• Why Authenticity Matters
    Jun 11 2024

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    Is your pursuit of authenticity leading you to a more fulfilling life, or are you caught in the traps of perfectionism and imposter syndrome? Join us in this eye-opening episode of the Live Your Extraordinary Life podcast, where we demystify what it truly means to live authentically. We break down myths and misconceptions, focusing on the genuine essence of being true to your character, values, and spirit. Authenticity isn't about unfiltered expression or striving for perfection; it's about honesty, transparency, and building deeper, more meaningful connections.

    Feel the weight of inauthenticity lift as we discuss the common struggles many face, from the anxiety and lack of confidence associated with imposter syndrome to the physical and mental toll of perfectionism. Personal stories and valuable insights shine a light on the path to overcoming these barriers, emphasizing the relief and satisfaction that come from honoring your true self. Consistent self-discovery and understanding your core desires are not just recommended—they're essential for reducing stress and enhancing your overall well-being.

    The journey to authenticity is one of courage and resilience. Hear about the trials and triumphs of embracing your true self, including the inevitable setbacks and the joy of aligning with like-minded individuals who support your path. We stress the importance of internal validation and self-reflection for lasting personal growth. Living authentically isn't merely a choice; it's a commitment to a richer, more extraordinary life. Connect with us, share your thoughts, and let's build a community of genuine, purpose-driven individuals.

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Debunking Hustle Culture Mania
    Jun 4 2024

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    Can success be achieved without constant hustle and grind? We think so! Discover why working smarter, not harder, could be your key to a balanced and fulfilling life. Join Michelle as she debunks the myth that endless hustle is the ONLY path to success. We'll delve into the hidden costs of the grind culture and explore how practices like meditation, visualization, and affirmations can rewire your brain for peak performance. Plus, we'll uncover the overlooked power of rest and downtime, essential for maintaining high productivity and cognitive function. Tune in to challenge the hustle culture and embrace a more balanced approach to success.

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    13 mins
  • What's Holding You Back?
    May 28 2024

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    In this episode, Michelle discusses how we hold ourselves back from experiencing our best lives. She explores the four most prevalent factors that hold us back and well as what we can do to break through. Your extraordinary life is waiting for you. Let's go!

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    34 mins
  • Mastering Your Emotions and Energy
    May 21 2024

    Drop me a note after you listen. I'd love to hear what you thought of the episode!

    In this episode, Michelle discusses the importance of emotional mastery in designing a life of authenticity and joy. She addresses the magnetic power of your emotional energy and explores the concept of an emotional set point. Whether rooted in love or fear, this baseline emotional set point - or North Star emotional state of being - pulses through our daily interactions, affecting not only our health but the very fabric of our reality. Michelle goes on to share practical and easy to implement tactics to raise your vibrational state to allow you to resonate on the same vibrational frequency of that which you wish to experience.

    This is so much more than the mere management of emotions, its about emotional self mastery and creating and energetic legacy. If you're ready to transform you experience, elevate your presence and leave a lasting imprint, this episode is a must listen!

    Don't forget to check out Michelle's new website @michelleriosoofficial.com (link below) where you can get on the wait list for her upcoming book! Its free and there's no obligation, but you will be among the first to learn about publication date, how to get your copy, and launch events in your area.

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    43 mins
  • The Power of the Stories We Tell Ourselves with Michelle Rios
    May 14 2024

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    Have you ever considered that the stories you tell yourself might be scripting your life? We all have a story we tell ourselves every day about who we are, what we're worthy of, and what's possible for us. Sometimes we're highly aware of; but often these stories run on repeat subconsciously in our minds. Some stories propel us forward, while others hold us back.

    Understanding the power of your personal story is probably one of the most important principles to master in terms of creating a life you love or your terms. Too often we cling to stories that no longer serve us.

    What's the story you're telling yourself? If its anything other than something you want to experience in your life, its time to rewrite your story.

    Join me for this enlightening episode, as I delve into the power of our personal narratives and how my own story shaped my life. I'll also share my tips for flipping the script and crafting a personal story that helps pave the way toward your next chapter!

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    26 mins
  • Intuition: Mastering the Language of the Soul
    May 7 2024

    Drop me a note after you listen. I'd love to hear what you thought of the episode!

    Have you ever felt a sixth sense about something, a gut feeling, or an unexplainable hunch that turned out to be spot on? That, my friend, is intuition - referred to as your inner wisdom or the language of the soul. I invite you to join me, your host Michelle Rios, for a deep dive into the mystical world of intuition, a force that transcends logic and connects us to a higher level of consciousness and universal wisdom. In this episode. I discuss what intuition is; why it matters; why we often resist it; and how to tap into it to guide us and our decisions.

    A quick look back through history, we quickly discover how intuition has been revered by some of the world's greatest minds, from philosophers Plato and Aristotle to Albert Einstein to modern visionaries like Steve Jobs and Steven Spielberg. It's a reminder that this silent language of the soul has always been with us serving as a compass for decision-making, and as an undercurrent that shapes our personal stories.

    The heart of this episode focuses on actions you can take to tap into your own intuitive powers. Whether you're at a career crossroads or simply looking for more clarity in your personal life, mindfulness practices and reflection techniques can help you amplify that inner voice. I invite you to trust in the subtle nudges and gut feelings we often overlook, Doing so will prepare you for a life of purpose and fulfillment – a life where intuition is not merely a whisper, but a trusted guide.

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    46 mins
  • Getting Off Autopilot with Michelle Rios
    Apr 30 2024

    Drop me a note after you listen. I'd love to hear what you thought of the episode!

    Ever find yourself driving home without recalling the journey, or mindlessly scrolling through your phone? You're not alone. This week on the Live Your Extraordinary Life podcast, we delve into the phenomenon of autopilot living –- that all-too-common state where life seems to just happen to us. We'll explore why our brains default to this mode and the surprising impact it has on our lives -- from mild disconnection and unhappiness to anxiety and even depression.

    We discuss the science behind our subconscious minds and the startling amount of mental activity that occurs without our awareness -- think upwards of 95%! We also tackle the challenge of disconnection that autopilot living breeds, and share strategies for switching off autopilot, cultivating greater presence, and creating an life of intention.

    So, if you're ready to get off autopilot and start truly living you don't want to miss this episode!

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    12 mins
  • The Power of Habits: Building Blocks for an Exceptional Life
    Apr 23 2024

    Drop me a note after you listen. I'd love to hear what you thought of the episode!

    Join host Michelle Rios on a transformative journey in this enlightening episode on the power of habits, as we explore the enduring wisdom of Aristotle and the contemporary insights from thought leaders like Stephen Covey and James Clear. Discover how to turn daily habits into the building blocks for an extraordinary life. We'll delve into the philosophy that excellence emerges not from isolated acts, but from habitual actions, while sharing compelling personal stories and experiences that highlight the journey from the mundane to the magnificent.

    In this episode, Michelle will guide you through the art of crafting each day into a masterpiece through strategic scheduling and recognizing small, yet significant, achievements. You'll get an insider's view of her morning routine, featuring meditation and journaling, and learn how these practices contribute to building resilience and an exceptional life. Celebrate the incremental victories that, over time, compound into profound personal growth and success.

    Subscribe and share to join our vibrant community in pursuit of a life filled with purpose and meaningful action. Together, we'll navigate towards our highest aspirations, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, one habit at a time. Thank you for embarking on this journey with us as we strive to sculpt a life that truly reflects our greatest potential.

    Connect with Michelle Rios:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle.rios.official/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.c.rios
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ahwTlqiLU&list=PL-ltQ6Xzo-Ong4AXHstWTyHhvic536OuO
    Website: https://michelleriosofficial.com

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    18 mins