• LGR 68: How to Balance Your Cortisol and lose belly fat [what most coaches charge 1000s for]
    Jun 17 2024

    Oooooooo it's the hot topic of every social media outlet.....CORTISOL & WEIGHT LOSS

    But ya see, there's a lot of mis-information out there, and I'd rather you spend your 17 minutes with me then dive any deeper into the BS you hear online and on social media

    I'll cover.....

    - The role of Cortisol and your metabolism
    - What spikes / "rasies" your cortisol levels
    - The "Belly Fat" & Cortisol relation
    - How to balance your Cortisol (most coaches charges 10000s of dollars and gate keep this basic information)

    So press play and let's dive in!

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    18 mins
  • LGR 67: Is Your Body Going into starvation mode? and thats why you can't lose weight
    Jun 11 2024

    Starvation Mode? Isn't that where your body doesn't lose weight anymore because you're probably not eating enough? So it holds on to weight/fat because it thinks its not going to get fed later???

    Tune into today's episode as we uncover "STARVATION MODE" and what this means for your weight loss goals.

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    14 mins
  • LGR 66: How to Accelerate Weight Loss This Summer
    Jun 3 2024

    Use these simple, easy yet practical tips to accelerate and speed up your weight loss this summer!

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    16 mins
  • LGR 65: Getting Sexy for Summer + Your Health
    May 27 2024

    Ditch the untrusty worthy unreliable diet advice, all the crazy supplements you think you need because of some influencer on TikTok, and you can ditch the labels that say “FAT BURNER” or “FAT SHREDDING SUPER FOOD”.

    There’s a proven way to change your body from the inside out

    Tune into today's epsidode as we uncover the true reasons WHY you need to start Strength Training and kiss the HIIT cardio bye bye

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    26 mins
  • LGR 64: Macro Friendly VS Not Macro Friendly
    May 20 2024
    Macro Friendly? What The Heck Does That Mean?!?

    Just because something is high in protein and low calorie, doesn't mean its macro friendly.

    Wouldn't you love to get the most BANG for your buck when it comes to the foods you eat?

    Or understand how you can sit down at night and have the oreos, or not skip on a spicy margarita at Mexican?

    In today's episode and I'm going to cover what exactly IS "Macro Friendly" vs what is not considered macro friendly when it comes to eating the foods you love and seeing your results!


    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    17 mins
  • LGR 63: This Misconception of eat the foods you love
    May 13 2024

    I'm sure you've heard a million times before "Eat the foods you love and lose weight"

    or "Eat the food you love & get rid of that stubborn fat" ..."Eat the foods you love to X,Y,Z whatever you wanna call it.

    Is it true? Sure, but there's a HUGE misconception that we fail to understand.

    In today's episode we'll cover the 2 biggest misconceptions of why this won't always work.

    REGISTER FOR OUR MACRO MASTERY WORKSHOP - And Yes, to eat the foods you love AND still results ---> Save Your Seat Here!

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    21 mins
  • LGR 62: 4 Easy Shifts to Have the Scale Go Down every Monday
    May 6 2024

    If you're anything like me... the weekends are typically filled with more excitement vs during the weekend.

    In fact, the weekends use to be my biggest down and the reason why the scale wouldn't budge no matter how well I did during the week.

    In today's episode I'll share the 4 things I do every weekend to keep me on track, and the weight from creeping back on!

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    29 mins
  • LGR 61: How to know if your metabolism is crap
    Apr 29 2024

    In todays episode we'll cover the basic Metabolic Markers that will help you indicate how well your metabolism is running.

    Not only are these basic markers importantbut but they can give us insight into the integrity of our internal health and metabolism. In today's episode I'll educate + show you how to use these markers to keep your metabolism health in check.

    Follow us on Instagram for a NO BS approach to Weight Loss --> @amytfitness


    Join the ATF Weight Loss Secrets Facebook Community for 50+ videos teaching you how to start losing weight without the BS, so you never have to worry about gaining it back!


    Interested in Private Coaching with a system that's tailored to you? ---- Apply for Taylor'D Training ----> Click Here


    Send me a message on Facebook and see how I can help or what free resources I can share to help you get started on your journey today! --> CLICK HERE

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    13 mins