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FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Enchanting Journeys: A Day Exploring Lake Bled with Mateja
    Jun 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Enchanting Journeys: A Day Exploring Lake Bled with Mateja Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/enchanting-journeys-a-day-exploring-lake-bled-with-mateja Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je zjutraj vstala rano.En: Mateja got up early in the morning.Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo mirno.En: Lake Bled was calm.Sl: Sončni žarki so se odbijali od gladine.En: The sun's rays reflected off the surface.Sl: Mateja je bila turistična vodnica.En: Mateja was a tour guide.Sl: Danes je imel poseben pomen.En: Today had a special meaning.Sl: Skupina iz tujine je prišla na ogled.En: A group from abroad had come for a visit.Sl: Na jezeru je bil majhen čoln.En: On the lake, there was a small boat.Sl: Mateja je pristopila k skupini.En: Mateja approached the group.Sl: "Pozdravljeni," je rekla.En: "Hello," she said.Sl: Turisti so jo pozdravili nazaj.En: The tourists greeted her back.Sl: Bili so navdušeni.En: They were excited.Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo znano po svoji lepoti.En: Lake Bled was known for its beauty.Sl: Skupina je začela s hojo okoli jezera.En: The group began walking around the lake.Sl: Mateja je razlagala zgodovino.En: Mateja explained the history.Sl: "Jezero je nastalo iz ledenice," je rekla.En: "The lake was formed from a glacier," she said.Sl: Vsi so poslušali.En: Everyone listened.Sl: Potem so prišli do blejskega otoka.En: Then they reached Bled Island.Sl: "To je edini otok v Sloveniji," je še povedala.En: "This is the only island in Slovenia," she added.Sl: Turisti so stopili v čoln.En: The tourists stepped into the boat.Sl: Mateja jih je spremljala.En: Mateja accompanied them.Sl: Veslač je počasi veslal.En: The rower rowed slowly.Sl: Mateja je govorila o cerkvi na otoku.En: Mateja talked about the church on the island.Sl: "Cerkev je zelo stara," je povedala.En: "The church is very old," she said.Sl: "Tukaj se ljudje poročajo.En: "People get married here."Sl: " Vsi so pogledali proti cerkvi.En: Everyone looked towards the church.Sl: Bila je lepa, stara stavba.En: It was a beautiful, old building.Sl: Na otoku so turisti šli do zvona želja.En: On the island, the tourists went to the wishing bell.Sl: "Potegnete zvon in si nekaj zaželite," je rekla Mateja.En: "You pull the bell and make a wish," Mateja said.Sl: Vsi so potegnili zvon.En: Everyone pulled the bell.Sl: Slišal se je glas zvona.En: The sound of the bell was heard.Sl: Ljudje so se nasmehnili.En: People smiled.Sl: Bilo je čarobno.En: It was magical.Sl: Ko so se vrnili na obalo, so si ogledali grad.En: When they returned to the shore, they visited the castle.Sl: Bledski grad je stal visoko na skali.En: Bled Castle stood high on a cliff.Sl: "Od tukaj je čudovit razgled," je rekla Mateja.En: "There is a wonderful view from here," Mateja said.Sl: In res je bil.En: And indeed, it was.Sl: Vsi so občudovali jezero z višine.En: Everyone admired the lake from above.Sl: Dan se je počasi končeval.En: The day was slowly coming to an end.Sl: Mateja je bila utrujena, a zadovoljna.En: Mateja was tired but pleased.Sl: Turisti so bili veseli in polni vtisov.En: The tourists were happy and full of impressions.Sl: Nekateri so jo celo pohvalili.En: Some even complimented her.Sl: "Odlično ste nas vodili," so rekli.En: "You guided us excellently," they said.Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila.En: Mateja smiled.Sl: Vedela je, da je storila dober posel.En: She knew she had done a good job.Sl: Ko so vsi odšli, je Mateja sedla na klop ob jezeru.En: When everyone had left, Mateja sat on a bench by the lake.Sl: Gledala je vodo in premišljevala.En: She looked at the water and reflected.Sl: Bila je srečna.En: She was happy.Sl: Njeno delo je bilo težko, a ljubezen do kraja je bilo moč čutiti v vsakem njenem koraku in besedi.En: Her work was hard, but the love for the place could be felt in every step and word.Sl: Tako se je zaključil še en dan ob Bledskem jezeru.En: Thus ended another day by Lake Bled.Sl: Matija je vedela, da bo še mnogokrat tukaj vodila turiste.En: Mateja knew she would guide tourists here many more times.Sl: In vsak dan bo poseben.En: And each day would be special. Vocabulary Words:calm: mirnoreflect: odbijatisurface: gladinatour guide: turistična vodnicaapproach: pristopitiexcited: navdušenglacier: ledeniktourist: turistformed: nastatirower: veslačslowly: počasiwishing bell: zvon željapull: potegnitishore: obalacastle: gradcliff: skalaadmire: občudovatiimpression: vtiscompliment: pohvalitibench: klopreflect (think): premišljevatispecial: posebengroup: skupinachurch: cerkevmagical: čarobnobuilding: stavbaview: razgledhigh: visokhard: težkolisten: poslušati
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    15 mins
  • Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day
    Jun 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/eco-adventure-how-a-team-transformed-a-national-park-day Story Transcript:Sl: Skozi hladno jutro, sveži zrak je dišal po borovcih.En: Through the cold morning, the fresh air smelled of pine trees.Sl: V Triglavskem narodnem parku so ptice pele in potoki žuboreli.En: In the Triglav National Park, birds were singing, and streams were babbling.Sl: Matej, Ana in Luka so stali na jasi, polni navdušenja.En: Matej, Ana, and Luka stood in a meadow, full of excitement.Sl: Pripravljali so se na organizacijo ekološko prijaznega turističnega dogodka.En: They were preparing to organize an eco-friendly tourist event.Sl: "Moramo zaščititi naravo," je dejal Matej, "in pokazati ljudem, kako živeti trajnostno.En: "We have to protect nature," said Matej, "and show people how to live sustainably."Sl: " Ana se je strinjala in že imela pripravljene ideje.En: Ana agreed and already had ideas prepared.Sl: "Luka, ti boš poskrbel za reciklažne koše.En: "Luka, you will take care of the recycling bins.Sl: Jaz bom nadzorovala dejavnosti.En: I will oversee the activities.Sl: Matej, ti vodiš pohod.En: Matej, you lead the hike."Sl: "Luka je postavil pisane reciklažne koše na strateška mesta.En: Luka placed colorful recycling bins in strategic locations.Sl: Ana je organizirala delavnice za izdelavo ekoloških izdelkov.En: Ana organized workshops for making eco-friendly products.Sl: Matej je preverjal poti, po katerih bodo hodili turisti.En: Matej checked the paths where the tourists would walk.Sl: Vsi so delali z energijo in nasmehom.En: They all worked with energy and a smile.Sl: Ob dvanajstih so začeli prihajati prvi obiskovalci.En: By twelve o'clock, the first visitors started arriving.Sl: Malčki so se smejali in tekali naokrog, njihovi starši so vpijali informacije o ekoloških rešitvah.En: Children were laughing and running around, and their parents were absorbing information about ecological solutions.Sl: Delavnice so bile polne.En: The workshops were full.Sl: Ana je bila zadovoljna.En: Ana was satisfied.Sl: "Poglej," je rekla Mateju, "vsi se učijo in zabavajo.En: "Look," she said to Matej, "everyone is learning and having fun."Sl: "Matej je vodil skupino po hribovitih poteh.En: Matej led a group along the hilly paths.Sl: "Glej, ta smreka je stara sto let," je povedal.En: "Look, this spruce tree is a hundred years old," he said.Sl: Turisti so tiho poslušali in snemali fotografije.En: The tourists listened quietly and took photos.Sl: Luka se je prepričal, da je vsak vrgel smeti v pravilen koš.En: Luka made sure everyone threw their waste into the correct bin.Sl: Dogodek je potekal gladko.En: The event went smoothly.Sl: Ko je sonce zahajalo, so se obiskovalci začeli poslavljati.En: As the sun was setting, the visitors began to say goodbye.Sl: Vsakdo je s seboj odnesel nekaj novega znanja o naravi.En: Everyone took away something new about nature.Sl: Matej je čutil ponos.En: Matej felt proud.Sl: "Uspelo nam je," je rekel.En: "We did it," he said.Sl: Ana in Luka sta prikimala.En: Ana and Luka nodded.Sl: "Dan je bil popoln.En: "The day was perfect."Sl: "Vsak je bil utrujen, a srečen.En: Everyone was tired but happy.Sl: Triglavski narodni park je bil še bolj čist in spoštovan.En: Triglav National Park was cleaner and more respected than before.Sl: Matej, Ana in Luka so ob koncu dneva posedli na jasi, občudovali zvezde in vedeli, da so naredili nekaj dobrega za svet.En: At the end of the day, Matej, Ana, and Luka sat in the meadow, admired the stars, and knew they had done something good for the world. Vocabulary Words:morning: jutronational park: narodni parksinging: pelestreams: potokibabbling: žuborelimeadow: jasaexcitement: navdušenjaeco-friendly: ekološko prijaznegaprotect: zaščititisustainably: trajnostnorecycling bins: reciklažne košeoversee: nadzorovalaactivities: dejavnosticolorful: pisanestrategic: strateškaworkshops: delavniceproducts: izdelkovpaths: potienergy: energijovisitors: obiskovalciecological solutions: ekoloških rešitevsatisfied: zadovoljnahilly: hribovitihspruce tree: smrekawaste: smetismoothly: gladkosomething new: nekaj novegaproud: ponosperfect: popolntired: utrujen
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    14 mins
  • Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled
    Jun 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mystery-beneath-the-fog-treasure-hunt-at-lake-bled Story Transcript:Sl: Nebesa so postajala pastelnih barv, ko se je sonce spuščalo nad jezero Bled.En: The sky turned pastel colors as the sun set over Lake Bled.Sl: Matej, Nina in Tomaž so sedeli ob vodi.En: Matej, Nina, and Tomaž sat by the water.Sl: Pogovarjali so se in smejali.En: They chatted and laughed.Sl: Nenadoma se je pojavila megla.En: Suddenly, fog appeared.Sl: Spuščala se je hitro, kot da bi imela poseben namen.En: It descended quickly, as if it had a special purpose.Sl: Vse je postalo tiho in skrivnostno.En: Everything became quiet and mysterious.Sl: Matej se je zazrl v vodo.En: Matej stared at the water.Sl: »Poglej, nekaj je tam,« je dejal in pokazal na breg.En: "Look, there's something there," he said, pointing to the shore.Sl: Nina in Tomaž sta takoj pogledala.En: Nina and Tomaž immediately looked.Sl: V pesku je bilo nekaj svetlečega.En: There was something shiny in the sand.Sl: Približali so se.En: They moved closer.Sl: Bil je starinski amulet. Bil je prekrit z nenavadnimi znaki.En: It was an antique amulet, covered in unusual symbols.Sl: Niso vedeli, kaj pomeni.En: They didn't know what it meant.Sl: »Morda je starodaven,« je rekla Nina.En: "Maybe it's ancient," Nina said.Sl: »Morda ima zgodovino.«En: "Maybe it has a history."Sl: Tomaž je skomignil z rameni.En: Tomaž shrugged.Sl: »Raziskujmo,« je predlagal Matej.En: "Let's investigate," Matej suggested.Sl: V megleni tišini so začeli kopati okoli amuleta.En: In the foggy silence, they started digging around the amulet.Sl: Odkrili so več kosov.En: They found more pieces.Sl: Vsak kos je bil drugačen, a skupaj so tvorili zgodbo.En: Each piece was different, but together they formed a story.Sl: Zgodba je pripovedovala o stari legendi.En: The story told of an old legend.Sl: Legenda je govorila o skrivnem zakladu skritem v globinah jezera.En: The legend spoke of a hidden treasure buried in the depths of the lake.Sl: Njihova radovednost je rasla.En: Their curiosity grew.Sl: Vrnili so se naslednji dan.En: They returned the next day.Sl: Pripeljali so čoln in potapljaško opremo.En: They brought a boat and diving equipment.Sl: Potapljali so se pod gladino jezera.En: They dived below the lake's surface.Sl: V vodi je bilo hladno in temno.En: The water was cold and dark.Sl: In tam, globoko pod vodo, so našli staro skrinjo.En: And there, deep underwater, they found an old chest.Sl: Bila je prekrita z algami in blatna.En: It was covered in algae and mud.Sl: Odprli so jo in notri našli zlate kovance, dragulje in še več amuletov.En: They opened it and inside found gold coins, jewels, and more amulets.Sl: Megla se je počasi dvigala.En: The fog slowly lifted.Sl: Ko so se vrnili na kopno, so vedeli, da so odkrili skriti del zgodovine Bleda.En: As they returned to shore, they knew they had discovered a hidden part of Bled's history.Sl: Njihovo odkritje bo zapisan v zgodovinskih knjigah in zgodbo bodo pripovedovali generacije.En: Their discovery would be recorded in history books, and the story would be told for generations.Sl: Megla je prinesla skrivnost, ki so jo rešili Matej, Nina in Tomaž.En: The fog had brought a mystery, which Matej, Nina, and Tomaž had solved.Sl: In od takrat naprej je jezero Bled za njih postalo kraj, kjer lahko najdeš več kot le lepoto.En: And from then on, Lake Bled became, for them, a place where you could find more than just beauty.Sl: Kraj, kjer zgodovina čaka, da jo odkriješ.En: A place where history awaits to be discovered.Sl: Konec.En: The end. Vocabulary Words:pastel: pastelnihdescended: spuščalamysterious: skrivnostnostare: zazrlshore: bregshiny: svetlečegaantique: starinskisymbols: znakiancient: starodavenshrugged: skomignilinvestigate: raziskujmosilence: tišinidigging: kopatipieces: kosovlegend: legendihidden: skrivnemdepths: globinahcuriosity: radovednostdive: potapljalisurface: gladinochest: skrinjoalgae: algamimud: blatnagold coins: zlate kovancejewels: draguljediscovery: odkritjerecorded: zapisangenerations: generacijesolved: rešilihistory: zgodovina
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    14 mins

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