• Encore Open Your Third Eye and See!
    Jun 5 2024
    Would you like to see into the spirit world? Look at people’s auras and understand them better? How about seeing how the whole universe is energy? Would you like to see what someone is really saying even if that person can’t articulate very well? Would seeing your spirit guides and guardian angels help you live your life more joyfully? You can’t do that with your two physical eyes alone. You need to open your inner third eye! Join clairvoyant hosts Michael and Raphaelle in this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Discover the much larger and more profound world you live in that you can only see with your clairvoyance. Learn how to use more of your innate ability to see with your third eye and live more of the miracle of your soul life.
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    1 hr
  • Encore Celebrating the Light: What You Need to Live a Joy-Filled Life
    May 29 2024
    Want to live a more joy-filled life? Of course, you do! Who wouldn’t? Is it hard to be joyful in life? If it were easy, wouldn’t many more people be joyful most of the time? Why do we see so few people in the world that are truly joyful most of the time? So, what is the secret to living such a life? How do you find joy in your life? Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Michael and Raphaelle will explore what joy is, what the source of it is, and what you need to do to experience more of it in your daily life.
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    1 hr
  • Encore You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think!
    May 22 2024
    You might be way more psychic than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, most people who are interested in being psychic struggle because they don’t realize how psychic they already are and they overlook or ignore all the ways they are being psychic. The question isn’t about making yourself more psychic - it’s about becoming more aware how psychic you already are and in how many different ways. Until you realize how psychic you already are, you may be unknowingly using your various psychic abilities in ways that make more problems for you rather than help you solve them. Tune-in to this upcoming episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and discover how you can correctly use your psychic abilities to live more of the miracle that is your soul life. Learn to use those abilities that are innate to you as a soul so that you can live a joy-filled life of purpose.
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    1 hr
  • Encore Clairvoyance: See The Truth and Set Yourself Free
    May 15 2024
    Have you felt stuck about something in your life? In your job? In a relationship? About your health? Your family? Finances? How about in your spiritual growth? To set yourself free from whatever is troubling you, you need to get to the truth of the matter. No matter what the problem is, see the truth and you’ll set yourself free. Your innate soul ability to see the truth is called clairvoyance. Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn about clairvoyance and how you can develop it to set yourself free in every arena of your life. Find out how you can better discern the truth from what merely appears to be true in the world and in your life. Everyone already has the psychic ability to see clearly - clairvoyance - but, most people ignore it and never learn to develop it. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start setting yourself free.
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    1 hr
  • Encore Communicating with Animals and Your Spiritual Development
    May 8 2024
    Do you love animals? Can you communicate with them? What does communicating with animals have to do with your spiritual development? Communication has everything to do with all relationships and your relationships with animals are no exception. And, the more you learn to communicate with animals, the more you discover a deeper aspect of yourself as a soul. We have that connection more naturally as little children, but most of us tend to lose awareness of that in the rigors of growing up and becoming responsible adults. It’s time to re-discover that aspect of your soul self. Remember, you’re not just a pretty body - you are spirit expressing yourself through a body here. Join us for this enlightening and uplifting episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and discover more about the joys of communication with our animal family. Tune-in and learn how you can communicate more with animals and discover what you can learn from them. It’s about your spiritual growth!
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    1 hr
  • Encore Clean-Up, Tune-Up and Charge-Up Your Chakras!
    Apr 24 2024
    How are your chakras today? Do you know? Would you like to find out? There are energy systems that organize, maintain, and help heal your physical body that operate on much more subtle and essential levels than even the cells that make up your body. If you neglect taking care of the organs in your body, your body would not function very well. If you neglect the cells that make up everything in your body, the organs wouldn’t work so well. And, none of it would work if the various energy systems operating beneath and beyond the physical body were not tended to. So, be sure to tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn a few simple, but powerful psychic tools to help you Clean-Up, Tune-Up, and Charge-Up Your Chakras!
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    1 hr
  • Encore: How to Set the Energy for Your New Year
    Apr 17 2024
    People around the world make admirable resolutions for the new year. Yet, many of them fail to follow through to their intended goal. What happens? As the famous proverb reminds us, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Or, as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux wrote earlier, “Hell is full of good wishes or desires.” We may begin the brand new year with noble desires and intentions, but if we’re not committed to follow-through with appropriate action throughout the rest of the year, well, all we may end up with are a stack of good excuses and disappointment. So, how do we launch this year in a way that we’ll celebrate joyously at the year’s end that we accomplished more than we set out to do? Hint: Everything is energy. Find out one of the secrets to having a joy-filled year of fulfillment by joining us for this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura.
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    1 hr
  • Encore Effortlessly Manifesting What You Need for Your Life
    Apr 10 2024
    Overworked and overwhelmed? Have you been not only working too hard, but also trying too hard? Ever think, “Keep trying harder”? That may sound necessary to make it through boot camp, but is trying hard against all odds the way to live your daily life? Can you hope to fulfill your purpose in life that way? Not at all. You’ll only end up overworked and overwhelmed! Commitment and perseverance are all-important in manifesting anything in life. Yet, they don’t mean you have to be in effort. When you’re trying too hard to get something done, you’re going against what you’re afraid will prevent you from having it, rather than keeping your sight on where you’re going. Creativity needs to flow into an open space, but if you direct it against something, it works against you. Tune-in to Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Find out how to get out of effort and manifest what you need to fulfill your purpose in your life. Refresh your spirit by refreshing yourself in spirit.
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    1 hr