• The Midnight Bell of Bled: A Tale of Love and Legend

  • May 23 2024
  • Length: 18 mins
  • Podcast

The Midnight Bell of Bled: A Tale of Love and Legend  By  cover art

The Midnight Bell of Bled: A Tale of Love and Legend

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Midnight Bell of Bled: A Tale of Love and Legend Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/the-midnight-bell-of-bled-a-tale-of-love-and-legend Story Transcript:Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo mirno.En: Lake Bled was calm.Sl: Voda je zrcalila zvezdnato nebo.En: The water mirrored the starry sky.Sl: Ana in Matej sta se sprehajala ob jezeru.En: Ana and Matej were walking by the lake.Sl: Bila je hladna jesenska noč.En: It was a cold autumn night.Sl: Nebo je bilo jasno.En: The sky was clear.Sl: “Poglej, kako lep je Bled ponoči,” je rekla Ana.En: "Look, how beautiful Bled is at night," said Ana.Sl: “Res je,” je odgovoril Matej in pogledal proti Blejskemu otoku.En: "It really is," answered Matej, looking towards Bled Island.Sl: Na otoku stoji cerkev. Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja.En: On the island stands a church, the Church of the Assumption of Mary.Sl: Na otoku ni ljudi ponoči. Samo vrane in sove.En: There are no people on the island at night. Only crows and owls.Sl: “Matej, ali si že slišal za legendo o otoku?” je vprašala Ana.En: "Matej, have you heard the legend of the island?" asked Ana.Sl: “Ne, povej mi,” je rekel Matej.En: "No, tell me," said Matej.Sl: “Legenda pravi, da ob polnoči zvon zazvoni. Nihče ne ve, kdo ga zvoni,” je začela Ana.En: "The legend says that at midnight, the bell rings. No one knows who rings it," began Ana.Sl: “Ljudje pravijo, da je to duh žene, ki je izgubila moža. Zvon pa naj bi izpolnjeval želje tistim, ki ga slišijo.”En: "People say it is the ghost of a wife who lost her husband. The bell is said to grant wishes to those who hear it."Sl: Matej je odprl oči. Bil je zainteresiran.En: Matej's eyes widened. He was interested.Sl: Bila je skoraj polnoč.En: It was almost midnight.Sl: “Pojdiva na otok,” je predlagal Matej.En: "Let's go to the island," suggested Matej.Sl: Ana je oklevala, a nato pokimala.En: Ana hesitated but then nodded.Sl: Vzela sta čoln in veslala proti otoku.En: They took a boat and rowed towards the island.Sl: Jezero je bilo temno in tiho.En: The lake was dark and quiet.Sl: Edini zvok je bil šepet vode pod čolnom.En: The only sound was the whisper of water under the boat.Sl: Prišla sta do otoka.En: They reached the island.Sl: Splezala sta iz čolna in šla proti cerkvi.En: They climbed out of the boat and walked towards the church.Sl: Bilo je temno in tiho.En: It was dark and quiet.Sl: Ure so tiktakale proti polnoči.En: The hours ticked toward midnight.Sl: Nenadoma je ura odbila polnoč.En: Suddenly, the clock struck midnight.Sl: Cing, cing, cing...En: Ding, ding, ding...Sl: Ana in Matej sta začutila mrzel veter.En: Ana and Matej felt a cold wind.Sl: Zvok zvona je odmeval po otoku.En: The sound of the bell echoed across the island.Sl: “Kdo zvoni?” je zašepetal Matej.En: "Who is ringing it?" whispered Matej.Sl: “Nihče ni tukaj,” je tiho odgovorila Ana.En: "No one is here," replied Ana quietly.Sl: Zvon je bil mogočen in globok.En: The bell was powerful and deep.Sl: Zvok je bil magnetičen in skrivnosten.En: The sound was magnetic and mysterious.Sl: Ana in Matej sta se držala za roke.En: Ana and Matej held hands.Sl: Vetrič je postajal močnejši.En: The breeze grew stronger.Sl: Nato se je zvon ustavil.En: Then the bell stopped.Sl: Nekaj trenutkov je bilo tiho.En: For a few moments, there was silence.Sl: Nenadoma sta zaslišala glas:En: Suddenly, they heard a voice:Sl: “Dobrodošla na otok Blejskega zvona.”En: "Welcome to the Island of the Bled Bell."Sl: Ana in Matej sta prestrašeno pogledala okoli sebe.En: Ana and Matej looked around in fright.Sl: Ni bilo nikogar.En: There was no one there.Sl: “Naredita željo,” je nadaljeval glas.En: "Make a wish," continued the voice.Sl: “Želim si, da bi vedno ostala skupaj,” je rekla Ana.En: "I wish for us to always be together," said Ana.Sl: “Želim si istega,” je rekel Matej.En: "I wish the same," said Matej.Sl: V trenutku, vetrič je ponehal.En: In an instant, the breeze stopped.Sl: Zvezde so zableščale še močneje.En: The stars shone even more brightly.Sl: Čutila sta toplino.En: They felt warmth.Sl: “Vaša želja bo izpolnjena,” je šepnil glas.En: "Your wish will be granted," whispered the voice.Sl: Čoln ju je vrnil k izhodišču.En: The boat returned them to the starting point.Sl: Ko sta stopila iz čolna, sta vedela, da je nekaj drugače.En: As they stepped out of the boat, they knew something was different.Sl: Čutila sta globoko povezanost in mir.En: They felt a deep connection and peace.Sl: Ana in Matej sta se objela.En: Ana and Matej hugged.Sl: “Nikoli ne bova pozabila te noči,” je rekel Matej.En: "We will never forget this night," said Matej.Sl: “Da, vedno bova prišla sem,” je rekla Ana.En: "Yes, we will always come here," said Ana.Sl: Naslednje jutro je sonce vzšlo nad jezero.En: The next morning, the sun rose over the lake.Sl: Jezero je bilo sijoče kakor...
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