• MMO #123 – Mossad Facade
    Jun 5 2024

    Mexico has a new president. Trump was found guilty and the mainstream is still fully erect over it. The offensive contemplates the meaning of Oligarchy. The EU is worried about the Far Right, while underplaying the far rights concerns. The information war rages on. France thinks Russia is dropping Banksy art around their country. The economy isn’t Biden’s fault, according to one of Biden’s appointees. And its PriDE MONth in the US of A.

    Art #123- This piece by Robert H. perfectly highlights the rage I feel while talking about the absolute garbage product that is Word Press. Get Bent Wordpress.

    Fiat Fun Coupon Donations:

    • Wiirdo, Roast Beef Eater
    • Sam S. of Bourblandia
    • Emily the Fed (Not a Fed)
    • Ethan Crawley
    • Hempress Emily M.

    Top Boosters:

    • Comic Strip Blogger
    • Boolysteed
    • JonMcPain
    • KattyKit
    • Jasper89
    • Sandesinhgh



    Sentencing Speculation


    Russian Anti-LGBTQ Law

    Information Warfare

    Firehose of Falsehoods

    Anne Applebaum married to Radosław (Radek) Sikorski, Member of the European Parliament for his native Kuyavian-Pomeranian region, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE), he also chairs the Delegation for relations with the United States.

    Renee DiResta attended Stony Brook University and in 2004 received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science // Political Science.DiResta has stated that as an undergraduate student she worked as an intern for the CIA, but that her association with that agency ended in 2004. Until 2011 she worked in finance, as a trader at Jane Street Capital after which she worked in high tech venture capital firms until 2014. In 2015, DiResta co-founded Vaccinate California, an organization designed to promote vaccination in California. DiResta was Director of Research at Yonder, a company that specialized in information integrity. Yonder was called to testify before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about possible Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election. Currently, DiResta is Technical Research Manager for the Stanford Internet Observatory.


    Fauci on CNN



    ICC Investigator Threatened

    Oil Price

    Secret Plot to Keep Oil Prices High

    WTI Chart

    Why Biden’s Permit Surge Isn’t What It Seems


    Sioux Falls Churches


    Open Primaries in Alaska

    Show more Show less
    3 hrs and 11 mins
  • MMO #122 – Democracythink
    May 29 2024
    Insurance companies are going broke! The Bird Flu Fear Porn is in full force, will paper ballots be next? The Taliban has wove their way into Russia and China’s hearts. Israel loves killing civilians. Democracy is on the ballot in Mexico, Bulgaria, and Georgia. Kenya is cozying up to the US. The economy is doing just find say news anchors who have never stepped foot on Main Street. The Oceans contain a mystery. England wants you to forcibly volunteer for a weekend. What the F is Skibidi and why can’t small kids learn to use a toilet? All that and more in your Millennial Media Offensive’s 122nd episode. Art for #122: This PG vision of a hardened house was brought to you by the Clip Custodian. Think you can beat him? Send your art to Dan@mmo.show & John@mmo.show Executive Producer for #122: Trashman, Brother of the Kandahar Giant Fiat Fun Coupon Donatations: ChuckyChucklesWiirdo This weeks Boosters: dalejr | 5,000 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!trailchicken | 3,333Boolysteed | 3,333afrothymix | 1,650trailchicken | 1,000trashman | 1,000thepresidents | 500jasper89 | 121 Shownotes Ep. 122 Insurance Insurance Companies Wrecked! Combined Ratio Construction costs history NOAA Billion Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters ABC Spinning # of $B Events as Climate Change Signal Mid East Blinken Reaffirming Ukraine Orban on Ukraine Lithuania FM on Orban Catholicism New Saint Mexico Pres Election Rundown Final Debate Wrap Peso Value Fluctuations Protests Against Obrador What If Sheinbaum Doesn’t Win? Military Redefining Service Kenya Kenya is Our Friend Taiwan Invasion Plan Economy ABC Consumer Sentiment Wage Increase Due to Benefit Costs Oceans Fishy Blob Biden Memes Colbert Skibidi AI Google
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    2 hrs and 37 mins
  • MMO #121 – Grizzly Bear with Tits
    May 22 2024

    A Fun and hilarious episode of your Millennial Media Offensive awaits! From Iranian Helicopters falling out of the sky to Slovakia and Georgia being rubber stamp clones. Joementia Biden is having a good time promising the moon to blacks, while seemingly having an episode while denouncing the ICC warrants. Lindsay Graham is calmer, while Senator Kennedy has a bit of a potty mouth. If you can listen to this entire episode without laughing, you haven’t got a heart!

    Special Thanks to Rob H. for the winning art!

    Fiat Fun Coupon Donors:

    • Sam S. of Bourblandia
    • Wiirdo, Offensively wiird!

    This weeks boosters:

    • KattyKit
    • Boolysteed
    • Dame Trailchicken
    • MakeHeroism
    • JonMcPain
    • Jasper89

    Shownotes Ep 121


    Lindsey Graham on Al Arabiya


    NBC Rundown

    Information Warfare

    Mayorkas @ Economic Club of Washington, D.C.


    Commencement at Morehouse

    Biden at NAACP

    Fixed It


    Brian Will, Will Restaurant Group on CNBC


    John Kennedy on Lawfirm Report

    Emmer on Bills

    SAB 121

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 48 mins
  • MMO #120 – Sewage Milk
    May 15 2024
    Bugs, Wars, and redefining Democracy. It’s a crazy world we live in. MMO #120 focuses on wild swath of new happenings around the globe this week. The West help democracy by defeating it, Ukraine needs more stuff including warm bodies. Germany is seeing a rise in Authoritarianism. Georgia continues to heat up. Lindsay Graham blows his top on the news and israel. ART BY: Clip Custodian. Don’t just surrender to him, see if you can beat him. Send your art to dan@mmo.show & john@mmo.show Fiat Fun Coupon Donators: TrashmanHempress Emily M.Wiirdo This weeks Boosters: flibbertygibbet | 10,000 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!Cousin Vito | 8,888trailchicken | 3,333boolysteed | 3,333Salty Crayon | 404jasper89 | 119namillennial | 105namillennial | 100 Shownotes Ep 120 Birdbrain Flu Celine Gounder on CBS Bird Flu Gazatho NBC Report ABC Report Ukraine Russian Offensive – DW >Kharkiv region is a major O&G pipeline hub – feeds 3 lines into Ukraine >Russian Def. Minister promoted, replaced by Economic advisor Anduril Founder on Bloomberg Trade Katherine Tai on Tariffs Inflation Speech Election Interference Taskforce Portal Information Indian YouTuber on Elections, Information Enviornment Politics Kamala Stupid Stay Hard MO Sec of State Misc Roastie Teachers Blinken Puts on Rock Show in Kiev EMAIL FROM FLIBBERTYGIBBIT Here's my personal story: My husband and I bought a piece of property in the middle of nowhere Missouri about 1.5 years ago with plans of building a little homestead and becoming as self-sufficient as possible. After living here a few months we began to notice the smell. This was not the smell of the nearby chicken farms, this was an overwhelming smell of decaying flesh and rot. It was so bad we couldn't go outside and at times strong enough that even inside the house would smell utterly foul. It stuck to our hair and clothes, resulted in millions of flies and mosquitos swarming constantly, and was just inescapable. I started introducing myself to my new neighbors and asking the origin of this rancid odor and learned that it came from a lagoon nearby that was filled with this sludge as well as several surrounding farms that land applied it as fertilizer. I had learned about this stuff years prior due to my interest in sustainable agriculture and was horrified to learn that it was being used on the beautiful farmland in this place that I love. After getting to know some of my neighbors myself and 3 others decided to try to get something done. We formed S.L.U.D.G.E., a committee dedicated to ending the use of this crap. We set out to educate people in our area about what this stuff actually is and started contacting environmental lawyers and lawmakers to see what we could do. We filed a lawsuit against the department of natural resources for failure to enforce their own regulations and began working on a senate bill. The bill was manipulated through the political process but did pass the senate 30-1 this past week and now has to go back to the house. There was a lot left out of the bill but it's a step in the right direction. Our lawsuit is still ongoing. Most Recent article on the bill: https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/07/missouri-bill-protecting-rural-neighbors-from-meatpacking-sludge-nears-passage/ Article talking about our lawsuit, not much new recently. Government entities are good at drawing out the legal process. https://www.cassville-democrat.com/2023/11/14/good-question-no-answer/?fbclid=IwAR0lp6nnsFakgXtq-qIjK8FzwZNlnNdLuktfv7ZTdP7eWCRGi8V0ajCubGc So what is this shit? Well, It can be literally shit in some cases, but really there is so much more. Sludge is a byproduct of the industrial wastewater treatment process. It contains the worst of the contaminants from industrial plants (mostly food manufacturers) that cannot be sent to a standard wastewater processing facility and in some cases can contain the waste removed from municipal wastewater treatment. The industrial waste includes animal guts, grease trap waste, and the industrial cleaning agents used to clean the facilities among other things. These contaminants are removed from the water with the help of chemical coagulants and flocculants (often containing heavy metals such as aluminum) that bind to the contaminates and allow them to float to the surface or sink to the bottom where they can be skimmed off leaving behind cleaner water that can go through the standard wastewater treatment stream. Manufactures pay companies to bring in tank trucks to pick...
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    2 hrs and 41 mins
  • MMO #119 – American Contagion
    May 8 2024

    The offensive returns to talk about Ole Miss Monkeys, Nazi Rhetoric, Israel, and many more things that would get us kicked off of traditional platforms. Georgia is starting to look a lot like 2014 Ukraine or even mirror it’s 2008 self. China’s Pooh Bear Xi is tighten his belt as he paves a road through Europe. Noam wants to kill more dogs. Stormy Daniels sponsored a hole and the poles are tight. #119 of your Millennial Media Offensive is a hot one.

    Executive Producer of MMO #119:

    • Trashman, The Raider of Naders

    Associate Executive Producer of MMO #119:

    • R, The man with a one letter name

    Fiat Fun Coupon Donations

    • Sharkey Shark
    • Emily the Fed, Not a Fed
    • Tom from Wyoming

    This weeks Boosters:

    • boo-bury | 17,776 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!
    • jeromy73 | 5,000
    • boolysteed | 3,333
    • boo-bury | 3,333
    • namillennial | 1,000
    • sandesingh | 500
    • jasper89 | 100

    Shownotes Ep. 119


    Stormy Testimony Rundown


    Ben Hodges Top Priority

    US Soldier Arrested

    Who Is This


    Rafah Update

    Mike Johnson on Weapons Shipment


    1. Blinken at McCain Institute with Mitt Romney


    Human Waste Fertilizer and PFAS


    USA vs Google Closing Arugments


    German Politician Attacked


    Orangutan Self-Treatment

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 29 mins
  • MMO #118 – Humza Yumza
    May 1 2024

    Internet Drops, Software Crashes, and Crying babies, Nothing can stop the offensive! Kristi Noem not only shot her dog in the face, but also her VP chances. The government might actually Fascist coup us over the College Palestine Protests, that’s to the people who should not be named. Nation states are infiltrating the alt-stream media. Allen Lichtman returns to CNN to give democrats hope. Xi wants to visit Europe and much more, in the rough yet exciting adventure that is MMO #118!

    Fiat Donations:

    • Ethan Crawley
    • Sam S. of Bourblandia
    • ChuckyChuckles
    • Fair Volt Tea
    • Wiirdo

    DONATE: mmo.show/donate

    Show art: JOHN G. DEW. Think you can beat him? Send your art to dan@mmo.show & john@mmo.show

    This weeks Boosters: •anonymous | 2,222 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!•dirty_jersey_whore | 1,976•trashman | 200•jasper89 | 117

    Ep 118

    Potential Titles

    · Look At Me, I Love Dogs· Old Yeller Spoiler Warning· Crucifying Free Speech· Have Some Decency· The Episode That Shall Not Be Completed· "Were Under Attack"· AI News by AI· Humza Useless· Millennial Parent Offensive· State of Israels Parking Lot· Democracy According to Nancy· Ruth Baiter-Ginsburg· Crotchety Old Bag· Sideways Shitcast· Straight-Up Shitshow· You Should Listen to No Agenda· Dont Change That WiFi Channel!· Machete Season· More Boy In The Summer


    Changing Definitions

    Information War

    NYT Leaked Memo

    Palestine Chronicle - Cruelty of Language

    Political Marketing

    OnlyFan Ads

    Humza Yusef Resigns

    Cass Review Role

    Zerohedge – Hate Crime Law Stats


    Male Violence

    Domestic Politics

    Nancy P on MSNBC w/ Katy Tur


    Migrants Fleeing UK

    UK Stabbing


    Drunk Kids

    Biden Admin

    Fox Report


    Kurdistan Khor Mor Drone Attack on Gas Facility

    Turkey in Talks with Exxon Mobil for LNG Supply




    Gender Season

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 36 mins
  • MMO #117 – Trans Weather Agenda
    Apr 24 2024
    The Red Heifer Prophecy has an exciting update. Social Media platforms and the battle for algo control rages on. JGD brings some compelling clips and insights on the matter. Log Cabin Republicans think Melania is their Slay Queen@ Gaza still has a bunch of people up in arms, while arms are exactly what Uncle Sam is handing to his curly dark haired nephew. Nigeria is kicking the US out and the Elites want to make you look like a Smurf. No really, listen to the show! Associate Executive Producer for #117: Trashman Fiat Donations: Susan A.WiirdoHempress Emily M. DONATE: mmo.show/donate Show art: JOHN G. DEW. Think you can beat him? Send your art to dan@mmo.show & john@mmo.show This weeks Boosters: •Anonymous | 33,333 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!•boolysteed | 8,008•boolysteed | 3,333•marykateultra | 3,333•Clip_Custodian | 3,333•kattykit | 3,333•Vo | 3,333•petar | 2,222•kattykit | 1,000•mrh | 1,000•saintsandsats | 500•sandesingh | 300•jasper89 | 116 Ep 117 Gaza Mass Grave in Gaza Campus Protests Pro-Israeli Columbia Student Israel Ultra Orthodox Unit Trade Lesley Stahl on Gina Raimondo ***SANCTIONS TIMELINE:*** May 2017: Historic beef and poultry trade deal with China under Wilbur Ross March 2018: tariffs implemented on aerospace, information and communication tech July 2018: additional Chinese products hit with tariffs – exclusion process implemented May 2019: Tariffs increased from 10 to 25 percent Dec 2020: Commerce dept adds SMIC to trade blacklist Feb 2022: Russia invades Ukraine Oct. 7 2022: US Restricts exports of chips and related equipment to China Tech DW Tiktok Ban Today (NBC) NBC Ian Bremmer Digital World Order Earth Day USA Today Urgent Optimism Argyria iClinique Dangers of Silver Iodide Case of Argyria Africa Niger Protests Trust the Plan Covid Arrests Sheetz 0Hedge Rundown
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    2 hrs and 50 mins
  • MMO #116 – havetheredheifersbeensacrificed.com
    Apr 17 2024

    The offensive returns after a week of R&R. Iran attacked Israel, influservatives posting vids like WWIII?!? Was it a sincere effort or a 5th gen switcharoo? UK is banning smoking, but Australians are the ones getting stabby! The Francis Scott Key Bridge was racist, possible motive? Russia considering cutting cables. Polls are still stupid. Georgians are up in arms, and 2A is under attack yet again. Action packed episode of MMO!

    Executive Producer:

    • Millennial Bookkeeper

    Fiat Fun Coupon Donators:

    • Sharkey Shark
    • El Conquistador
    • Emily the Fed, not a Fed
    • Upbeatz Music Podcast
    • Sam S. of Bourblandia
    • Wiirdo
    • Trashman

    This weeks Boosters:

    • jeromy73 | 10,000 | BAG DADDY BOOSTER!
    • kattykit | 3,333
    • boolysteed | 3,333
    • marykateultra | 3,333
    • Clip_Custodian | 3,333
    • kalyptic | 2,000
    • saintsandsats | 1,000
    • kattykit | 1,000
    • saintsandsats | 500
    • jasper89 | 115

    Shownotes Ep 116

    Tuesday, April 16, 2024

    Mid East

    Jack Keane FOX Business

    Israel-Turkey Trade War


    Underwater Cable Attack


    CBS Polling on Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Gaza


    Georgia NGO Bill


    Product of USA Label


    Gun Show “Loophole”

    368 over 5 years

    327 are shot EVERY DAY – Brady United

    Party Shootings

    Wynne, AR

    San Antonia, TX

    Dallas, TX

    Atlanta, GA

    Philly, PA

    Spartanburg, SC

    Houston, TX

    Denver, CO

    Columbus, OH

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 54 mins