• Episode 60: Coaching Topics – Change
    Jun 14 2024

    On our podcast we regularly explore the topics that coachees might bring to a coaching conversation. One such topic is ‘change’; a huge topic that encompasses many different potential areas of a coachee’s life.

    Sometimes, the coaching might be focused on a change that is happening around the coachee or it might be a change that the coachee wants to bring about for themself.

    Either way, everyone responds to change differently and there is a broad spectrum of how impactful and challenging change can be.

    In this episode we explore how we might help our coachees to navigate change in their personal or professional lives, whether it’s change they want to see or change that they feel is being done to them. We touch on Kübler Ross’s model of change and also the work of Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen who developed the Change House model to describe the different rooms that someone might enter as they move through a period of change.

    Join us for an interesting exploration of how we might start to talk about change with our coachees.


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    18 mins
  • Episode 59: Coaching Tools – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    Jun 7 2024

    “It’s like Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, isn’t it?” is a rhetorical question often posed in discussions around human needs. Maslow’s model of behaviour is one of the most oft-cited models of human psychology. Images of the pyramid that is usually used to illustrate Maslow’s hierarchy are peppered throughout social media channels.

    Very few people ever delve into Maslow’s hierarchy, beyond a cursory glance at the model and a sage nod of the head, before they scroll onto a kitten being frightened by a cucumber, but the notion is worth exploring further.

    That’s exactly what we do in this episode of the podcast, as well as exploring an entirely different model of human needs, which may be just as valid. We’ll also talk about how you might approach the model from a coaching perspective.

    As we also often say on the podcast, all models are wrong, but some are useful, so have a listen and decide for yourself how useful Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is within a coaching conversation.


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    28 mins
  • Episode 58: Coaching Approaches: Time To Think
    May 31 2024

    For us, coaching is all about allowing our coachees to have time to think about their situation, their desired outcomes and their ideas for achieving those outcomes.

    We know that being truly present with our coachees and holding that space for them while they think to the end of their thoughts is invaluable. This is where their new thinking is generated.

    ‘Time To Think’ is also the name of a particular coaching approach devised by Nancy Kline that has some unique characteristics and a very specific structure when coaching individuals.

    In this episode we explore what the ‘Time to Think’ approach looks like, what we see as the benefits of the approach and also what we perceive to be its limitations

    Enjoy the podcast? It would be great if you left us a review here.

    Contact Details

    Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

    Connect with the hosts:



    Email: tomdillon@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk



    Email: helenleathers@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk

    Follow ‘Your Coaching Journey’ on Instagram or Linkedin:




    Do You Have a Question?

    From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.

    If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.

    (If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)

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    25 mins
  • Episode 57: Challenging Coaching: How much should I charge for my coaching?
    May 24 2024

    “How much should I charge for my coaching?”

    This is a common question that we hear from new coaches and sadly, there isn’t a succinct answer. It can feel like a minefield when it comes to pricing, and we’re all looking for that ‘goldilocks’ amount that feels right for us, and also is acceptable to the coachees that we are attracting to our coaching space.

    We can’t tell you what you should be charging for your coaching, but we can help you reach your own right answer? On this podcast we talk through the different elements involved, from overcoming a reluctance to charge anything, to getting to grips with the cost of providing a coaching service, and then gaining an understanding of the true value of your coaching.

    Join us for an exploration of a coaching issue that we know many coaches find challenging.

    Enjoy the podcast? It would be great if you left us a review here.

    Contact Details

    Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

    Connect with the hosts:



    Email: tomdillon@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk



    Email: helenleathers@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk

    Follow ‘Your Coaching Journey’ on Instagram or Linkedin:



    Do You Have a Question?

    From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.

    If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.

    (If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)

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    23 mins
  • Episode 56: Listeners’ Questions #6
    May 17 2024

    From time to time we devote an episode to questions about coaching that have been asked by our listeners.

    In this episode we’ve been asked about the ideal frequency of coaching, tools or exercises to work with clients around issues relating to finances, and whether we use pre-coaching questionnaires for our clients. Listen in now to hear our discussion.

    If you have a question to ask about coaching and would like us to answer it for you on the podcast, do send us your questions, or even drop us a voice note of your question, and we’ll feature it on a future episode.

    Enjoy the podcast? It would be great if you left us a review here.

    Contact Details

    Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

    Connect with the hosts:



    Email: tomdillon@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk



    Email: helenleathers@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk

    Follow ‘Your Coaching Journey’ on Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin:



    Do You Have a Question?

    From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.

    If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.

    (If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)

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    18 mins
  • Episode 55: Interview – Dr. Natasha Holmes
    May 10 2024

    We do like to catch up with doctors who have been through our programme and to find out how they are using coaching in various ways in the real world.

    In this episode we meet up with Dr Natasha Holmes, who leads an extremely full working life.

    Natasha is a locum paediatric doctor, life coach, well-being workshop facilitator and mental health advocate. She is co creator of “The Fully Well Doc Pod” podcast which aims to inspire and empower doctors to make changes in their personal and working lives for greater happiness and fulfilment whilst having genuine conversations about the challenges faced by those in the medical profession.

    Listen in as we ask her how she is using coaching since she qualified with us, and find out her favourite tools and questions to use with clients.


    You can listen to Natasha’s podcast here: https://thefullywelldocpod.podbean.com/

    Enjoy the podcast? It would be great if you left us a review here.

    Contact Details

    Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

    Connect with the hosts:



    Email: tomdillon@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk



    Email: helenleathers@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk

    Follow ‘Your Coaching Journey’ on Instagram or Linkedin:



    Do You Have a Question?

    From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.

    If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.

    (If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)

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    27 mins
  • Episode 54: Coaching Tools – The Johari Window
    May 3 2024

    Coaching often revolves around helping someone to raise their self-awareness, and really start to understand their personality, their values, their patterns of behaviour, their emotional responses, their strengths, as well as their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

    Coaching is also commonly focused on the coachee’s interactions with others, what they choose to share with those around them, how they are perceived by others, and how they navigate their relationships in an authentic way.

    In this episode we explore a tool that might help us facilitate this exploration for our coachees. It is a model that supports coachees as they develop personal insight and become aware of how they are perceived.

    Join us as we take a look through the Johari Window.


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    22 mins
  • Episode 53: Coaching Topics – Motivation
    Apr 26 2024

    On our podcast we regularly explore the topics that coachees might bring to a coaching conversation.

    One such topic that shows up a lot in our coaching is motivation or, more specifically, a lack of it. Coachees are often asking how they can feel more motivated, or how we can motivate them.

    What we often find is that those same coachees who are struggling with their motivation will provide us with evidence of actions that they do feel motivated to take.

    Sometimes uncovering the motivation they say they’re lacking is just a matter of increasing their awareness and developing their understanding of what’s going on for them.

    In this episode we journey through some of the psychological theories and frameworks around motivation and explore how they could be useful for our coachees, and also for us as coaches.

    Enjoy the podcast? It would be great if you left us a review here.

    Contact Details

    Find out about our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

    Connect with the hosts:



    Email: tomdillon@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk



    Email: helenleathers@yourcoachingjourney.co.uk

    Follow ‘Your Coaching Journey’ on Instagram or Linkedin:



    Do You Have a Question?

    From time to time we will have an episode where we answer listeners’ questions about coaching.

    If you have a question, please send it to us using one of our email addresses above and you may get a mention in a future episode.

    (If you want to remain anonymous, that's absolutely fine, just let us know)

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    31 mins