• Jacki Interviews Patrick Moore, A Founder of Greenpeace
    Jun 15 2024
    Jacki interviews Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, on why he left the organization and now is heralding a very different message.
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    20 mins
  • Jailing Oil & Gas CEOs for High Gas Prices? New Lawfare Frontier
    Jun 14 2024
    In an astounding show of ignorance (or a strong belief that Americans are ignorant) about how gas prices come to be, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and 22 other senators are urging the Department of Justice to prosecute a former CEO of a large oil & gas company merely for calling for “capital discipline” in the sector and blasting out public information on group texts. Jacki explains what is behind this plan.
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    12 mins
  • Unanimous U.S. Supreme Ct Protects NRA (and Your) Free Speech
    Jun 13 2024
    Whether you are an oil & gas executive, a nonprofit, or a crowdfunding donor, this unanimous decision, authored by Justice Sotomayor, stands in the gap between you and ideological zealots armed with the power of the state. The court found that a low-level NY state government appointee likely engaged in “viewpoint discrimination” when arguably threatening insurance companies into dropping the NRA as a client. Jacki explains how this case has implications for de-banking and other persecution efforts nationwide.
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    11 mins
  • Your Votes Counts: Do Not Forfeit Your Country
    Jun 12 2024
    Hundreds of recent elections have been ties or decided by one-vote margins - even at the federal level. Jacki shares research from the Public Interest Legal Foundation showing that even the slightest change in legal or illegal election participation can change results. - - - - - Many talking heads claim that election fraud, misconduct, and irregularity doesn’t happen on any meaningful scale. They have not seen Heritage Foundation’s database containing thousands of prosecutions, representing a tiny fraction of the problem. Jacki shares recent, shocking examples and where to find more. - - - - - A new study estimates that between 10-27% of noncitizens are registered to vote (Agresti).
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    10 mins
  • What Can We Learn From Hungary’s Fights Against Theocrats, Nazis, & Commies? | Guest: S. B. Farrell
    Jun 5 2024
    Shea Bradley Farrell, President of Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research, and Education joins Jacki to of Last Warning to the West: Hungary’s Triumph over Communism and the Woke Agenda. Hungary has survived the invasion of the Mongols, conquest by the Ottomans, and soul-wrenching occupations by Nazis and Communists. Now, the country is resisting authoritarian diktats from the E. U. Despite centuries of struggle, the country is resurrected from the ashes and arguably the most free in Europe. How did this happen? What did Hungary do right and what can we learn from their fight against totalitarianism?
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    55 mins
  • “Green” House Inspections; Renewables Are Cheap & Successful? Time To Cut Subsidies
    Jun 4 2024
    Soon, you might not be able to sell your home unless it passes a “green” inspection. - - - - - Despite over a decade of prediction that traditional vehicles would become “obsolete,” in favor of electric vehicles, the numbers show EVs are tanking; another Jacki Daily Show prediction comes true - - - - - Texas, the energy powerhouse of America, can barely keep the lights on. Why is there not enough power for Texans? - - - - -Evangelicals and hunters are not voting. What gives? - - - - - Jacki argues that rather than recount the grievances of America we should take inventory of what our forebears did *right*. Why is the rest of the world still flooding our gates, and not the other way around? - - - - - Do we still have free speech? Those who “sleep on their rights” will lose them. Now is the time to double down on freedom. - - - - - Test it for yourself: the next time a wind or solar CEO talks about how cheap their product is, suggest that their hundreds of billions in subsidies be removed and see what happens.
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    44 mins
  • The “Energy Transition” is Merely a Headline; Oil & Gas States Dominate Economy
    Jun 3 2024
    Jacki promotes a new video (Rumble channel) with Mark Mills of the Texas Public Policy Foundation who explains that the “energy transition” isn’t actually happening, - other than in the press. - - - - - Jacki shares impressions from her appearances at Earth X, “the world’s largest green gathering” held each year in Dallas, TX - - - - - Govt does nothing well… - - - - - “Left-right” is a false paradigm - - - - - Are there any fiscal conservatives left? The type is nearly extinct. - - - - - Oil & gas producing states are the top economic performers. - - - - - Where is the next, emerging “America”? Where do we go if we lose this country?
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    50 mins
  • Is Artificial Intelligence the Least Green Industry on Earth? Data Centers Would Experience a 10-Fold Increase in Energy Consumption
    May 2 2024
    Scientific American is sounding the alarm on the staggering energy demand that A I will add to globe: A conversion to A I would create a ten-fold increase in data centers’ energy consumption. Most of the projected energy use is fossil fuels and nuclear. Additionally, “…global data centers, on average, will add 50% to the energy cost” just to *cool* the machines. Jacki asks the question of who will win in the inevitable energy crisis? Humans or A I?
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    7 mins