• 2 Cups Café - Episode 18 - Calvin Daniels
    May 27 2024

    Imagine stepping away from your familiar life and embarking on an international adventure that leads to retiring in the tranquility of Ghana, only to find yourself at the helm of an innovative snail farming business. We had the pleasure of hosting Calvin Daniels at Two Cups Cafe, a Scott High School graduate, retired Air Force Master Sergeant, and the entrepreneurial spirit behind this bold move. Calvin's narrative weaves through personal loss, a distinguished military career, and insights garnered from touring the globe, culminating in the decision to settle overseas for a life less ordinary.

    Calvin's story is one of resilience, from escaping the factory life that defined his parents' existence in Ohio, to navigating post-military careers in logistics and material management, and ultimately finding his calling in agriculture. His unexpected journey into snail farming unfolds as a testament to the power of connecting with one's heritage and seizing economic promise in a foreign land. Calvin's candid conversation about the nitty-gritty of starting a farm in Ghana, from land acquisition to crop cultivation and the cultural shifts required, serves as an invaluable playbook for anyone curious about the practicalities and potential of agricultural ventures abroad.

    But this episode isn't just about farming; it's a broader exploration of life's possibilities when you're open to opportunity and change. Calvin discusses his future business plans, including the unique role of snail mucin in skincare, and how he navigates the challenges and opportunities of running an agricultural enterprise in Ghana. Whether you're a veteran, an adventurer, or someone who dreams of turning the page to start a new chapter, Calvin's story might just spark the inspiration you need to take that leap. Join us at Two Cups Cafe for this rich tapestry of experiences that connect Toledo to Ghana and everything in between.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 17: Corvez Braswell
    May 16 2024

    Ever embarked on a journey that reshaped your entire existence? Corvez Braswell did, and he's here at Two Cups Cafe to share his powerful transformation from a turbulent past to a figure of inspiration in the boys' group home sector. Through candid conversation, we unravel Corvez's life-altering embrace of Islam at nineteen and the indelible mark it left on his soul, steering him toward a life dedicated to mentoring young men. His narrative is a stark reminder of the potency of faith and discipline, and the difference one guiding light, like his mentor Mustafa Rahimullah, can make in a community.

    The tapestry of our youth is woven with lessons from those who have embarked on the arduous path of mentorship and care. Together with Corvez, we reflect on the essence of patience and understanding gleaned from nurturing court-ordered juveniles and adults with developmental disabilities. Our own history of tough love meets the complex realities faced by today's youth, prompting discussions on fatherhood, entrepreneurship, and instilling life skills in the young people we guide. We don't just reminisce about early job experiences, like my first gig at 11; we look at how these foundations have shaped our approaches to nurturing the next generation.

    Rounding off this stirring episode, we tackle the critical issue of financial literacy and its key role in community empowerment. Personal tales of wading through debt and mastering credit underscore our commitment to breaking the cycle for future generations. As we pledge to drive change and create economic prospects within our communities, from food trucks to other ventures, the conversation turns to the actions that speak louder than words. Join us for a meaningful discourse that promises to ignite a flame of hope and strategy for those striving to make a mark beyond the digital world.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    41 mins
  • Episode 16 - LaPala Crawford
    Apr 17 2024

    Every artist's journey is a tapestry woven with threads of inspiration, setbacks, and triumphs. Join us as we sit down with LaPala Crawford, the visionary filmmaker behind Prime 8 Visions, who peels back the curtain to reveal the heartbeat of his creative evolution. From the echo of youthful enthusiasm in our first artistic ventures, we traverse the landscape of growing pains and milestones that shape an artist. LaPel shares the vibrant tales of his neighborhood that sparked his storytelling fire and the high school script that captured his peers' imaginations, setting him on a steadfast course toward the silver screen.

    Navigating the film industry's choppy waters, LaPel and I recount the adrenaline rush of submitting films to distributors and the persistence required in the face of industry gatekeepers. As we dissect the process of bringing a vision to life, we celebrate the small victories, like individual scene completions, and reflect on the importance of collaboration and technical savvy. LaPel's anecdotes of overcoming barriers and misconceptions in the industry underscore the determination needed to rise above challenges, reminding us that progress isn't just about motion but also about forward momentum.

    Wrapping up our conversation, LaPel delves into the nuances of emotional intelligence in directing, how personal inspirations fuel our drive, and the exhilaration of current and future storytelling endeavors. His candid reflections on set dynamics and the care required to foster a positive production atmosphere offer a window into the soul of a filmmaker. As we bid farewell, we invite you to join us on this intimate journey, urging you to explore Prime 8 Visions across various social media platforms and engage with a community dedicated to the art of film.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Episode 15 - Carter Thomas
    Mar 27 2024

    Imagine facing down your darkest struggles and emerging not only victorious but also as a beacon of hope for others. This is the story of Carter Thomas, our guest on 2Cups Cafe, whose personal battles with addiction and his transformation into a licensed counselor and founder of Good Company Christian Counseling inspire all who hear it. Together, we trace Carter's compelling journey and how his renewed faith played a pivotal role in his mission to heal others. The conversation offers a candid look at the normalization of drug use and its profound impact on the black community, shedding light on the critical need for integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment.

    The path to redemption is never a straight line; it weaves through the adversities of life, as our discussion with Carter reveals. We share stories of resilience, like the single father who, against all odds, pursued higher education while raising two sons, and my own experience of turning personal hardship into a ministry dedicated to supporting single dads. Our chat traverses the deep connections between trauma and physical health, emphasizing the importance of self-advocacy and the power of personal stories in guiding others toward healing and empowerment.

    Join us for a deep exploration of the evolving perspectives on substance abuse treatment, where empathy and understanding emerge as crucial elements in addressing addiction. Carter and I examine the global impact of the pandemic on counseling, the importance of building relationships across communities, and how inclusivity remains at the heart of effective support. These stories of recovery, resilience, and redemption are not just testimonials; they are invitations to find strength in vulnerability and to witness how one man's journey can illuminate the path for many.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Episode 14 - Darrell Sheares
    Feb 7 2024

    Ever found yourself at the crossroads of creativity and the search for identity? Darrell Sheares, the dynamic creative who's been there, joined me at Cups Cafe for a conversation that's as rich and bold as the coffee we sipped. We meander through Darrell's artistic metamorphosis, from graphic design roots to the lush landscapes of audio engineering and music production. This isn't just a chat; it's a raw look at how upbringing influences creativity, the challenges that can spur or smother it, and the joy of crafting something that resonates deeply with both the creator and the audience.

    As we wrap up, we dip our toes into the waters of AI, debating its role alongside human ingenuity in storytelling and cinematography. Darrell and I unpack the significance of preserving the human touch in an automated world, fostering identity beyond our professional roles, and the responsibility we hold to guide the next generation through sharing our experiences. So refill your cup and join us on this journey that transcends the digital divide, reminding us of the creativity that courses through every aspect of life and the importance of each story in inspiring others to embrace their own path to self-expression.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    48 mins
  • Ep. 13 - Imani Lateef: Bridging Artistry, Entrepreneurship, and Mentorship, Uplifting Black Comic Creators
    Jan 5 2024

    Ever wondered what fuels the creative spirit of a polymath? Join us as we share a steaming cup of inspiration with Imani Latif, a genuine renaissance man whose canvas spans artistry, entrepreneurship, teaching, and curating digital comics. In our latest episode, you'll walk the bridges between Imani's childhood as a pastor's son turned artist, to the present day, where he serves as a graphic designer, production manager, and a beacon of mentorship within the juvenile court system. His narrative is a tapestry of encounters with art museums, local artists, and the nurturing environment that encouraged both Imani and his brother to fully embrace the world of creativity.

    With a sip of our caffeinated dialogue, we uncover the profound effect of lifting up black comic book creators and the decade-long transformation within the community. As Imani recounts his journey, he highlights the deep-seated desire to serve that drives his passion for art. Filled with warmth and wisdom, our conversation traverses the complexities of teaching art across different age groups, the significance of morning routines for sparking creativity, and the pursuit of grand aspirations. We hope that Imani's story resonates with you, as it did with us, providing a blend of hope, connection, and the reaffirmation of the worth that every creator holds.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    40 mins
  • Ep. 12 - Angel Tucker's Insights on First Responder Resilience and Mental Health
    Dec 20 2023

    Have you ever wondered about the road less traveled by those who serve our communities? Angel Tucker, a retired public servant with a remarkable life story, joins us to pull back the curtain on his vast experiences. From his transformative Navy years to the discipline-shaping missed opportunities of youth, Angel's journey is as unconventional as it is inspiring. His pivot from music to the adrenaline-fueled world of bounty hunting, and the innovative methods he employed, demonstrate a life lived boldly and without boundaries.

    Tackling the human element of public service, Angel's ascent to an appointed position in Toledo reveals the heart behind the badge. He shares how critical tactical communication and community programs are in bridging the gaps within diverse socioeconomic landscapes. We also wade into the deep waters of mental health, discussing the often-unseen struggles of first responders and youth in underserved communities. Angel's insights remind us that beyond the uniforms and titles, there lie personal sacrifices and the need for balance between duty and family.

    By the episode's conclusion, we find ourselves enriched with a more profound understanding of public service's complexities and the continuous effort to uphold mental well-being. Stories of prioritizing family, supporting career growth, and the everyday rituals that stitch our lives together offer a grounding counterbalance to the intensity of public service. Join us for a conversation that's as enlightening and heartening as it is a testament to the resilience and dedication of those who commit their lives to serving others.

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    52 mins
  • Ep. 11 - Allana Milan Jackson: A Peek into Sixth-Grade Life, Love for Japanese Culture, and Her Creative Writing Journey
    Nov 29 2023

    What can you expect when you invite an eleven-year-old to chat, especially when she happens to be your daughter? Welcome to our latest Two Cups Cafe episode featuring a delightful conversation with my youngest, Alana Melon Jackson. She peels back the curtain on sixth-grade life, from tackling homework to making friends, and her budding interest in Japanese culture. We also tackle the transition to in-person learning after the pandemic and the realities of school life through her eyes.

    The conversation gets more interesting as we navigate Alana's love for global cultures. From the discovery of a Japanese snack box to unique fashion ideas, and her concerns about a beloved anime's live-action adaptation—there's never a dull moment! We also discuss her penchant for storytelling, her dream of having pets, and the responsibilities that come with it.

    Get ready for a whirlwind of creative exploration as Alana talks about her book-writing journey. Combining the classic Cinderella story with elements from Crazy Rich Asians, she offers a fresh take on storytelling. We also venture into her experiences as an aunt, strategies for dealing with distractions, and the importance of hydration and self-care. Join us on this heartwarming episode of Two Cups Cafe and share in the joy of our caffeinated conversation. Remember to subscribe and spread the word about our podcast!

    Follow Allen C. Jackson - @2cupschronicles

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    26 mins