
  • Ep. 7- Generate Revenue with Effective Lead Magnets
    Apr 25 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders podcast, Adam Shaw, the CEO of Marketing for Founders, reveals the secrets to creating lead magnets that generate significant revenue.

    Discover how to engage your audience, drive conversions, and attract potential customers without spending excessive time or money by learning from Adam's successful lead magnets that bring in at least $10,000 a month. In this episode, you will gain valuable insights into choosing the right lead magnet for your audience, designing engaging content, and repurposing it efficiently.

    If you're a start-up founder looking to level up your marketing game, this episode is a must-listen!

    #LeadMagnets #MarketingForFounders #RevenueGeneration

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Ep. 6- Step-by-Step Guide to B2B Lead Generation on LinkedIn
    Apr 18 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders, Adam Shaw provides a step-by-step guide on how to generate B2B leads on LinkedIn. He outlines the common mistakes people make and shares his proven system for connecting with and converting qualified prospects.

    Adam Shaw is the founder of Marketing for Founders, a company that provides marketing services for B2B SaaS startup founders. He has extensive experience generating leads on LinkedIn.

    Main Discussion Points:
    - Create a lead magnet like a newsletter, webinar, or office hours to attract qualified prospects (01:01)
    - Build a focused audience list in LinkedIn Sales Navigator with specific criteria to target the right people (02:07)
    - Write a simple, personal outreach message template (04:30)
    - Send 20-50 connection requests per day and send template to new connections (05:03)
    - Schedule demos with engaged connections who respond positively (06:13)

    Links and Contact Info:
    Marketing for Founders

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep. 5- Under Used Strategies For Founders To Win Deals Using Reddit
    Apr 11 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders, host Adam Shaw shares how B2B SaaS founders can use Reddit to win deals and gain trust. Learn how to find subreddits your customers and prospects use, how to build credibility on a social platform filled with skeptics, and start real conversations that your prospects will respond to.

    Interested in Adam's step-by-step guide to Reddit Marketing for B2B SaaS Founders? You can download it here [NEED LINK].

    Best Moments:

    [02:57] Setting up your Reddit to get leads
    [04:36] Engaging founders on Reddit with lead magnets
    [05:54] Posting vs. commenting on Reddit to engage with your audience
    [10:05] Tips for using Reddit as a sales channel
    [11:35] Tips for getting replies on Reddit
    [12:22] Replacing promotional content with real conversations that convert customers
    [14:25] Engaging with potential customers on social

    Important Quotes:

    [00:43] "50% of all of my leads to come from just answering questions for less than an hour per day."

    [10:32] "I made a huge mistake when I got started with Reddit. I tried to contribute to communities that I'd never been on with content that I wanted to write about."

    Did this help? Consider subscribing or leaving the podcast a review here [NEED LINKS]!

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Ep. 4- Create A Content Funnel In A Day
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders, host Adam Shaw discusses how founders can build a high-converting content funnel by only spending 1 hour per day (or 5 hours per week). He shares how he drives at least 10 new leads per week using this approach across platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, and his newsletter.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - Start by connecting with people on LinkedIn and providing value by commenting thoughtful, actionable advice that you can repurpose into posts (00:00:38)

    - Create posts that facilitate conversations around topics your ideal customers care about (00:01:50)

    - Gently promote your newsletter by mentioning it in comments and posts to drive sign-ups (00:02:09)

    - Set up a newsletter in 2 hours using Beehive; define a very specific target audience (00:03:27)

    - Structure your newsletter with: a personal intro, value-based content focused on an outcome, and a call to action (00:04:39)

    - Host free monthly office hours on LinkedIn and invite newsletter subscribers to attend (00:05:19)

    - During office hours, provide hands-on help and showcase how your product takes things further (00:06:26)

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Ep. 3- How To Find Your Audience In 30 Minutes
    Mar 28 2024

    In this episode, Adam Shaw discusses strategies for finding and talking to potential customers on LinkedIn, Reddit, and in specialist communities. Listeners can expect to learn tangible tips for identifying and connecting with niche audiences relevant to their product or service.

    Key Discussion Points:

    - How to leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find highly targeted prospects (00:00:50)

    - Asking questions and providing value on Reddit to build trust and credibility (00:03:38)

    - Using communities like The Hive Index to connect with your audience (00:04:03)

    - Common mistakes founders make when trying to identify their target customer (00:07:06)

    - A step-by-step framework for clearly defining your ideal customer profile (00:08:58)

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Ep. 2- How To Build A Tactics Plan In Under An Hour
    Mar 28 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders, host Adam Shaw walks through the key steps for creating a tactical marketing plan for B2B SaaS founders. He covers questions founders should ask themselves about their target customer and content strategy, organizing plans in Notion, common mistakes founders make without documented processes, and finding the right target audience.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - The 5 key questions founders should reflect on before creating a marketing tactics plan (00:43 - 03:20)

    - Using Notion to clearly document marketing processes and avoid guesswork (03:35 - 06:14)

    - Common mistakes founders make without detailed planning documents (06:40 - 07:29)

    - The importance of identifying the right target audience for your tactics (07:36 - 07:38)

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Ep. 1- You Don't Need A Marketing Plan
    Mar 28 2024

    In this episode of Marketing for Founders, host Adam Shaw explains why startups should create marketing tactic plans rather than full marketing plans. He argues that tactic plans prioritize execution by outlining the step-by-step activities needed to achieve short-term marketing goals.

    Main Discussion Points:

    - Marketing plans focus too much on long-term strategy rather than near-term execution (00:01:50). This leads to inaction.

    - Tactic plans prioritize doing over planning (00:03:10). This leads to faster results.

    - The 5 components of a solid tactic plan (00:03:39):
    1. What you'll do
    2. Target audience
    3. Goal outcome & measurement
    4. Step-by-step timeline
    5. Supporting marketing assets

    - Without quick sales in the first 2-3 months, most startups won't survive to execute their 6-12 month marketing strategies (00:04:27).

    In the next episode, Adam will walk through how to create a tactic plan.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Marketing for Founders Trailer
    1 m