• Your Thoughts Never Die with Darius J. Wright
    Jun 17 2024

    We’ve all seen the bumper stickers the past few decades, “What you think you become.” It’s true. Imagine you’ve passed out of this world and are given your highlight reels of ALL of the thoughts you indulged in your lifetime. You’d probably notice that the thoughts that were most persistent ultimately dictated the quality of your life.

    Darius J. Wright will tell you that’s absolutely true. As an Out of Body Experiencer, he has learned to navigate the realms and dimensions of earth without fear and tells us that our thoughts never die. And, that the ones we repeat become our destiny. In his experience thoughts are tangible, visible things he can see on the other side and that they gain mass due to reinforced or repetitious thought. This means that if we don’t like what we see, we need to choose the quality of our thoughts more carefully as we are truly co-creators of the world around us. For me, this is addressing the basis of reality itself. Enjoy!

    Visit Darius' site: https://dariusjwright.com/

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Are We Dopamine Junkies? with Anna Lembke, M.D.
    Mar 25 2024

    Are you living for one source of pleasure after the next? Whether it be social media, romance novels, video games, online sex, food, alcohol or drugs, Psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, author of internationally acclaimed Dopamine Nation, says we're risking mass depression if we don't let our brain recover with a little boredom or pain. You may have felt this yourself after indulging in the things you love doing too much or too often. We need more and more to feel satisfied. Or we may feel anxious when we're separated from our "addiction." It all comes down to how our brain produces the feel-good chemical Dopamine. This is a fascinating story of what happens in our world of overindulgence. Enjoy!

    Visit Anna's site and get her book 'Dopamine Nation': https://www.annalembke.com/

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    45 mins
  • Oppenheimer-Einstein UFO Letter Authentication
    Mar 11 2024

    When I released my commentary about the little known Oppenheimer-Einstein letter to then President Truman, there were naturally questions regarding its authenticity. To remedy this, I went back to the source, UFO archivist and researcher Ryan Woods, to get a deeper understanding about the origin of the letter. This conversation addresses the authenticity of the letter, which petitioned the President to consider a new global agency such as the United Nations to handle our relationships with extraterrestrials in the wake of the atomic bomb. Both Oppenheimer (who had top security clearance) and Einstein believed the increased UFO activity the military was involved with was a response to having mishandled atomic energy in a destructive manner. Enjoy!

    Visit Ryan's site: https://majestictwelve.com

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    18 mins
  • How To Survive the Emotion of Fear in 2024 with Belinda Womack
    Feb 26 2024

    Belinda Womack and the Twelve Archangels are back with us to give us some beautiful and useful techniques for unloading the heavier baggage of our emotions. While emotions are how we transform, love and grow, some of the denser trapped emotions are taking our frequencies down. When we are in these patterns it is nearly impossible to rise into the higher frequencies of love that are beckoning us to move forward in these challenging times. So, how do we simply, beautifully, respectfully and easily move those dense emotions upward? The Archangels have a lovely practice for us in this interview along with many other words of wisdom including “2024 will begin to bring in the joy of that which will shock you!”

    Visit Belinda's site and get her books: https://belindawomack.com/

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    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    45 mins
  • Elon Musk: Humanity’s Friend or Foe?
    Feb 6 2024

    The human phenomenon named Elon Musk has become perhaps the most controversial person on the planet. He is an extraordinarily complex man on a mission, which has radically transformed six industries. – PayPal, the solar, electric industry, electric vehicles, space travel, AI, NeuroLink. But he lives and speaks unfiltered as he is “on the spectrum“ with Asperger syndrome. This means that intellectually, he’s extremely high in function, but low in his ability to connect easily with other people and has little to no impulse control. This means that what is in his head or heart comes out of his mouth, or fingertips (texting/Tweeting) without understanding the consequences. I have learned that this has caused him great regret over his lifetime Because he’s having such a massive impact on humanity’s future (and in the headlines most days), I decided to offer a feature commentary hopscotching through his life, missions and relationships with others. This is not by no means a comprehensive view as it would take many hours, but hopefully gives a solid glimpse into his life so you can decide for yourself, ”Is he humanity’s friend or foe?” Please feel free to leave respectful comments or questions. Enjoy.

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    46 mins
  • 2024: Time To Be Bold!
    Jan 15 2024

    You can feel it in your bones. 2024 is confronting us with both a daunting and an energizing invitation to snap out of any complacency and come back to life. I feel it as something pushing me forward, making me antsy and restless, seeking change. To get a better idea of the cosmic energetics that are in play I decided to speak with my friends and colleagues about what Pluto moving into Aquarius on January 20th REALLY means to us. What I learned is that the great Age of Aquarius is now firmly upon us, which means that we now witness the old ways crumbling, while beautiful, new green sprouts rise up underneath to create a new foundation for life on earth. But it won’t be smooth. At the end of my commentary I offer a couple of ways to maintain our relationships, while the world seems to spin off kilter. Go forward brave souls into the unknown landscape of 2024!!

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    31 mins
  • Kicking Evil’s A**! with Cate Montana
    Dec 8 2023

    Cate Montana is a warrior with an unprecedented level of transparency. As a child she could feel the room turn cold when her grandmother was in it and began seeing patterns of darkness entering into the bodies of others. It wasn’t until later in her life and career that she understood it and named it - Evil. Cate shares in her new book, Cracking the Matrix, that Evil is not indigenous to earth and its people, rather a force that has insinuated itself into our lives starting at the highest institutional levels to everyday life. All we need to do is read the day’s headlines to see Evil in full force. It hinges on its ability to make us feel fearful but we can say “No more!” Despite the topic, this is actually a light-hearted and uplifting perspective on taking back our true power. Enjoy!

    Visit Cate's site and get her books: https://www.catemontana.com/

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Exploring the Mind of the Universe with Christopher Bache, Ph.D.
    Nov 6 2023

    Every now and then I meet someone who casts an entirely new light on the Meaning of Life and the Nature of Reality. Christopher Bache, Ph.D., reached this peak awareness through massive doses of LSD over a couple of decades, a practice he steadfastly tells people to avoid. But, as the guinea pig, he put his psyche, physical, mental and emotional health on the line in search of the Truth. What he brings us is nothing short of pure gold for truth seekers through his book LSD and the Mind Of the Universe. Enjoy!

    Visit Chris' site and get his books: https://chrisbache.com/

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    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    47 mins