Establishing and maintaining a bedtime routine for young children is essential. After they've brushed their teeth and put on their pajamas, it's good for little ones to have a little extra time to wind down before going to sleep. That's why story time is so important. And the perfect way to make this time of relaxation and calm a part of your child's routine every night is through audio bedtime stories.

How should you introduce audiobooks into your child's bedtime routine? Get them excited about bedtime by selecting stories to listen to that are both engaging and soothing. Before long, your kids will think of audiobooks at bedtime as a treat they can look forward to at the end of an energetic day.

Since the goal is to get children to fall asleep, consider sticking with familiar titles. You'll notice a lot of books on this list are classics, fairy tales, lullabies, and myths that your child probably already knows. If there's too much suspense or the unknown involved in the story you're listening to, your child might feel compelled to stay awake all the way to the end rather than resting. On that note, repetition is great for this reason as well. Children will find comfort in stories they've heard again and again, so if there's a listen on this list that your child loves, don't be afraid to play it for them many times. Here are just a few of the best bedtime audiobooks for kids.


Best Bedtime Audiobooks for Kids Ages Two and Younger

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star: Bedtime Songs and Lullabies


Best Bedtime Audiobooks for Kids Ages Three to Five

Where the Wild Things Are, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Doctor De Soto, & Owl Moon
The Snowy Day
Red Riding Hood
Harold & the Purple Crayon
Bedtime and Sleep Stories for Kids
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus


Best Bedtime Audiobooks for Kids Ages Six to Eight

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep
Frog and Toad Are Friends


Best Bedtime Audiobooks for Kids Ages Nine and Older

The Hobbit
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons
The Weirdies
Esperanza Rising
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