• Giving Redfish a Second Chance - Episode 016
    Feb 10 2024

    It's time to make conservation cool. I've made the decision that we will not be harvesting any Redfish on my boat in 2024. Even if that means losing some business. I think we have a good fishery for Redfish here in my neck of the woods, but I see the potential for it to be so much better. I also know that the water is getting more crowded every year, and that means more pressure on the fish we target. That's why I'm making the decision to do my part, to ensure our children and grandchildren get to experience these fish too.

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    34 mins
  • When is enough, enough? - Episode 015
    Feb 8 2024

    Yes, I'm still alive! It's been a while, and I'm sorry about that. We're firing up the podcast again and filling you all in on what's been keeping me so busy. Which leads me to this episode's topic. "When is enough, enough?" There's not much fish talk in this episode, but the conversation could easily be applied to fishing, or business, family, or just about anything in life.

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    21 mins
  • What Did You Expect? - Episode 014
    Mar 27 2023

    I hear it all the time from anglers coming to sightcast Redfish here in North Carolina... "Wow, this is harder than I thought!" As someone who deals with these fish day after day, I accepted the fact that they are a challenging species a long time ago. They are on the move, weave in and out of structure, spook at the slightest disturbance, appear out of nowhere, and vanish in an instant. That's what makes them awesome! You are constantly learning with shallow water Redfish, they teach you something every time you cast to one, and they force you to become a better angler. Unfortunately, they have been sold to the unsuspecting angler as a easy saltwater fish on fly. I absolutely disagree, especially if you an angler coming from the world of freshwater fly fishing. If you expect easy, you will be humbled and dissapointed. If you expect a fish that will challenge you, and make you a better angler, then you are on the right path.

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    23 mins
  • Don't Be A Slacker - Episode 013
    Feb 13 2023

    Year in and year out I see all types of fly casters on the bow of my boat. Although they come from varied backgrounds and have different experience levels, I often see them making the same mistakes. Simple things that cause them frustration, and hurt their odds of catching saltwater fish on fly. One of the mistakes I most often see, that comes in many different forms, is slack in their fly line. Whether it's slack during the pickup, the cast, the laydown, the stripping or the hookset, it can be extremely frustrating when it keeps them from connecting to a fish. Fortunately, all of these problems can be easily overcome.

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    34 mins
  • What Fly Fishing Can Teach Us About Being Present - Episode 012
    Jan 26 2023

    Being present is one thing that many of us struggle with in these current times. Why has it become so hard to truly live in the moment and focus on the task at hand, without our minds being flooded with other distracting thoughts? For me, fishing and guiding is one activity that demands my focus, mindfulness and presence. When I am on the water, surrounded by nature's beauty, and chasing after fish, my mind doesn't have room to focus on anything else. On the water, I have total clarity. So the big question is, how can I transfer this focus and mindfulness to my business, my relationships, and all the other important parts of my life?

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    28 mins
  • There Is No Finish Line - Episode 011
    Jan 10 2023

    I've spent years chasing a finish line, a destination, somewhere I could get to and be able to say "I did it", "look at me, I'm finished". Whether that's in my businesses, my health, or my fishing, I've realized that I'll never reach that point. Because I'm racing towards a finish line that is always moving. As I get better at things, my potential increases, and my goals get bigger, pushing the finish line even further away. It took me a while to realize this, and accept the fact that if you are living right, then never reaching the finish line can be a good thing.

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    14 mins
  • The Year of ZERO Redfish - Episode 010
    Jan 1 2023

    I did it! An entire year as a full-time inshore fishing guide in North Carolina with zero Redfish harvested. What did my anglers think? How did it affect my business? Would I do it again? Tune in to hear what led me to this decision, how I executed it, and my thoughts on it looking back.

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    22 mins
  • Six Important Things That Albie Season Reminded Me About - Episode 009
    Dec 5 2022

    It's been a while since we've dropped a podcast episode...2 whole months to be exact. I've been extremely busy running charters this Fall, which forced me to put the podcast on the back burner. Well the Fall season is over now, and I'm back. I'm excited to share more new episodes of True Tails with you! On this episode, lets talk about 6 important things that Albie season reminded me of.

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    27 mins