• Ep 24 | Feast Of Deception : How Satan Uses Food For Destruction
    Jun 21 2024

    In this enlightening episode, we dive into the often-overlooked aspect of spiritual warfare: food. If you are a woman of God trying to lose weight, it's possible you are in it now.

    From the dawn of creation to the narratives woven throughout the Bible, we explore how food has been used as a tool for temptation and distraction from one's spiritual and personal goals.

    This episode sheds light on the biblical context and provides insights into how these ancient tactics are still relevant today, especially for women on their weight loss journey.

    Listening to this episode will not only offer a unique perspective on the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also empower you with the knowledge to recognize and overcome these obstacles.

    Whether you're seeking motivation, spiritual encouragement, or a deeper understanding of the connection between food and faith, this episode is a must-listen for anyone ready to reclaim control over their health and wellness journey.


    How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without starving or endless exercise: Free Training- https://www.ondrealynn.com/multi

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

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    34 mins
  • Worship & Word Wednesday | By Faith
    Jun 19 2024

    Even as a woman of God, doubts can try and creep in when you are trying to lose weight.

    Can I do this? Can I balance work and health to hit my goal? Do I really know what to do to achieve success in this?

    Hebrews 11:1 states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This verse can be particularly inspiring for you on a weight loss journey in the following ways: 1.Hope and Vision: Weight loss often requires long-term commitment and perseverance. Hebrews 11:1 encourages you to have faith in your goals and the hope for a healthier future, even when immediate results are not visible. This hope can be a powerful motivator, keeping the vision of a healthier self alive and encouraging persistence through challenges. 2.Belief in the Unseen: The verse emphasizes belief in things not yet seen. For someone struggling with weight loss, this can translate into believing in your potential to achieve your weight loss goals, even if the changes are not immediately apparent. Trusting in the process and having faith in your ability to succeed can sustain motivation and drive. 3.Substance and Evidence: The concept of faith as “substance” and “evidence” underscores the tangible nature of belief. Applying this to weight loss, it means that having faith and the process is not just wishful thinking but a substantial and evidence-based conviction that can guide your actions and decisions toward healthier habits and choices. In essence, Hebrews 11:1 can inspire you to maintain hope, trust the process, and believe in your ability to achieve your weight loss goals, even when progress is not immediately visible. This faith can provide the strength and perseverance needed to stay committed to your journey. It is your faith in God that will get you there. ________________________________________________________________________________________

    How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without starving or endless exercise: Free Training- https://www.ondrealynn.com/multi

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

    Background music during prayer, Blessed by Good_B_Music

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    23 mins
  • Ep 23 | Tearing Down Strongholds: Freeing Your Mind FromToxic Thoughts To Achieve Your Goal
    Jun 14 2024

    In this transformative episode, we delve into the profound journey of breaking down the strongholds of the mind to achieve your weight loss goals. This episode is not just about shedding physical weight; it's about the spiritual and mental liberation that comes when we align our health and fitness journey with our faith. There are biblical truths that illuminate how walking with Jesus empowers us to overcome the mental barriers that hinder our progress.

    This episode reveals how faith can be the cornerstone of not only spiritual health but also physical well-being. The episode sheds light on the scripture-based principles that guide us in identifying and tearing down the strongholds that prevent us from achieving our health goals. It's a deep dive into understanding how our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality and how, by surrendering these to God, we can experience a breakthrough in our weight loss journey.

    Why should you care to listen? Because this episode addresses the core issues many face in their weight loss journey – the mental and spiritual battles that are often overlooked. If you've found yourself stuck, unable to progress despite trying various diets and exercise regimes, this episode offers a new perspective. It's not just about what you eat or how much you exercise; it's about what's happening in your mind and spirit. By listening, you'll discover how to align your weight loss journey with your faith, leading to lasting change and freedom from the strongholds that have held you back.

    This episode is a beacon of hope and empowerment, showing that with faith, determination, and the right mindset, achieving your health and fitness goals is within reach. It's a must-listen for anyone ready to transform their life, not just their body, and to walk in the freedom and fullness that comes from a life aligned with God's word and will. _____________________________________________________________________________________

    How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without starving or endless exercise: Free Training- https://www.ondrealynn.com/multi

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

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    36 mins
  • Worship & Word Wednesday | Be Encouraged
    Jun 12 2024

    Is your weight loss journey challenging? Before you give up, let today's episode encourage you to stay on track and hit your goal.

    In this episode, we explore specific Psalms that offer encouragement, resilience, and divine motivation. You’ll hear how verses like Psalm 32:8, can empower you to stay strong in moments of doubt.

    Discover the transformative power of Psalm 10:17, reminding you that even in the valley of challenges, God hears you and will comfort you. By integrating the Psalms into your daily routine, you can find renewed strength to persist on your path, overcome setbacks, and celebrate your progress.

    Listen in as we draw inspiration from the Bible, and let the divine encouragement of the Psalms guide you towards a healthier, more fulfilling life, one step at a time.


    How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without starving or endless exercise: Free Training- https://www.ondrealynn.com/multi

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

    Background music during prayer, Blessed by Good_B_Music

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    24 mins
  • Ep 22 | Toxic Ingredients in Sunscreen That Hinder Your Weight Loss
    Jun 7 2024

    Did you know that certain ingredients in your sunscreen might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts? Yes, you read that right. Be sure to listen to this episode as we reveal the four toxic ingredients in sunscreen that could be hindering your weight loss journey.



    We know sunscreen protects our skin from harmful UV rays and reduces the risk of skin cancer. But not all sunscreens are created equal. Some contain ingredients that might do more harm than good. Specifically, they can interfere with your body’s ability to lose weight.



    Learn how you can protect your skin without compromising your weight loss goals. _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

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    20 mins
  • Worship & Word Wednesday | Speak Life
    Jun 5 2024

    "In this transformative episode, 'Speak Life: The Power of Words in Weight Loss and Health,' we delve deep into the ancient wisdom from the book of James Chapter 3, focusing on the crucial role of controlling the tongue in our spiritual and physical well-being.

    In today's health-conscious world, women are constantly seeking sustainable weight loss methods and holistic health strategies that stand the test of time. This episode sheds light on how the biblical teachings of James Chapter 3 are not just spiritual guidelines but practical tools for anyone looking to improve their health, lose weight sustainably, and live a life filled with the blessings of the Lord.

    We explore the undeniable connection between the words we speak and our overall health outcomes. Discover how embracing God's truth and speaking life into every situation can unlock the door to a healthier, more fulfilled you. Whether you're on a journey to lose weight, improve your fitness level, or simply seeking ways to incorporate spiritual wellness into your health regimen, this episode is packed with biblical truths.

    It is a must-listen for anyone in the health and fitness community, especially women looking to harness the power of their words to foster an environment of healthy weight loss, healing, and transformation.

    Tune in to 'Speak Life: The Power of Words in Health and Healing' and start your journey towards speaking God's truth over yourself for sustainable weight loss and a healthier, happier life."

    I pray it blesses you ______________________________________________________________________________________

    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Join Me Today!


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

    Background music during prayer, Blessed by Good_B_Music

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    31 mins
  • Ep 21 | The Cost of Keto: Hidden Dangers Of The Keto Diet
    May 31 2024

    Has keto helped you lose alot of weight?

    Have you been thinking about trying Keto because it worked for so many women and you are wanting results too? In this episode, we delve into the true cost of following the keto diet, revealing the hidden dangers that every woman should be aware of.

    We discuss the significant health risks associated with this popular diet. You’ll hear a powerful story from a woman who lost 30 pounds on the keto diet, only to face serious health issues as a result.

    By uncovering the potential pitfalls and providing personal insights, we aim to help you make informed decisions about your diet and overall well-being, that promote safe and sustainable weight loss.


    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    7 Day Break Free From Sugar Addiction - Sign up using this link


    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

    My Guest Testimonial Today:

    Heather Gaffney is an author, podcaster, and YouTuber. She is the host of the Warrior Words podcast and the Beauty in the Broken YouTube channel, where she shares stories of surviving and thriving after trauma to help others discover the beauty in their broken. Heather has a Master’s Degree in Education and is the mother of two young adult children. She is a domestic abuse survivor, breast cancer survivor, and autism advocate.

    Pod on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/warrior-words-stories-of-hope-finding-the-beauty/id1725674975 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theresbeautyinthebroken Instagram: @mywarriorwords Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeatherGaffneyAuthor/ Website: https://ko-fi.com/warriorwords
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    36 mins
  • Worship & Word Wednesday | Uncompromising Weight Loss
    May 29 2024

    Do you find yourself on a solid plan, losing weight, then you go to a birthday gathering only to give in to the pressure, eating chips or cookies?

    This only sets you up for failure, it's hard to get back on track.

    Uncompromising Weight Loss,” where we draw parallels from the timeless wisdom of the Book of Daniel to inspire and empower your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. So you can go to gatherings and still lose weight.

    Just as Daniel remained steadfast in his devotion to God amidst trials and temptations, we too can stand firm in our commitment to wellness, refusing to compromise on our goals.

    Together, let’s worship the Lord with our bodies and honor Him by stewarding our health with unwavering resolve.


    Website: www.ondrealynn.com

    Break Free From Sugar Addiction Through The Power Of The Holy Spirit -

    Join Me Today! https://www.ondrealynn.com/sugar

    Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen

    5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox Ready to work with me in a 12 week VIP program? Go here and send me an email, let's talk more. www.ondrealynn.com

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    30 mins