• A Toast to Leadership Journeys and Resilient Mindsets
    Feb 7 2024

    Have you ever stood at the helm, navigating the turbulent waters of leadership, and wondered how to honor your own journey? That's where we start in the latest Better Than Ever podcast, as I, Anthony Green, unravel the tapestry of leadership—a journey interwoven with challenges and victories. Embracing vulnerability isn't a sign of weakness; it's a beacon of strength that guides us through the fog of self-doubt. In this heart-to-heart, I share not just strategies for self-compassion and resilience but also the transformative power of acknowledging every milestone, small or grand, as a victory in its own right.

    As we wrap up our series, let's raise a glass to the collective wisdom and progress we've cultivated together. It's been a privilege to foster a community where growth in mind, body, and spirit isn't just a goal; it's a shared journey. Reflecting on the milestones we've celebrated, we look ahead to the horizons that await us. I extend my deepest gratitude to you, our dedicated listeners, for embarking on this quest for self-improvement, and encourage you to carry forward the insights and inspirations you've gathered here. Remember, being better than ever isn't just a destination; it's a continuous, enriching path we tread together.

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    19 mins
  • Navigating Loneliness
    Feb 6 2024

    As I, Anthony Green, have traversed through the highs and lows of leadership, one silent adversary has often accompanied me: loneliness. It's a maze that many of us find ourselves in, be it the emotional distance we can't seem to bridge or the physical isolation of a new environment. Embark on a journey through this episode as we scrutinize the multifaceted nature of loneliness that leaders confront. From the sting of emotional disconnect to the paradox of feeling alone in a crowd, I lay bare the realities of this silent struggle. Unpack with me the four distinct types of loneliness and embrace the five actionable steps designed to foster authentic connections and bolster your mental well-being.

    The path to overcoming loneliness is one we needn't walk alone. In this discussion, the spotlight shines on the indispensable role of mental health support and the wealth of resources at one’s disposal. At Anthony Green Leadership Studio, we are dedicated to helping you navigate these waters, ensuring no one has to face their challenges in solitude. By the end of our time together, you'll not just have a deeper understanding of loneliness's intricate landscape, but you'll be equipped with practical tools and resources to help you reach your fullest potential, while never losing sight of the importance of mental health in your personal evolution. Join us, and together, let's build a network of support that uplifts and empowers.

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    14 mins
  • Resilient Leadership: Turning Toxicity into Triumph
    Feb 2 2024

    Struggling to lead amidst negativity and stress? I've walked that rocky path, and in this Silent Shame of Leadership series, we're uncovering the transformative power of resilient leadership in toxic environments. You're not alone in this battle, and I'm here, Anthony Green, to share not just my story, but to arm you with strategies for cultivating a positive mindset that can weather any storm. This episode, "Navigating the Storm," is your beacon of hope, offering practical tools to turn the tides in your favor.

    Drawing from my own journey and the collective wisdom of other leaders, we explore how self-awareness serves as our compass, guiding us through daily affirmations and the creation of strong alliances. It's about much more than survival; it's about thriving and fostering a healthier work culture. From advocating for policy changes to implementing wellness programs, we delve into how leaders can spearhead change for the better. Tune in and join the conversation, as we look to chart a course towards calmer, more positive professional waters.

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    13 mins
  • Conquering Imposter Syndrome and Elevating Leadership Wellness
    Jan 20 2024

    Have you ever felt like a fraud, secretly fearing you'll be unmasked as a charlatan in your own life's work? You're not alone; even I've grappled with the gnawing tentacles of imposter syndrome, the invisible beast that plagues many of us striving at the pinnacles of success. In a candid exploration, we peel back the layers of this silent struggle, dissecting how a persistent disbelief in one's accomplishments and attributing success to mere luck or timing can erode the sturdiness of even the most seemingly confident leaders. Join me as I share my personal battle and the paths to unshackling ourselves from the chains of perfectionism, fostering an environment where wellness and self-recognition aren't just buzzwords but integral parts of our leadership journey.

    But what about the onslaught of our daily to-dos, the never-ending cascade of tasks and emails that threaten to engulf us? Fear not, for this episode is a beacon in the productivity storm, illuminating the strategies that sustain mental performance and wellness. From the power of self-education and the art of prioritization to the subtle yet impactful practice of active listening, we map out the terrain of personal and professional growth. And you won't be walking this path alone—our community stands ready to support you, echoing our mantra to practice, perform, and soar to new heights. Embrace this call to action and become the leader you're destined to be, well-balanced and ever-evolving.

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    15 mins
  • Leading Through Shame: The Unspoken Struggle for Empathy and Growth
    Jan 10 2024

    Unlock the secrets of navigating leadership's silent shame in our latest podcast episode. Prepare to shift your perspective as we reveal how this unacknowledged emotion influences decision-making, team dynamics, and self-perception. This is no ordinary conversation—it's a solitary journey with me, your host, as we dissect the hidden challenges that come with a position of power. You'll discover the profound ways in which shame impacts leaders and why the quest for perfection can drive one towards an unhealthy extreme.

    Embark on a transformative exploration that promises to not only enlighten but equip you with the tools for growth and empathy. We'll discuss the importance of embracing vulnerability and fostering psychological safety, which are pivotal in creating an environment where risks are taken, and mistakes are seen as invaluable lessons. Through a nuanced understanding of shame and self-awareness, learn how to lead with empathy and cultivate a culture that thrives on authentic connections. Join me for this solo deep-dive into the heart of leadership's toughest battles and emerge better than ever.

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    11 mins
  • Living With Purpose
    Mar 27 2023

    Welcome to "Better Than Ever", the podcast that explores the world of leadership, wellness, and work-life balance. In this episode, we will be discussing the topic of living with purpose, and how finding and living according to our purpose can help us achieve a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    Our host will share personal stories and insights on how finding and living according to their purpose has transformed their life. We will explore practical ways to discover our purpose, including reflection exercises and seeking guidance from mentors and coaches.

    We will also be discussing the benefits of living with purpose, including increased motivation, improved mental and physical health, and greater life satisfaction. Our host will share tips and strategies on how to incorporate purpose into our daily lives and how to overcome obstacles that may get in the way of living a purposeful life.

    If you are looking to discover your purpose and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, then this episode of "Better Than Ever" is for you. Join us as we explore the power of purpose and how to incorporate it into your personal and professional life to achieve greater success and fulfillment.

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    12 mins
  • Mental Toughness
    Mar 27 2023

    Welcome to "Better Than Ever", the podcast exploring leadership, wellness, and work-life balance. In this episode, we will be discussing the topic of mental toughness and resilience, and how to bounce back from the challenges brought on by the pandemic.

    Our host will share insights on the importance of developing mental toughness and resilience, and how these traits can help us navigate difficult times with greater ease. We will explore practical ways to cultivate mental toughness, including mindfulness practices, positive self-talk, and setting realistic goals.

    We will also be discussing the impact of the pandemic on our mental health and well-being, and how to build resilience to overcome the challenges we may be facing. Our host will offer tips and strategies for managing stress and anxiety, and for finding meaning and purpose in our lives even in the midst of adversity.

    If you want to cultivate mental toughness and resilience and learn how to bounce back from the challenges brought on by the pandemic, then this episode of "Better Than Ever" is for you. Join us as we explore the power of mental toughness and resilience, and learn how to build these traits to achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.

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    10 mins
  • The Importance of Work-Life Balance and the Outdoors
    Mar 27 2023

    Welcome to "Better Than Ever", the podcast that explores the world of leadership, wellness, and work-life balance. In this episode, we will be discussing the importance of work-life balance and the role that spending time outdoors can play in achieving it.

    Our host will be sharing personal stories and insights on the benefits of spending time in nature, including reduced stress levels, increased creativity, and improved mental and physical health. We will also be discussing practical ways to incorporate outdoor activities into our busy lives, even if we don't have a lot of time.

    Additionally, we will explore the connection between work-life balance and productivity, and how taking breaks and engaging in outdoor activities can actually increase our productivity and focus when we return to work.

    If you are looking to improve your work-life balance, reduce stress levels, and improve your overall well-being, then this episode of "Better Than Ever" is for you. Join us as we explore the power of the outdoors and how it can help us achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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    13 mins