• CLATN 059 / DD 030 / RC 040 : Covid-19 A Divorce From Normalcy, What Is Important, Kiddos and Covid-19, Relationships, What Changes You, Re-evaluate Your Life, Getting Rid of Drama, And Being More Anal.
    Jul 24 2020
    This podcast has a little something for all three main podcast in the Mothtoaflame Media family.  Vivian and Marianne are back to shed some light on more Covid-19 related topics.  With subjects too many to list, we touch on a lot of material.  Listen up and see what you think.  That is all.... we'll let the podcast do the talking. 
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    45 mins
  • CLATN 058: Pandemic Times With Global Racial Strife, A New Virtual World, Isolation, Embrace Our Elderly, Statues and Monuments, High Fructose Corn Syrup, A Spamdemic, An Extroverted Introvert, Term Limits and Keeping Our Pants Off Our Ankles!
    Jun 29 2020
    Marianne is back in the states visiting and taking time out to do a very interesting podcast.  She brought a newbie, Vivian.  I have to admit, it was so much fun having both of them on.  Vivian had a very different spin on the pandemic being a Covid-19 survivor.  Subjects of term limits, the environment, history books suck, don't take down our past, the consequences of isolation - both mental and physical, the general loss of friends, family, and relationships, and isolation frustration all come into play during this podcast.  I am looking forward to having them both back on the show soon!  Thank you both for getting me off my ass and getting back on the mic!
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    50 mins
  • CLATN 057: Friends with Benefits, When Does It Turn Into a Relationship, Ground Rules, Showing Up With a Gym Bag, 10 Commandments of FWB, Women Do it Too, Religion Screwed Everything Up, Stepping Stones, Cuddling with Benefits, Avoid the Crossover, MySpac
    Feb 15 2020
    It was early Saturday morning and I got the pleasure of having Armando back on the mic.  It's Dr. Love vs. Dr. Lust!  After a rocky start, we were about to get our grooves on!  The torrid topic of friends with benefits (FWB) was on the chopping block.  I knew he would come straight out of the gate with some great knowledge and views on the subject.  We did differ on a few points like the presentation and the need of a team.  You can see that Armando, after admitting he was a cuddle monster, was very passionate about his position on FWB.  We were both quick to state (multiple times) that the FWB territory does not just apply to men - there are some women out there that benefit (no pun intended) from it also.  Discussing wants and can'ts, dating for fun, the FWB sleepover, gotta love your Girl Scouts, teams and portfolios, exclusivity and the Astros!  Is the ultimate goal 'finality'... An irreversible ending?  Next podcast with Armando - prostitution in Colorado Springs???  Somebody to interview.   It is a commodity that has been around since the beginning of time!  It should be very interesting.  
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • CLATN 056: Dating After Divorce, Folding Shirts, Embracing the Change in Each Other, Unsolicited Compliments, Work on Yourself, Women Need to Get a Rotation Like Men and Options.
    Feb 5 2020
    Stacey and Allen stayed for a second podcast after Divorce Devil 029.  Once again, Stacey delivered a woman's point of view on the subject of dating after divorce.  Allen and I did come away more informed than our past podcasts.  Discussing women and options, effective communication, getting your needs met, being appreciative and accepting the person as they come to you were touched on.  Stacey brought up an excellent point of how people in relationships sometimes try to change each other.  Once you realize that 'flaw', hopefully, one or both people can take a step back and more in a more positive direction.  It was definitely an informative podcast for me.  Thanks, Allen and Stacey for taking the time to hang out at the studio for two shows!  This podcast will also be available on Divorce Devil.....
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    46 mins
  • CLATN 055: Cockblocking, Positive and Negative Types, Dog Hair in Your Kooter, Not Always About Getting Sex, Debbie and/or Thomas Downer, Grandma and The Price Is Right and Assault VS Sea Salt.
    Jan 30 2020
    As usual, Connie brings to the podcast the best and unique subjects.  Cockblocking is the word in this one.  Going through different types of cockblocking, we expand quite a bit on its collateral damage.  Almost anything can cockblock.  (LOL)  I found it refreshing that we did not totally agree on the subject.  But, she did make think a little about my stance.  We would love to hear from our listeners about what they think about cockblocking in order to do a rebuttal podcast part two with your questions and/or comments.  You'll find this podcast rather interesting.... Enjoy....
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    28 mins
  • CLATN 054: Dating Over 48 Online and In-person and its Perils, Perks and Problems, When is a Good Time For Full or Partial Disclosure, I Didn’t Know that Bacon Is So Important, Dirty Dishes in the Background in a Profile Pic, Damn, Please Spellcheck You
    Nov 2 2019
    I have the distinct pleasure of getting Barbara and Allen back for the first time together to do a podcast on us old people dating.  I have to give credit where credit is due, it was all Allen's idea - which turned out to be a very good and enlightening one.  Topics of the fear of rejection, dealbreakers, lying (embellishing) on a profile, what is love? (bacon), and 'on the table with her legs open' are all broached during the discussion.  Thoroughly engaging, Barbara and Allen take me back to some history I had forgotten about.  Skeletons are shaken from the closet - which is not a bad thing being that it is Halloween.  I really appreciate their honesty and candor in our conversation.  A part two is definitely in store for al of us sometime soon!  Almost an hour, dang!!!  Enjoy.....
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    59 mins
  • CLATN 053: Hunting and Dating Modes, Timing, I’m A Booty Call, Throw Away Society, Pina Colada Song and Men Are More Sensitive.
    Sep 12 2019
    Allen is back for some more talk about relationships.  This time it involves hunting and dating modes and where they differ and intersect.  A couple of quick shoutouts to James (CLATN #042) and Christ (CLATN #052).  We both acknowledge that women have somewhat turned the time on men. Some of them have become the hunters and not the hunted.  Allen does do to me what no other guest has - makes me come clean about some of my relationships!  Damnnnn....  With letting the shoe drop, a shark in the swimming pool, teach me how to fish Allen and tossing your net being discussed, there almost has to be a part two to this podcast.  Stay tuned....
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    43 mins
  • CLATN 052: The Perils and Perks of Online Dating, The Cosby, John Doe, Bad Date on Tinder, Ice Cream Together, Put Me In Your Phone, Child in the Room, Vagina Shots Make You Thirsty and Suck on My Toes On A Beach In Greece.
    Aug 5 2019
    Welcome Chris (John Doe) to the CLATN Podcast.  I've been trying to get him on the show ever since we first met earlier this summer.  I knew he would not disappoint my listeners at all.  And, Chris comes through with flying colors.  It's probably the most I've ever laughed recording a podcast.  His honesty slaps you in the face again and again.  With honesty being one of the best policies when making a dating profile, we touched on quite a few online dating subjects - which ones to use, the most efficient, what to look for and so on.  We did digress a few times, normalcy to my show.  The podcast almost lasted an hour - a testament to the fun we were having.....!
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    57 mins