
  • The Master of Scent - The Life and Work of Jean Carles
    Jun 16 2024

    This week on the show Karen is giving a history lesson on the life and work of Jean Carles. Founder of the first ever perfumery school, today known as the Givaudan, and the father of the most influential method of perfume making, his influence is still felt far and wide in the perfume industry today. Jean Carles lived an incredible life, created some of the industries most iconic scents and influenced some of the great perfumes of all time. In this episode, Karen takes you through his life's work and gives you a valuable insight into the now legendary ‘Jean Carles Method.’


    • Jean Carles had both a unique approach to creating perfumes and to teachings. He is the father of many iconic scents as well as the teacher of many prolific perfumeres. Karen details some of his greatest creations and influences.
    • Jean Carles developed a revolutionary method for perfume creation based on a systematic approach to understanding raw materials. Karen breaks down his method step by step.
    • His method for creating accords was also considered to be groundbreaking. Whilst complex, it is an incredible tool for you to understand. Karen gives an overview of his method and principles.
    • The final part of Jean Carles’ method is that of constructing a fragrance, it is known as the pyramid method, which is creating a fragrance with base notes, heart notes and top notes. Karen gives examples of this method and how to implement it.


    “The Jean Carles method of creating accords is a meticulous and structured approach that will provide a deep understanding of how different materials blend together.”

    “Jean Carles’ systematic approach to perfumery and his innovative techniques remain influential in guiding both new and seasoned perfumers in their craft.”

    “It’s recommended to learn the Jean Carles method but it is also essential for you to learn and adjust based on the materials that you are using and the type of fragrance you are creating.”


    Material Mastery

    William Kaufman Book

    The Jean Carles Method


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    30 mins
  • The Beginners Challenge - 8 Challenges You Will Certainly Face and How to Overcome Them
    Jun 9 2024

    Karen is in the process of writing a new book on the many challenges that await those who want to create perfumes or set up their own perfume business. Inspired by this, Karen has decided to go over eight of the most crucial points in this week's episode. Looking at some of the myths of the perfume industry, such as a need for a chemistry degree or the need for industry validation, as well as the huge amount of knowledge you must learn, time management and imposter syndrome, Karen separates fact from fiction and shares her invaluable tips on how to overcome the beginners challenges.


    • As with most careers, perfumers seek validation from the wider industry, especially when starting out in their careers, and this lack of validation can make you feel like an outsider, however, Karen explains that validation does not equate to success.
    • When you step into a large industry like the fragrance industry it is natural to start out feeling like you’re not good enough. Karen talks about this and the bigger problem of imposter syndrome, and how you can overcome these feelings.
    • There are hundreds of materials that you can use to create your scents and the thought of learning and memorising them all can be a daunting one. However, Karen is here to reassure you that by working in artisan perfumery, you really don’t need to memorise all that knowledge from day one.
    • Time management is a huge challenge when you dive into a new career. Karen breaks down her top tips for achieving effective time management.


    “Focus on your craft and your unique journey. Remember, that many renowned perfumers have succeeded without the industry stamp of approval.”

    “Fragrance creation is deeply personal, it’s like creating a piece of art. When someone criticises your work it can feel like a personal rejection.”

    “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”


    Materials Mastery

    Mindset Magic


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    46 mins
  • Keep Moving Forward - How To Get Where You Want To Go with Earl Williams
    Jun 2 2024

    This week on the show Karen is joined by one of her Artisan perfumery mastermind alumni, Earl Williams, founder of ESW Perfume Bar. Through Earl’s unique business he creates bespoke scents for private clients as well as hosting pop up perfume bars at public and private events. But what really sets Earl apart is his determination and drive to keep moving forward no matter how many times the chips are stacked against him. In this interview with Karen, Earl shares his journey which will inspire you to keep moving forward and keep learning so that tomorrow, your dreams can come true.


    • Earl details his journey in the fragrance industry and how his promising start was cut short by Covid but, instead of giving up, he decided to scale up.
    • When Earl launched his business he was sure that he was offering the right products to the right people but, this confidence only came after a lot of preparation work, a process he outlines here.
    • A chance meeting at an event led Earl to open his business into a new area. He discusses the way he approached this opportunity and why you should be open to exploring new avenues.
    • Having a unique business model is one thing but having your own style is what sets you apart. Earl talks about the journey he embarked upon to find his own unique style.


    “Before you put something out into the world, make sure you’re ready. You’ll achieve nothing if you rush the process.”

    “Something that feels difficult today will feel easy tomorrow if you just keep learning and growing.”

    “If you don’t take the opportunities when they are presented to you, you’ll never move forward.”


    ESP PerfumeBar Website

    ESP PerfumeBar Instagram

    ESP PerfumeBar Tik Tok


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Saved From Extinction - How Quintis took Sandalwood from endangered to sustainable.
    May 26 2024

    As regular listeners will know, one of Karen’s favorite materials is sandalwood, that’s why she’s genuinely excited to welcome Sophie and Vanessa from Quintis on the show this week. Certain varieties of sandalwood become endangered over the years, so, 30 years ago, Quintis decided to create new plantations so that sandalwood could thrive. In this interview with Karen, the ladies talk about all things sandalwood from the therapeutic benefits, the growing and harvesting procedures and why, with the right approach, sandalwood will never be endangered again.


    • As well as producing an incredible scent, sandalwood also has some amazing therapeutic benefits, such as anti-aging. Vanessa breaks down these benefits and the research behind them.
    • Vanessa outlines the history of sandalwood, its importance as an export for Australia and why, 30 years ago, Quintis decided to create plantations which, today, total over 4 million trees.
    • Sophie discusses the importance of having strong relationships with the team that grow and harvest the sandalwood and how this creates transparency and trust with their clients.
    • Sandalwood was once endangered and Quintis are determined to make sure that never happens again. Sophie discusses the company's approach to making sure that sandalwood will be sustainable for the future.


    “Sandalwood has the same effect on the brain as meditation. It has the ability to calm you and reduce anxiety.”

    “You have to make sure you are honest with your clients so they can be honest with their customers.”

    “Sandalwood has an incredible ability to adapt to the other ingredients it blends with to give a wide range of scents.”


    Quintis Website

    Quintis Instagram


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    47 mins
  • A Leap of Faith: Why Following Your Dreams is the Most Rewarding Thing You Can Do
    May 19 2024

    This week on the show Karen is joined by one of her Artisan Perfumery Mastermind Alumni, Nicole Brannan. Nicole has had a lifelong passion for fragrance and perfume which started when she was gifted a perfume making kit as a child. After a life of working in other creative areas, her passion for perfume never died but, it was during covid, when she found herself at a crossroads, that she decided to attend Karen’s class, and her life changed forever. In this interview with Karen, Nicole gives a detailed account of her journey over the last 3 years and will inspire you to do what she did….follow your dream.


    • Nicole recounts her journey which started with her beloved childhood perfume making kit, and how, during covid, Karen’s course reignited those memories which ultimately led her to launching her own perfume business.
    • Nicole explains the theory behind her workshops and how they are designed to encourage mindfulness and harmony in the participants, as well as bringing people closer to scent.
    • Nicole finally took the step to launch her own perfume business once covid hit and she found herself to be desperately unhappy. She details her process to Karen, the challenges she faced and how she ultimately overcame them.
    • Karen and Nicole discuss the importance of obtaining objective feedback on your work, where to get it from and how, if done correctly, it can help you to grow.


    “Being creative is not only fun, but it releases positive endorphins which helps to reduce stress and make you feel better.”

    “If you’re thinking about doing something, just go for it. If you have time to put barriers up, you’ll find a reason not to do it.”

    “Start small, test your market, test your audience. That's the best way to grow anything.”


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Elix Fragrance Website

    Elix Fragrance Instagram


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    52 mins
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: How Internal Exploration Enhances Creativity in Perfume Making
    May 12 2024

    Karen is away on a yoga retreat this week and it has got her thinking about how important it is to incorporate mindfulness practices into perfume making. In this episode, Karen explains how adopting mindfulness practices can open up new avenues for creativity and expression in your work, as well as improve your mental and physical health. Sharing techniques tailored for perfume makers, Karen is here to guide you into the world of mindfulness practices so that you can achieve your full potential.


    • Karen breaks down the science behind mindfulness and creativity, how we process both creativity and emotions and why practicing mindfulness techniques can enhance the key areas of our brain.
    • Karen walks you through a breathing technique that not only calms your mind, but engages your sense of smell, and shares the advantages of practicing this technique prior to any practical work.
    • Are you conscious of how your workspace makes you feel? Karen talks about how you can incorporate mindfulness into your workspace to help improve your creativity and shares her top tips for doing this.
    • Being mindful in your working practices is key, but being mindful about your mindfulness is really what helps you to grow. Karen talks about the importance of being present in the moment and evaluating and refining your mindfulness practices.


    “Mindfulness practices help calm the mind, clear mental clutter and improve our focus.”

    “By integrating mindfulness practices to your routine, you’re going to significantly enhance your ability to work with and understand a variety of different scented materials.”

    “It’s too easy to get to the end of the day and think that you haven’t achieved anything, but if you spend even a few minutes reflecting, you’ll be amazed and what you realise.”


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    The Scent Shift


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    43 mins
  • From Artists to Artisans - How a Former Actor and Former Musician Launched an Online Fragrance Store for Artisan Brands.
    May 5 2024

    This week Karen is joined by Josh and Samuel from Fiole, an online fragrance store for artisan brands. Having had previous careers in the entertainment world, the boys both drifted into the world of perfume and instantly fell in love with it. Four years ago they joined forces and launched Fiole, an online store with a difference. In this interview with Karen, they discuss their unique approach to online shopping, how they are mastering Tik-Tok to leverage their brand and the power of being independent.


    • Josh and Samuel talk through their process of creating their unique fragrance finder, which gives online customers the same experience of in store shopping, but with an exciting twist.
    • Josh explains the company’s approach to Tik-Tok, how they saw a way to make perfumery accessible to masses and the success they have achieved through this approach.
    • Fiole specialises in selling artisan brands. But what is the difference between artisan and niche? Josh and Samuel explain.
    • Samuel talks about the strong position that Fiole finds itself in due to their unique nature and how this gives them the advantage when big fragrance houses approach them for collaboration.


    “When you’re in a store the fragrance is doing the talking, but when you’re online, it’s packaging, images, ingredients.”

    “Tik-Tok is a great platform for education which ultimately drives customers to your website.”

    “Fragrances aren’t niche in terms of personal taste, they’re only niche in terms of availability.”


    Fiole Website

    Fiole Instagram

    Fiole TikTok


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    48 mins
  • Piloting Success: Navigating the Launch of Your Product with Karen's 7 Essential Tips
    Apr 28 2024

    This week on the show Karen is looking at the importance of running a pilot launch of your product. Launching your product with a full scale production into the market without knowing what to expect can be disastrous. But, Karen is here to help you avoid this major pitfall by sharing her 7 top tips on how to orchestrate a successful pilot and get your launch right the first time. From market research to understanding your goal to finding your ideal customer, it’s all covered in this episode so that you can hit the ground running.


    • The world of perfume marketing has changed. Brands no longer need to advertise in prestigious magazines, you can be successful just by using tiktok. But there are things to consider with this approach, which Karen explains.
    • Karen talks about how understanding what you want out of life, and not just within the confines of your perfume business, will help you to create a clear definition of success and, in turn, a tangible goal to work toward.
    • Having a strong understanding of costs is crucial to success. But this isn’t just about how much you charge for your product, it’s about what you're spending too. As Karen explains, the beauty of a pilot launch is that you can create small batches to test costing on various items so you can find that sweet spot.
    • Karen talks about the importance of creating a potential market for your product before your launch and how the creation of ‘waiting list’ is an invaluable tool to help you do this.


    “The perfume market is vast. To stand out, it’s not just about having a great product, it’s about understanding your audience and understanding there's a demand for your unique scent.”

    “Do you know who you're really trying to sell to? It’s so important to identify your dream customer.”

    “A small scale launch can act as a test to gather customer feedback without the full financial risk of a large inventory.”


    Karen’s Business Launch Plan


    Getting Started Guide

    Artisan Perfumery Mastermind


    Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way.

    Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances.

    With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques.

    Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing.







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    45 mins