• Shhh! Sensory Overload!
    Jun 3 2024

    In Episode 4 I'm going to talk to you about all of those sensory overload issues that present in motherhood and marriage, and I had no idea they were all because of my ADHD!

    Hope it resonates with you :)

    Lots of Love

    Chelsea xoxo

    Hey! Drop me a text - I’d love to hear from you. Chelsea xx

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    34 mins
  • It's not you, it's me
    May 27 2024

    It's episode 3! I'll be discussing all of those behaviours that are actually ADHD traits and how these behaviours show up in marriage, friendships and social situations!

    Loving an ADHDer isn't always easy.. we don't always communicate very well and we often disappear off the face of the earth just needing some alone time to recharge. Whether that be in marriage or friendship.. I hope by explaining some of the behaviours of an inattentive ADHDer, you'll be able to see that honestly, 'it's not you, it's me!'

    I hope this resonates with you and also helps you to understand yourself, or the ADHDer you love so dearly.

    Lots of love

    Chelsea xoxo

    Hey! Drop me a text - I’d love to hear from you. Chelsea xx

    Show more Show less
    54 mins
  • Inattentive and Underachieving
    May 5 2024

    In today's episode I discuss the types of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive, combined) and how little girls often present in the class room. Anyone else's school reports name and shame them for being the day dreamy chatter box?

    I deep dive into some of my educational traumas and how they set the internal narrative of "im lazy and thick" going forward into adulthood.

    I discuss how the well behaved 6 year old eager to please, quickly turns into the rebellious, bad attitude teen.

    I hope it resonates with you..

    Lots of Love

    Chelsea xoxo

    Hey! Drop me a text - I’d love to hear from you. Chelsea xx

    Show more Show less
    50 mins
  • Unapologetically ADHD
    Apr 28 2024

    My first ever episode on 'Her ADHD' podcast!

    In this episode I discuss late ADHD diagnosis - why it is NOT a trend if you want to go for an ADHD assessment as a 30 something year old woman.. and how we, as females are not only the missed generation, but also the missed gender when it comes to ADHD.

    I touch on how ADHD presents in motherhood and why these traits become so prevalent as we become parents.

    I hope it resonates with you..

    Lots of love

    Chelsea xoxo

    Hey! Drop me a text - I’d love to hear from you. Chelsea xx

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    38 mins