog ended up changing the former inmate's life. [37:09] There's something about a dog that represents love, compassion, and home. Bringing dogs into the prison really helps with rehabilitation. [39:13] Zach shares a story about a dog named Smokey who would bite people. Smokey was paired up with an inmate named Jason. Smokey was afraid, Jason introduced him to the world in a new way and kept his needs in mind. [41:47] Smokey and Jason ended up being rehabilitated. [43:18] Every prison should have a Pawsitive Change Program. [45:05] Build your dog's routine into your own healthy routine. Links mentioned in this episode: Camelback Recovery I Love Being Sober YouTube Zach Skow Intagram Marley's Mutts Dog Rescue Pawsitive Change Program Zach Skow Facebook Marley’s Mutts YouTube
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    48 mins
  • The Power of Purposeful Aging: Nourishing Body, Mind, and Community with JJ Virgin
    Apr 10 2024
    I’m thrilled to welcome a true powerhouse in the world of nutrition and fitness. She is a triple-board certified nutrition expert and a member of the Fitness Hall of Fame. Her passion for the healing power of nutrition goes beyond professional duty; it is her mission to revolutionize our views on aging and longevity. She has an impressive track record of entrepreneurial success, having launched three multimillion-dollar businesses, including a highly successful personal brand. She is the driving force behind the Mindshare Collaborative, a leading professional community in the health industry, renowned for launching numerous New York Times bestsellers, PBS specials, and successful seven-figure brands. Her influence also extends to television and media. She co-hosted TLC’s 'Freaky Eaters' and was the go-to nutrition expert for Dr. Phil’s Weight Loss Challenges. Her expertise has been showcased across various platforms, including PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and The TODAY Show. As an accomplished speaker, she has captivated audiences of over 10,000 and shared stages with luminaries such as Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, Gary Vaynerchuk, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dan Buettner, and Mary Morrissey. Join us as we dive into a conversation with the incredible JJ Virgin, exploring the transformative power of nutrition and wellness. [05:57] Aging Powerfully: People who are positive about aging live longer. Mindset is key. JJ decided to get in the best shape of her life at 60. [07:23] Starting around age 30, how we build muscle shifts. Without protein and resistance training, we can lose 3% to 8% of muscle a decade. [08:20] When we lose muscle, we lose our power. We lose our type 2 muscle fiber which influences everything. [09:05] We need to train and build a strong foundation. [11:31] Mental, emotional, and spiritual health ties into physical health. [14:06] Shifting to exercise and health when you're in recovery will make you feel better than ever. [15:55] Replace negative habits with healthy habits. [17:08] Don't be the oldest person in the room in fitness class. We have to continue to progress while aging powerfully. [18:15] You can progress in your resistance routine by changing the weights and exercises etc. You can also change things up with your other exercises or type of yoga. [19:29] The true definition of exercise is doing more than your body is used to so that it will get stronger. [21:34] There's so much to being an expert from knowing the science to having field experience. [23:44] Mindset is first. The three pillars are food & supplements, exercise & activity, and how you recover. [27:18] JJ shares how important sleep is. [29:16] Get curious and pay attention to what works for you. [30:30] To improve how we age: Have a purpose. Have an amazing group of humans. Move a lot. [36:25] Speed of stair climbing matters. [37:05] Alcohol can disrupt sleep and contribute to adipose tissue. It's also a common factor in blue zones. [39:24] JJ shares her opinion on drinking. [40:56] The biggest thing that's impacted with grass-fed or wild is the fat. JJ shares what we get when we eat non grass-fed or wild meat. [44:54] JJ tries to be careful with food, but also lives in the real world. [47:32] Grass-fed meat is nutrient dense and more lean. [49:09] We need creatine for explosive exercise. It also helps with mood, brain function, bone health, skin health, and so much more. [50:11] Foundational supplements include creatine, D3 and K2, fish oil, and magnesium. JJ also likes collagen. And protein powder and essential amino acids. [54:15] Our bodies can handle acute stress. Our bodies weren't built for chronic stress. This includes not sleeping enough, poor nutrition, and not living enough. [55:03] Stress raises your cortisol and keeps it up. It also puts you in a catabolic state and makes it very hard to build muscle. Higher blood sugar makes you more insulin resistant and leads to belly fat. [58:02] Eating healthy and exercise will help with stress, but some mindfulness meditation and breath work is essential. Links mentioned in this episode: Camelback Recovery I Love Being Sober YouTube JJ Virgin 7-Day Eat Protein First Challenge JJ Virgin YouTube JJ Virgin Instagram JJ Virgin Facebook The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Redefining Recovery: Inside The Sanctuary at Sedona with Dean Taraborelli
    Mar 5 2024
    I’m excited to have Dean Taraborelli with us. He's the innovative mind behind the Sanctuary at Sedona, where he has developed a groundbreaking method for treating addiction and trauma. This unique, non-12 step residential center in Arizona is renowned for its approach to dealing with a broad spectrum of addictions, as well as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. At the heart of the Sanctuary is its Integrative Addiction Recovery program, a pioneering effort that blends the latest scientific research with ancient healing traditions. This holistic approach treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. Dean's commitment and dedication have helped countless individuals embark on a journey of healing, empowering them to live fulfilling and enriched lives. We talk about his personal journey and inspiration for the Sanctuary at Sedona. We explore the moments that set him on the path to recovery and sobriety. Dean shares insights into the core philosophy with an emphasis on health and feeling good. We also discuss the effectiveness of various healing modalities, psychedelics, and more. [04:33] Dean shares his journey that led to founding the Sanctuary at Sedona. In his efforts to manage his addiction he went to treatment frequently. [06:03] After many relapses, he started expanding his search worldwide. [07:06] He realized that he knew more about addiction than many of the counselors, and realized we need a new model of treatment. [08:04] Sanctuary is a non 12-step program, but it's not anti 12-step. [09:20] He realized that there was a lot of science that could be applied to getting well and improving mental health. [10:29] The mind-body connection is indisputable. Our unconscious mind is more powerful than our conscious mind. The holistic approach enhances the other treatment methods. [12:06] The mind influences the body. [13:24] Reprogramming the unconscious mind. Repetition, constant hypnosis, and different meditative states. Breath work. [14:28] The nervous system can be accessed without talking about a lot of stuff. The nervous system is energy. When we begin to understand what influences this energy the work begins. [15:46] Trauma is stored in our brain and affects all of the decisions we make, especially in a time of stress. [16:54] We need to work on the monologue that makes our inhibitions. [17:34] The program drew from experts like David Perlmutter, Mark Hyman, and Joe Dispenza. [18:27] At Sanctuary people are treated with loving, kindness, and care. [19:21] Dean went to a conference in Sedona and ended up meeting his future teacher. It was like his talk was for him. [20:42] Energy medicine dissipates charge. [22:24] Dean's recovery path is like his wellness path. Recovery means being no longer defined by the use of the substance. [23:46] A daily process of health translates into recovery. [29:12] The connection between the gut and the brain. Depression and anxiety being caused by inflammation. [31:37] For aftercare, the Sanctuary likes the focus on what makes people feel good when finding support. [33:43] The core philosophy behind the Sanctuary. Every thought changes the brain so use it to your advantage. [35:42] We can up regulate and down regulate genes. They focus on getting to the root cause also. [39:01] Inflammation is usually a metabolism related thing. [41:30] Some of the most impactful modalities utilized at Sanctuary include a combination of modalities that help quiet the brain and open up the possibilities of different neural networks. [52:34] Psychedelics work on the higher brain as opposed to alcohol or marijuana. What we take is a very personal choice. [56:50] Helping people and giving them different ideas and strategies for recovery is Dean's goal. [57:22] Recovery is much better on the other side, and the process isn't going to be as bad as you think it could be. Links mentioned in this episode: Camelback Recovery I Love Being Sober YouTube The Sanctuary at Sedona Dean Taraborelli Dean Taraborelli LinkedInGrof Transpersonal Training
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • The Gift of Continued Relapse with Cole Chance
    Dec 26 2023

    Today, we explore the inspiring journey of Cole Chance. Her transformation from the depths of addiction into a beacon of hope in the recovery world is both challenging and enlightening. As a trauma-informed yoga instructor, she skillfully blends the wisdom of yoga and Buddhism with insights from modern neuroscience and psychology. Her approach prioritizes compassionate self-inquiry, guiding students to explore their mind and body for deeper understanding and freedom. This episode delves into Cole's philosophy and teachings, shedding light on how to navigate life's complexities with grace and self-compassion.

    Cole's journey began at age 13, marked by numerous treatment programs and relapses before she acknowledged her addiction and the need for change. A significant turning point was her discovery of yoga during treatment, which played a crucial role in managing her stress and breathing. We also discuss the concept of nervous system allyship in recovery, emphasizing the importance of recognizing our mental states and actively learning how to shift them when necessary. Cole's story highlights the profound impact of self-awareness and mindful practices in overcoming addiction.

    • [05:01] Cole was having social anxiety, and the minute she began drinking she felt better. She was 13.[06:25] She felt so great, she decided that she would do it forever.

    • [08:55] She grew up and was living in Santa Cruz, and she started drinking vodka and orange juice in the morning. She was also hiding drinking from her partner who was also a big drinker.

    • [12:08] After getting a DUI, she had court ordered treatment. She went to treatment six or seven times, but she wasn't supposed to be there.

    • [12:57] Cole shares her first AA meeting experience.

    • [15:04] She had a seizure but blamed it on stress.

    • [15:37] She had a pattern of going to treatment whenever she hit a wall, but then after sobering up a bit she realized she wasn't supposed to be in treatment.

    • [19:23] She didn't want to admit that she had a problem, because then she would have to do something about it.

    • [25:55] She had repeated relapses and the alcohol wasn't making her feel better.

    • [27:16] A friend said that she was going to come to a point where she could either be high or happy.

    • [28:02] This realization was when she called a sober living facility and asked for help.

    • [29:28] Her first job was to make it sober for 3 days. That was 10 years ago.

    • [30:39] Our lives are a culmination of what happened before so the previous treatments did build.

    • [31:19] Just because you relapse, treatment isn't for nothing.

    • [35:49] Yoga during her treatment really had an affect on her.

    • [39:32] Yoga is great for the stress of recovery, and it regulates your breath.

    • [43:09] Tim talks about the benefits of a cold plunge and how it can be similar to yoga.

    • [43:30] Nervous system allyship in recovery. The nervous system and brain like to work in patterns and being an ally means you're working with your nervous system.

    • [47:18] We shut down when we are in danger. We can mobilize our energy to make something change or just give up.

    • [48:40] It's healthy to be able to move through all of the different states that we go through.

    • [49:46] When we understand how we respond, we can do things to help us recreate better patterns. We become an active operator of our nervous system.

    • [50:45] Understand how your nervous system responds and then find ways to settle down. If you're anxious, you can hum. This will help stimulate the vagus nerve. Shaking can also help.

    • [51:53] If you're shut down, you need to use energy to get to the green. Invite some movement to move into yellow, and then you can move into green.

    • [53:42] Whatever state our nervous system is in will be the reality that we see.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Camelback Recovery

    • I Love Being Sober YouTube

    • Emerge Recovery

    • Cole Chance Yoga

    • Cole Chance YouTube

    • Nervous System Love

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    59 mins
  • How To Help Yourself And Others Transform Beyond Addiction With Deanne Adamson
    Dec 19 2023

    I’m delighted to introduce Deanne Adamson, founder of Being True to You, a groundbreaking program transforming addiction recovery. Deanne combines her extensive background in Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology, Psychotherapy, and Personal Development with her experiences in family services and victim advocacy.

    Her innovative approach aims to revolutionize addiction recovery by offering a dynamic, purpose-driven, and results-oriented platform. This platform not only combats addiction but also challenges the associated stigma, inspiring intrinsic motivation in individuals. Join us in exploring this transformative journey with Deanne Adamson.

    We talk about a multifaceted approach to addiction recovery. Deanne emphasizes the importance of recognizing addiction, committing to change, and actively working through the process. She outlines practical steps including building a support team, self-reflection on addiction's impact, and understanding addiction as a progressive condition often exploited in our culture. We also discuss the role of psychedelic therapies in self-assessment, lifestyle examination, and more. .

    • [06:57] Deanne likes to help people find inner and outer steps they can take to help themselves.

    • [08:41] These steps include conceding that addiction has happened and accepting that it's going to be a process to get out of it.

    • [09:26] Pledge to change and make it personal to you so that it can drive your recovery.

    • [10:02] Start the work and work with the material as it comes up.

    • [10:53] External steps include building a support team, finding who you can trust, identifying your support team and finding three people you can confide in.

    • [11:41] Write down where addiction has a hold of you and what you can do about it.

    • [13:15] Deanne talks about how addiction is externalizing your problems and solutions and getting attached to a certain thing for a feeling or belief. It's a progressive condition that continues to take over your mind.

    • [15:14] Addiction is something you do repeatedly in spite of negative consequences.

    • [16:24] A lot of people get addicted because the phenomenon of addiction is exploited in our culture.

    • [22:25] Deanne values the work and transformation not the quick fix which is the trap of addiction.

    • [23:39] Psychedelic therapies can be really helpful with taking an inventory of oneself and assessing where your mind is at. A person can pull apart their lifestyle and look at what they are doing that creates the conditions they are in today.

    • [25:36] The long-term solution is to feel good on the other side of it.

    • [27:23] When you work with a coach who understands addiction they'll understand what you're going through.

    • [31:16] The medicine is going to open doors and windows and help show you what you need to do.

    • [34:14] Getting and staying sober takes finding a new path in life.

    • [42:09] The armor that is protecting our self includes anger, projections, resistance, and emotion in general.

    • [45:41] The ego can create a protective armor and we won't want to let people in.

    • [47:49] We talk about incremental changes in transformational recovery. Taking the stairs, not the elevator.

    • [53:08] We talk about how great it feels when you are able to achieve any goal, even a small one.

    • [54:49] To really help someone you need to get into a place of compassion. Autonomy is also important.

    • [01:01:59] Deanne shares what they do at Being True to You, her coaching company.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Camelback Recovery

    • I Love Being Sober YouTube

    • Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

    • Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything

    • Being True to You

    • 833-379-0070

    • Being True to You Facebook

    • Being True to You Instagram

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Understanding Porn Addiction with Jeremy Lipkowitz
    Nov 28 2023

    There's a growing body of research that suggests porn addiction is on the rise. Jeremy Lipkowitz, a former porn addict, now dedicates his life to helping others overcome their struggles. As a meditation instructor and digital habits expert, Jeremy is committed to guiding men on a journey of mind mastery and the development of fulfilling relationships.

    He helps men combat porn addiction and carve out a life filled with purpose and integrity. His work has been featured in publications like Men's Health Magazine and Livestrong. He also pioneered the Unhooked Recovery program, a 30-day transformative experience aimed at breaking the chains of addiction.

    Jeremy's background as a Buddhist monk and his credentials as an ICF-certified Executive Coach underpin his approach. Join us as we dive into a conversation with Jeremy, who is here to share his insights on achieving personal mastery and peak performance, through the power of self-love and scientific principles.

    • [04:51] Jeremy started looking at porn at a young age and overtime it progressed to addiction.

    • [07:18] The negative effects of porn addiction build up over time.

    • [08:17] Jeremy shares when he realized that porn was a problem.

    • [10:57] He realized that he would never be happy if he was always craving sex with new people.

    • [11:25] Suffering is the feeling of wanting something you don't have. He was creating this suffering by watching so much porn.

    • [12:18] He was creating super highways of lust.

    • [12:54] One of the things that porn does is make you addicted to novelty, instead of cultivating a deep relationship with a person.

    • [13:59] Meditation is a way of training the mind.

    • [18:36] Mindfulness is a present moment of awareness of what is happening in an open and spacious way that's not trying to push any experience away or hold on to any experience.

    • [19:13] Awareness of any of your senses or an emotional state and the orientation you have towards that experience.

    • [21:53] Awareness is 90% of transformation.

    • [23:08] Jeremy practices Vipassana, or insight meditation. At a retreat, you do nothing but sit and walk for 10 days. You are really present with what's happening.

    • [25:45] You feel a deep peace when you don't need anything more.

    • [29:05] Jeremy has spent 10,000 hours watching porn, and he knows what it is like. He's put in the work, and it's his life's passion to help people with addiction.

    • [37:18] Porn takes away the sexual energy that you're giving your partner and puts it into porn.

    • [37:55] If you can stop for 30 days, you likely aren't addicted.

    • [41:10] Letting go of shame is important. A lot of Buddhism is just looking at what are and aren't wholesome mind states to cultivate.

    • [48:06] Mindfulness helps with recovery by giving you a choice about how you want to live.

    • [51:03] Jeremy shares his morning routine.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Camelback Recovery

    • I Love Being Sober YouTube

    • Unhooked Podcast

    • Jeremy Lipkowitz | Unhooked Podcast Instagram

    • Discovery Call for 1:1 Coaching

    • The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation

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    58 mins