• Surprise! Being Disillusioned is a Good Thing
    May 29 2024

    “Hooray! I’ve been disillusioned!”- said nobody ever. Well, until now! Welcome to my public relations campaign for “disillusion” and “disillusionment.” It’s high time we redefine what it means to be disillusioned. Rather than focus on the disappointment of disillusionment, let’s zone in on the healthy outcomes on the other side of the let-downs. To be disillusioned is to wake up—to snap out of a mirage. From a wakeful state, we can move forward and make progress. Any disappointment we experience is a small price to pay in exchange for real-life opportunities.

    “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”
    - Admiral James Stockdale

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    6 mins
  • You and Taylor Swift Don’t Need to Be ‘Empowered’
    May 21 2024

    You are powerful. There's no need to 'be empowered' or validated by anything outside of you. You only need to tap into the power you possess. Pardon if that sounds like ‘motivational speakerese,’ but it’s truth. Just go for it, m’dear. Listen in to learn how Taylor Swift factors into this discussion and get a quick tip for exercising your innate strength.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    4 mins
  • Are You Lonely for YOU? Seek Vibes Not Tribes
    May 16 2024

    What if today's epidemic of loneliness stems from people lacking connections with themselves? In this world of nonstop inputs and interruptions, it can be challenging to be in touch with our true selves, hear our own voices over the chatter and know what we honestly, deeply need and desire. If we're not in clear self-connection, we may still feel lonely in a crowd or be out of place in a tribe. Is it time for you to connect with your true self, find your spark...and, then, find those who match your authentic vibe?

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    5 mins
  • Being With Not In - The Key to Emotional Maturity for Empaths
    May 14 2024

    We’ve all been there. Someone we love is struggling, and we feel it deeply, as if we’re in the situation ourselves. But we’re actually less helpful when we’re that close. Being with, not in, things with those we care about lets us be more objective and caring in ways that can help the others make progress. This is even true in relationship to ourselves! Being the curious, compassionate observer—for others and ourselves—is the key to emotional maturity.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    3 mins
  • I'm Never Busy Anymore. Wanna Know How?
    May 9 2024

    “Busy.” Once upon a time, that was my automatic reply when asked “how’re you doing?.” After I decluttered my life (specifically my digital life, but that’s a whole other story), I freed up lots of precious time and progressed past always being busy. It’s wonderful, and I’ve never looked back. Now, it’s your turn! Tune in for insights on how to abandon the busyness, even if you have lots going on.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    4 mins
  • Debunking the “Ya Gotta Make Your Bed” Theory
    May 2 2024

    Whether you make your bed with military precision or leave it a jumbled mess, I’m here to tell you: it’s all good, either way. Your success doesn’t hinge on the current state of your bed. You’re the one who chooses to assign meaning to the making of the bed—or any other task or daily ritual in your life. Question with curiosity all the productivity gurus and motivational speakers, and decide for yourself what holds meaning and why.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    4 mins
  • Stop Living a $7-Decision Life
    Apr 29 2024

    Why burn time and mental energy fussing over tiny purchases when you could focus on designing an expansive life that sparks you? You are worth so much more than those $7 decisions that distract and limit you. Here’s how to outsmart the small stuff and fully enjoy your big, beautiful life.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    5 mins
  • The Relationship Formula You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner
    Apr 24 2024

    Never be drained by an unhealthy relationship again! Listen in for the beautifully simple formula for choosing and nurturing healthy connections. From romantic partners and friends to business colleagues and your true self, enjoy generative relationships that help you flourish and ignite your spark.

    Spoiler alert:
    Here’s the formula for you for handy reference if you don’t have time to listen.
    In essentials, UNITY.
    In non-essentials, LIBERTY.
    In all things, LOVE.

    Ready to find your spark in business, relationships and life? Find additional resources at irenewilliams.com.

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    7 mins