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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Catalonia, Valencia, or the Balearic Islands? Maybe you want to speak Catalan with your grandparents from Girona?

    Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the Catalan speaking country. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Catalan listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Milloreu la vostra comprensió auditiva amb les nostres històries en català avui!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Nature's Classroom: A Day of Discovery at Ciutadella Park
    Jun 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Nature's Classroom: A Day of Discovery at Ciutadella Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/natures-classroom-a-day-of-discovery-at-ciutadella-park Story Transcript:Ca: El sol brillava amb força al Parc de la Ciutadella.En: The sun was shining brightly in Ciutadella Park.Ca: Semblava un dia perfecte per una excursió de classe.En: It seemed like a perfect day for a class trip.Ca: Els ocells cantaven, els arbres movien les seves fulles amb suavitat.En: The birds were singing, the trees were gently swaying their leaves.Ca: Oriol, Núria i Jordi caminaven junts amb la resta dels seus companys de classe.En: Oriol, Núria, and Jordi walked together with the rest of their classmates.Ca: Tots estaven molt emocionats.En: Everyone was very excited.Ca: El professor havia organitzat una jornada científica.En: The teacher had organized a scientific day.Ca: "Avui, aprendrem sobre les plantes i els animals del parc," va dir el professor amb un gran somriure.En: "Today, we will learn about the plants and animals in the park," the teacher said with a big smile.Ca: Els nens estaven preparats amb les seves llibretes i llapis, llestos per prendre notes.En: The children were ready with their notebooks and pencils, prepared to take notes.Ca: Oriol va veure una tortuga al costat del llac.En: Oriol saw a turtle by the lake.Ca: "Mira, Núria! Una tortuga!" va cridar.En: "Look, Núria! A turtle!" he shouted.Ca: Tots els nens es van acostar per veure-la.En: All the children gathered to see it.Ca: El professor va explicar que les tortugues són rèptils i poden viure molts anys.En: The teacher explained that turtles are reptiles and can live for many years.Ca: Jordi va tenir una idea.En: Jordi had an idea.Ca: "Farem un dibuix de la tortuga!" va dir.En: "Let's draw the turtle!" he said.Ca: Tots van agafar els seus llapis i van començar a dibuixar.En: Everyone grabbed their pencils and started drawing.Ca: Les hores van passar ràpidament.En: The hours passed quickly.Ca: Van veure ocells, libèl·lules i moltes flors diferents.En: They saw birds, dragonflies, and many different flowers.Ca: Oriol va trobar un niu d'ocells en un arbre alt.En: Oriol found a bird's nest in a tall tree.Ca: "Quin descobriment!" va exclamar el professor.En: "What a discovery!" the teacher exclaimed.Ca: Al migdia, els nens es van asseure per dinar a prop d'una font.En: At noon, the children sat down for lunch near a fountain.Ca: "Quin matí fantàstic!" va dir Núria.En: "What a fantastic morning!" said Núria.Ca: Tots van menjar els seus entrepans i van refrescar-se amb aigua de l'ampolla.En: They all ate their sandwiches and refreshed themselves with water from their bottles.Ca: Després de dinar, el professor va portar els nens a una zona amb moltes flors diferents.En: After lunch, the teacher took the children to an area with many different flowers.Ca: "Aquí, observarem les diferents espècies de plantes," va dir.En: "Here, we will observe different species of plants," he said.Ca: Oriol va trobar una flor blava i va preguntar, "Professora, què és aquesta flor?"En: Oriol found a blue flower and asked, "Teacher, what is this flower?"Ca: La professora va somriure.En: The teacher smiled.Ca: "Aquesta és una flor rara, la blava. Bona observació, Oriol!"En: "That is a rare flower, the blue one. Good observation, Oriol!"Ca: El dia es va acabar amb un joc de preguntes i respostes.En: The day ended with a game of questions and answers.Ca: El professor va preguntar sobre els animals i plantes que havien vist.En: The teacher asked about the animals and plants they had seen.Ca: Els nens estaven molt contents, havien après molt.En: The children were very happy, they had learned a lot.Ca: Jordi va alçar la mà i va respondre correctament moltes preguntes.En: Jordi raised his hand and correctly answered many questions.Ca: Tots el van felicitar.En: Everyone congratulated him.Ca: Al final, el professor va acomiadar la classe.En: In the end, the teacher dismissed the class.Ca: "Molt bé, nens! Hem aprés molt avui. Som-hi a casa!"En: "Well done, kids! We learned a lot today. Let's head home!"Ca: Els nens van marxar contents i esgotats.En: The children left happy and exhausted.Ca: En tornar a casa, Oriol va somriure.En: On the way home, Oriol smiled.Ca: Havia après molt sobre el Parc de la Ciutadella i els seus habitants.En: He had learned a lot about Ciutadella Park and its inhabitants.Ca: Va pensar que aquell dia seria un record bonic per sempre.En: He thought that that day would be a beautiful memory forever.Ca: I així, el dia al parc va acabar amb rialles i coneixement nou.En: And so, the day at the park ended with laughter and new knowledge.Ca: Oriol, Núria i Jordi es van acomiadar amb una forta abraçada i la promesa de tornar al parc algun dia.En: Oriol, Núria, and Jordi said goodbye with a big hug and promised to return to the park someday.Ca: Les veus dels nens van desaparèixer ...
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    17 mins
  • Unexpected Dance: A Shy Girl's Bold Move on Barcelona's Streets
    Jun 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unexpected Dance: A Shy Girl's Bold Move on Barcelona's Streets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unexpected-dance-a-shy-girls-bold-move-on-barcelonas-streets Story Transcript:Ca: El sol de la tarda il·luminava els carrers de Barcelona.En: The afternoon sun illuminated the streets of Barcelona.Ca: La Rambla estava plena de gent.En: La Rambla was full of people.Ca: Turistes i locals passejaven amunt i avall.En: Tourists and locals strolled up and down.Ca: En una cantonada, una jove anomenada Núria admirava les botigues i els artistes del carrer.En: On a corner, a young woman named Núria admired the shops and street artists.Ca: De sobte, Núria va veure una multitud reunida al voltant d'un grup de performers.En: Suddenly, Núria saw a crowd gathered around a group of performers.Ca: Van començar a ballar amb energia.En: They began to dance energetically.Ca: Núria va pensar que era un flash mob.En: Núria thought it was a flash mob.Ca: I sense dubtar-ho, es va unir al grup.En: Without hesitation, she joined the group.Ca: Va començar a moure's seguint el ritme.En: She started moving to the rhythm.Ca: Montserrat i Jordi, els seus amics, estaven més enrere.En: Montserrat and Jordi, her friends, were a bit further back.Ca: Van veure Núria ballant amb els artistes.En: They saw Núria dancing with the performers.Ca: Es van quedar bocabadats.En: They were astonished.Ca: No podien creure el que veien.En: They couldn’t believe what they were seeing.Ca: La Núria sempre havia estat una mica tímida.En: Núria had always been a bit shy.Ca: Ella, per la seva part, estava gaudint molt.En: For her part, she was enjoying it a lot.Ca: Es sentia lliure i feliç.En: She felt free and happy.Ca: La seva dansa va començar a atreure més espectadors.En: Her dance began to attract more spectators.Ca: La gent va començar a aplaudir i a gravar amb els seus mòbils.En: People started clapping and recording with their phones.Ca: Núria no sabia que ara era una part destacada del show.En: Núria didn’t realize that she had now become a prominent part of the show.Ca: Els performers, sorpresos, però contents amb la seva presència, la van seguir.En: The performers, surprised but happy with her presence, followed her lead.Ca: Entre rialles i complicitat, van crear una coreografia improvisada.En: Amid laughter and camaraderie, they created an improvised choreography.Ca: Junts van acabar el ball amb un gran èxit.En: Together they finished the dance with great success.Ca: Quan el soroll dels aplaudiments es va aturar, Núria va mirar cap a Montserrat i Jordi.En: When the noise of the applause died down, Núria looked over at Montserrat and Jordi.Ca: Tots tres van esclatar en rialles.En: The three of them burst into laughter.Ca: "No era un flash mob, oi?En: "It wasn't a flash mob, was it?"Ca: " va dir a través d'un somriure tímid.En: she said through a shy smile.Ca: Jordi va assentir amb el cap.En: Jordi nodded.Ca: "Però ho has fet genial!En: "But you did great!"Ca: "Montserrat va afegir: "Sí, has fet que tothom s'ho passés bé.En: Montserrat added, "Yes, you made everyone have a good time."Ca: "Núria, encara una mica avergonyida, va adonar-se que havia passat una experiència inoblidable.En: Núria, still a bit embarrassed, realized she had experienced an unforgettable moment.Ca: I així, el trio va continuar el seu passeig per La Rambla rient i comentant els esdeveniments.En: And so, the trio continued their walk down La Rambla, laughing and commenting on the events.Ca: Els records d'aquella tarda quedaran per sempre en la memòria de Núria.En: The memories of that afternoon would stay forever in Núria’s mind.Ca: En un lloc tan ple d'art i vida com La Rambla, havia descobert una nova faceta d'ella mateixa.En: In a place as full of art and life as La Rambla, she had discovered a new side of herself.Ca: Ara, ja no tenia por de provar coses noves.En: Now, she was no longer afraid to try new things. Vocabulary Words:illuminated: il·luminavastrolled: passejavenadmired: admiravacrowd: multitudgathered: reunidaperformers: performersenergetically: amb energiarhythm: ritmeastonished: bocabadatsspectators: espectadorsprominent: destacadapresence: presèncialaughter: riallescamaraderie: complicitatchoreography: coreografiaapplause: aplaudimentsdied down: es va aturarshy: tímidsmile: somriureembarrassed: avergonyidaunforgettable: inoblidablehighlight: part destacadacommenting: comentantmemories: recordsfacet: facetatry: provarrecording: gravarwithout hesitation: sense dubtar-hosuccess: èxitflash mob: flash mob
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    14 mins
  • Unforgettable Moments in Park Güell on Saint George's Day
    Jun 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unforgettable Moments in Park Güell on Saint George's Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unforgettable-moments-in-park-guell-on-saint-georges-day Story Transcript:Ca: Montjuïc, un matí assolellat d'abril.En: Montjuïc, a sunny April morning.Ca: Montserrat, Pere i Núria caminen pel Parc Güell.En: Montserrat, Pere, and Núria are walking through Park Güell.Ca: Avui és Sant Jordi.En: Today is Saint George's Day.Ca: Les roses i els llibres són per tot arreu.En: Roses and books are everywhere.Ca: La gent somriu i celebra.En: People smile and celebrate.Ca: Montserrat diu: "Mireu, quantes roses vermelles!En: Montserrat says, "Look at all these red roses!"Ca: " Té els ulls brillants i una gran rosa a la mà.En: Her eyes are bright, and she has a large rose in her hand.Ca: Pere assenteix.En: Pere nods.Ca: Té un llibre sota el braç.En: He has a book under his arm.Ca: Núria busca un bon lloc per seure.En: Núria is looking for a good place to sit.Ca: "Anem allà, sota aquell arbre?En: "Shall we go over there, under that tree?"Ca: " pregunta Núria.En: Núria asks.Ca: L'arbre té una ombra fresca i prop de la font.En: The tree casts a cool shadow and is near the fountain.Ca: Pere somriu.En: Pere smiles.Ca: "Sí, és perfecte per llegir.En: "Yes, it's perfect for reading."Ca: "Seuen a la gespa.En: They sit on the grass.Ca: Montserrat comença a llegir.En: Montserrat begins to read.Ca: És una llegenda de Sant Jordi.En: It is a legend of Saint George.Ca: Núria escolta atenta.En: Núria listens attentively.Ca: Pere observa els nens jugant a prop.En: Pere watches the children playing nearby.Ca: "Recordo quan era petit," diu Pere.En: "I remember when I was little," says Pere.Ca: De sobte, veu algú conegut.En: Suddenly, he sees someone familiar.Ca: "Mireu, és la Marta!En: "Look, it's Marta!"Ca: " Tots giren el cap.En: They all turn their heads.Ca: Marta, una vella amiga, s'apropa.En: Marta, an old friend, approaches.Ca: "Bon dia!En: "Good morning!Ca: Quina sorpresa trobar-vos aquí!En: What a surprise to find you here!"Ca: "Montserrat riu.En: Montserrat laughs.Ca: "Ens has trobat en el millor dia!En: "You've found us on the best day!"Ca: " Marta s'uneix a ells.En: Marta joins them.Ca: S'asseu a prop de Pere.En: She sits next to Pere.Ca: "He comprat un llibre excepcional," diu Marta, mostrant el llibre.En: "I bought an exceptional book," Marta says, showing the book.Ca: Parlen i riuen durant hores.En: They talk and laugh for hours.Ca: La llum del sol canvia, però l'alegria continua.En: The sunlight changes, but the joy continues.Ca: Montserrat comparteix la seva rosa amb Marta.En: Montserrat shares her rose with Marta.Ca: "Gràcies," diu Marta emocionada.En: "Thank you," Marta says, touched.Ca: Quan el sol baixa, decideixen anar a casa.En: As the sun sets, they decide to go home.Ca: Montserrat, Pere i Núria somrien i diuen adéu a Marta.En: Montserrat, Pere, and Núria smile and say goodbye to Marta.Ca: "Anem a celebrar més sovint," suggereix Núria.En: "Let's celebrate more often," suggests Núria.Ca: Tots assenteixen.En: They all nod.Ca: Caminen junts cap a la sortida del parc.En: They walk together towards the park exit.Ca: El dia ha estat perfecte.En: The day has been perfect.Ca: La celebració de Sant Jordi els ha unit més.En: Saint George's Day has brought them closer.Ca: I han fet un nou record inoblidable al Parc Güell.En: And they’ve made a new unforgettable memory at Park Güell. Vocabulary Words:sunny: assolellatmorning: matígrass: gespashadow: ombracool: frescafountain: fontchildren: nensnearby: a proplegend: llegendareading: llegirlistens: escoltaattentively: atentaremembers: recordosuddenly: de sobtefamiliar: conegutlaughs: riujoins: s'uneixexceptional: excepcionalsunlight: llum del soltouched: emocionadasets: baixanod: assenteixencelebrate: celebrarunforgettable: inoblidablebright: brillantsbrought: unitmemory: recordapproaches: s'apropasurprise: sorpresaperfect: perfecte
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    14 mins

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