
  • Shona Lisa Pratt: Exploring the full spectrum of life and love through Tantra.
    Jun 9 2023

    This episode dives deep into a conversation with my dear friend and Kaula Tantra Teacher Shona Lisa Pratt. Shona is the co-founder and visionary of the retreat center Serra Vida in Portugal and a firm believer that we are all artists of this canvas called life. She facilitates conscious dance journeys, Tantric yoga classes, creative expression workshops, and immersive experiences that expand consciousness and open our senses. Her practices and teachings are not only her personal medicine which she loves to share, but a way of connecting to life’s essence and unlimited potential to co-create the world we want to live in.

    The episode today will define what Tantra means to us, how it has transformed both our lives and relationships and how thanks to Tantric practices we are both able to create a more authentic expression of intimacy and into-me-see.

    Shona and I are co-creating a Tantric Play Retreat for couples form the 28th to the 30th of July 2023 in Serra Vida, Portugal. We have curated a lush weekend retreat for you and your partner to take part of and explore the realms of connection, sensual energy, Tantra and profound playfulness. The weekend will be infused with nourishing, aphrodisiac plant based nutrition and juicy workshops that allow you to expand your perspective on conscious relating and sacred sexuality.  The retreat is limited to 7 couples and costs 950€ per couple. Reach out to hello@serravida.com to save your spot!

    Shona's Instagram: @shonalisa_
    Serra Vida Instagram: @serravida_portugal
    Tantric Play Retreat: Info Broshure PDF
    Serra Vida Website: serravida.com/retreats

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Kirbanu: Empowering your voice and Yoni through throat activations.
    Jan 24 2023

    Today, I am tuning in from Bali and sharing a wonderful conversation with the inspiring Mantra Musician, Voice Trainer & Empowerment Coach Kirbanu. Similar to me, Kirbanu has found her dharma on her own healing journey of releasing deep trauma held in her body through the activation of her voice. Her mission is to help people – especially women – to find their authentic and most powerful expression of the self with clarity and ease. We speak about how a blocked throat chakra manifests in our body and life and what simple methods we can use to unleash the flow of energy in the throat chakra. We also dive into a deeper conversation about the pussy-throat-connection and why a constricted voice comes with a constricted yoni, as a symptom in women and womb holders. Kirbanu also shares exercises and tools how to unleash and activate your voice, to be in the full authentic expression of your self, your truth and your pleasure.


    Kirbanu’s Website (Voice Coaching & Online Courses): www.kirbanu.com
    Kirbanu’s Instagran: @kirbanu
    Kirbanus Mantra Music: On Apple & Spotify
    Freebie: Online Voice Course

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Claudia Sahuquillo: Redefining the wild woman & grieving the old self.
    Dec 21 2022

    Happy Winter Solstice dear sisters. After the days grew shorter in the past weeks, we celebrate today the darkest day of the year – the beginning of winter and the time of dark feminine alchemy. It is a time of deep rest, quiet and hibernation. But the Winter solstice marks not only the darkest day of the year, it also marks a new era of light. Ancient pagan traditions celebrated the Winter solstice as the New Year, celebrating the solar return. From today onward, the days will grow longer again, bringing more light into the dark and reminding us of how one cannot exist without the other. Therefore the Winter Solstice teaches us that every ending is also a new beginning – it teaches us about the infinite and inevitable  cycles of death and rebirth.

    And for this very special day, I am sharing an inspiring interview with the incredible artist, feminist, mentor and entrepreneur – Claudia Sahuquillo. Together we explore  the archetype of the wild woman as a force of nature. Claudia redefines today what a wild woman means to her, how she allows more softness to come forth in the way she embodies the wild woman and how she deals with the grief about old ways of being.

    Claudia's Instagram: @claudiasahuquillo
    Claudia's Art: Online Shop
    Claudia's No Bullshit Newsletter: Sign Up Here
    Rose Woman Rise Yoga & Art Retreat: The Wholly Whore

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    55 mins
  • Alice Jackson: Why we fear the dark goddess & witch archetype.
    Oct 31 2022

    Happy Samhain, witches and welcome to the very first episode of the new SOUL FLOW PODCAST season after the relaunch. Today I have the pleasure to share an inspiring interview with a dear friend and sister of mine who I have the honour to co-create magical retreats with, and that is Alice Jackson. Alice is an incredible yoga teacher focusing on feminine sensuality and juicy embodiment practices. She is a Reiki master and runs online classes and she also teaches weekly Goddess Hours at the beautiful studio Shanti Vida, in Barcelona. It is in that beautiful space where Alice also organizes regular cacao ceremonies and goddess dances.

    In our interview today, perfectly timed for Samhain, we talk about the dark goddess and why we fear her. We talk about the story of goddess Inanna and her initiation into the underworld, and how we can relate to it. We talk about alchemising our darkness, immersing and rebirthing ourselves and we also tap into the topic of the witch wounds. So boil yourself a herbal tea, sit back an enduldge in this beautiful, honest and deep conversation with Alice Jackson.

    Links to Episode:

    Witches Immersion Retreat: 24.11.-27.11.2022 in Barcelona, Spain
    Get more info about the Witches Immersion Retreat via mail: info@shantivida.org
    Alice’s Instagram: @moretoyoga
    Alice’s Website: www.moretoyoga.com
    Book recommendation: From Maiden to Mother by Sarah Durham Wilson 

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    50 mins
  • Soul Flow Podcast Trailer: A new cycle.
    Oct 30 2022

    Namaste Goddess – thank you for tuning in and for showing interest in the message that I want to birth into the world through this podcast. My name is Paulina, and as a tantra yoga teacher, an intuitive artist and a space holder for women’s circles and immersive retreats, my whole work and dharma revolve around the feminine. WIthin this work I am weaving in elements of tantric rituals, menstrual cycle wisdom, moon astrology, creativity, sensuality and embodiment. 

    My wish for this new season of the Soul Flow Podcast is to use this platform to dive deeper into what I already offer, learn from wisdom keepers, teachers, artists and medicine women to hopefully reach as many women and womb holders out there that want to unfurl and unfold the miracle and pleasure of what it means to be born into this world as a cyclical force of nature. So welcome, sister, to the coven of the Soul Flow Podcast. 

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    11 mins
  • #39 Kreativität & Business: Interview mit Maria Murnikov üver kreativen (Cash-) Flow.
    Apr 8 2022

    In der heutigen Episode teile ich ein inspirierendes Interview mit Maria Murnikov. Maria ist Kreativpreneurin, Autorin, Podcasterin des Kreativpreneur Podcasts, CEO einer Textagentur und Business Mentorin für alle, die ein erfolgreiches kreatives Business mit Cash Flow aufbauen wollen. Heute verrät uns Maria ihre Tipps, wie sie kreativen Flow mit Unternehmergeist verbindet, wie sie ihre maskuline und feminine Energie dadurch in den Einklang bringt, wie sie Struktur ins Kreative Chaos einlädt und welche regelmäßigen kreativen Rituale ihrer inneren Muse schmeicheln. Wir sprechen aber auch darüber, wie sie es persönlich geschafft hat limitierende Glaubenssätze rundum “brotlose Kunst” aufzulösen und gibt dir hilfreiche Tipps, wie auch du das erreichen kannst.

    Lasse mir gerne deine Gedanken zur Episode unter meinem heutigen Instagrampost bei @letthatsoulflow da oder noch besser – hinterlasse mir eine positive Bewertung für den Soul Flow Podcast bei iTunes da.

    Links zur Episode:
    Maria’s Instagram: @mariamurnikov
    Maria’s Podcast: Kreativpreneur
    Maria’s Website: kreativpreneur.com
    Alle weiteren Angebote: msha.ke/mariamurnikov

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    53 mins
  • #38 Begenung mit der Cosmic Mother: Erfahrungsbericht meines Plant Medicine Retreats.
    Mar 25 2022

    Heute teile ich endlich wieder eine Solo-Episode mit einer sehr persönlichen und lebensverändernden Erfahrung, die ich zu Beginn des Jahres erleben durfte und zwar mein erstes Plant Medicine Retreat mit Ayahuasca. Ich teile mit dir diesen Energiestift, und wie sich dieser Shift bisher in meiner Arbeit, meinen Beziehungen, meiner Kunst, Kreativität, Sexualität und Weiblichkeit kenntlich macht. Für mich war es eine der tiefsten Erfahrungen meiner eigenen Weiblichkeit, meiner Dark Feminine Medicine, meiner Verbindung zu der Erde und allem, was drüber schwebt.

    Wenn dich die Episode inspiriert, freue ich mich riesig über eine positive Bewertung für den Soul Flow Podcast auf iTunes. Gerne kannst du mir all deine Fragen zu der Episode unter meinem heutigen Instagrampost auf @letthatsoulflow dalassen.

     Spark creativity, deine Paulina.

    Links zur Folge:
    Listening to Ayahuasca – Rachel Harris (Buch)
    Visionary Vine – Marlene Dobkin de Rios (Buch)
    The Last Shaman – Netflix (Doku)

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • #37 Untame your wild feminine: Interview with Claudia Sahuquillo about art, pleasure and the celebration of womanhood.
    Jan 16 2022


    Today I'm sharing a very special interview with a powerful and inspiring woman – the world-renowned artist, feminist and entrepreneur Claudia Sahuquillo. You may already know Claudia and her art from Instagram @claudiasahuquillo. She is especially famous for her project “skin is the new canvas”: basically painting tits and naked bodies made her go viral. And through this, Claudia revolutionized feminist art in an act of rebellious self-love. Until today she paints the bodies of real women with real stories, raising awareness for trauma, breast cancer, miscarriages, menstruation, sexuality, diversity, mental health and feminism. She also works as a mentor for mainly female artists and sells her incredible art full of sensuality and feminine fierce worldwide. 

    Our RISE WOMEN RISE retreat, organized by Shanti Vida, will be a 4-day yoga and art retreat (9th–12th of June 2022) about awakening the wild feminine. We’ll do holistic practices around womb connection, erotic innocence, cervical awakening, sacred sexuality, pleasure, play and intuitive creativity. Through goddess yoga flows, womb centered yin classes, breath work, tantric art, body painting, women circles, sensual dance and much more, we’ll awaken the wild feminine together, celebrating sisterhood and unleash our full potential and fire.

    Our RISE WOMEN RISE day retreat, organized by Shanti Vida, will be a full day retreat in Barcelona on the Spring Equinox (20th of March 2022), the day of equal light and dark. Therefore we’ll work on balancing the dark and light feminine within us, celebrating both energies and embody them within the wild woman we truly are. Through womb and heart yoga, a menstrual cycle workshop and women circle, shamanic breath work into the womb and body painting with cacao ceremony and ecstatic dance, we’ll tap into the wild.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, where we dive deeply into Claudia’s creative process, her way of finding pleasure in the smallest details of her daily life, her celebration of womanhood and her way of having chosen feminism and art as her weapon as a love warrior.

    If you have any question or feedback, leave a comment below my post on Instagram today @letthatsoulflow. I'd also endlessly appreciate a positive review for the Soul Flow Podcast on iTunes.

    Now, get cozy with a glass of wine, sister, soak up Claudia's wisdom, get ready to get have a laugh and – let me be honest – get turned on here and there.

    Spark creativity, your Paulina.

    More info about RISE WOMEN RISE retreats: mail to info@shantivida.org
    Claudia's Instagram: @claudiasahuquillo
    Claudia's Newsletter: claudiasahuquillo.com
    Claudia's Shop: sahuquilloshop.com
    Book recommendations: Julia Cameron – Artit’s Way & Elizabeth Gilbert – Big Magic
    PDF from Audre Lorde about the Uses of the Erotic: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e7cf4825b02c00b6a142f0c/t/5f4bee98ceb27e4afe99bd7c/1598811800640/audre_lorde_cool-beans.pdf 

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    1 hr and 11 mins