• Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria

  • May 20 2024
  • Length: 18 mins
  • Podcast

Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria  By  cover art

Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Feasting with Family: A Day at Barcelona's Vibrant Boqueria Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/feasting-with-family-a-day-at-barcelonas-vibrant-boqueria Story Transcript:Ca: La parada de la Boqueria estava plena de colors i olors.En: The Boqueria market was full of colors and scents.Ca: Era un dia assolellat.En: It was a sunny day.Ca: Jordi i Marta passejaven pel mercat.En: Jordi and Marta were strolling through the market.Ca: Avui, havien d’escollir fruites i verdures per a una reunió familiar.En: Today, they had to choose fruits and vegetables for a family gathering.Ca: La seva família venia de fora.En: Their family was coming from out of town.Ca: Volien impressionar-los amb un festí.En: They wanted to impress them with a feast.Ca: Jordi es va aturar davant d’una parada de tomàquets.En: Jordi stopped in front of a stall of tomatoes.Ca: "Mira aquests, Marta!En: "Look at these, Marta!"Ca: " va dir amb entusiasme.En: he said enthusiastically.Ca: Els tomàquets eren vermells, brillants i molt grans.En: The tomatoes were red, bright, and very large.Ca: Marta va somriure i va agafar un parell.En: Marta smiled and picked up a couple.Ca: "Sí, són perfectes per a l'amanida," va respondre.En: "Yes, they’re perfect for the salad," she replied.Ca: A continuació, es van dirigir a una altra parada plena de fruites.En: Next, they headed to another stall full of fruits.Ca: Jordi va veure una pinya groga i sucosa.En: Jordi saw a yellow and juicy pineapple.Ca: "Podríem fer un postres amb aquest," va suggerir.En: "We could make a dessert with this," he suggested.Ca: Marta va assentir.En: Marta nodded.Ca: "I amb aquestes maduixes!En: "And with these strawberries!"Ca: " va afegir ella, després d'agafar una safata de maduixes.En: she added, after grabbing a tray of strawberries.Ca: La Boqueria estava plena de gent.En: The Boqueria was full of people.Ca: La gent cridava, reia i comprava.En: People were shouting, laughing, and buying.Ca: Hi havia música en directe.En: There was live music.Ca: Un home tocava la guitarra.En: A man was playing the guitar.Ca: L’ambient era alegre i festiu.En: The atmosphere was cheerful and festive.Ca: Jordi i Marta es van sentir part d’aquella energia vibrant.En: Jordi and Marta felt part of that vibrant energy.Ca: Es van aturar davant d’una parada de verdures.En: They stopped in front of a vegetable stall.Ca: "Carabassons!En: "Zucchinis!"Ca: " va exclamar Marta.En: exclaimed Marta.Ca: "Podem fer una crema de verdures.En: "We can make a vegetable cream.Ca: A tothom li encanta.En: Everyone loves it."Ca: " Jordi va agafar quatre carabassons.En: Jordi picked up four zucchinis.Ca: "Segur que serà un èxit," va dir amb confiança.En: "It will surely be a hit," he said confidently.Ca: Amb el mercat ja una mica buit, Jordi i Marta van veure una carbassa gegant.En: With the market now a bit emptier, Jordi and Marta saw a giant pumpkin.Ca: "Què et sembla fer una sopa de carbassa?En: "What do you think about making pumpkin soup?"Ca: " va suggerir Jordi.En: Jordi suggested.Ca: Marta va assentir emocionada.En: Marta nodded excitedly.Ca: "La sopa de carbassa és sempre un èxit a les reunions!En: "Pumpkin soup is always a hit at gatherings!"Ca: " Els dos amics van continuar les seves compres.En: The two friends continued their shopping.Ca: "Mira aquestes pastanagues, Jordi!En: "Look at these carrots, Jordi!"Ca: " va dir Marta amb entusiasme.En: said Marta enthusiastically.Ca: Jordi va riure.En: Jordi laughed.Ca: Ja tenien tot el que necessitaven.En: They already had everything they needed.Ca: Les bosses estaven plenes de fruites i verdures fresques.En: The bags were full of fresh fruits and vegetables.Ca: De tornada a casa, Jordi i Marta van començar a preparar el menjar.En: Back at home, Jordi and Marta began to prepare the food.Ca: La cuina feia olor deliciosa.En: The kitchen smelled delicious.Ca: Els tomàquets es van convertir en una amanida refrescant.En: The tomatoes turned into a refreshing salad.Ca: La pinya i les maduixes es van transformar en un postres irresistible.En: The pineapple and strawberries became an irresistible dessert.Ca: Les pastanagues i carabassons van fer una crema suau i gustosa.En: The carrots and zucchinis made a smooth and tasty cream.Ca: La sopa de carbassa era el toc final.En: The pumpkin soup was the final touch.Ca: Quan la família va arribar, es van sorprendre gratament.En: When the family arrived, they were pleasantly surprised.Ca: "Quin banquet!En: "What a feast!"Ca: " van exclamar tots.En: they all exclaimed.Ca: Jordi i Marta van somriure.En: Jordi and Marta smiled.Ca: Sabien que l'esforç havia valgut la pena.En: They knew the effort had been worth it.Ca: La reunió va ser un èxit.En: The gathering was a success.Ca: El menjar era deliciós.En: The food was delicious.Ca: La família estava feliç.En: The family was happy.Ca: Aquella nit, Jordi i Marta van seure al sofà.En:...
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