• The Work: A Journey of Healing, Growth and Faith
    Jun 14 2024
    Imagine you’re climbing a rugged trail, every step a challenge, but each step bringing you closer to an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and peace. That’s the journey we, Sarge and Mark, share on this episode of the Foxhole Symphony Podcast. We dive into the crucial role of authentic community among men, reflecting on our recent experiences and emphasizing how vital it is to confront our emotional and spiritual wounds. Through the support and accountability of our band of brothers, we find the strength to engage in the "heart work" necessary for true healing.

    We draw parallels between our personal growth and the beloved Whitehead Trail on Monhegan Island, Maine. Tackling the physical and emotional hurdles of this hike serves as a metaphor for our spiritual journey—one that involves creating space for God, embracing honesty and transparency, and replacing fears with courage. This ongoing spiritual work, though challenging, leads to profound peace and deeper connections with both God and those around us. Through personal anecdotes, we illustrate how faith and vulnerability can lead to transformative growth and healing.

    Vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness; it's a testament to true strength. Admitting our brokenness and seeking God's guidance allow us to withstand life's toughest challenges. In this episode, we discuss the power of relying on God’s armor to overcome darkness, the importance of community and prayer, and the magnetic pull of experiencing God's goodness. We encourage you to embrace this continual path of healing and invite you to join our Foxhole Symphony community. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and share this episode with others who might benefit from these discussions.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    35 mins
  • Embracing Imperfection: The Authentic and Liberating Journey Toward Spiritual Renewal
    May 31 2024

    Have you ever wondered what lies at the heart of true community and spiritual growth? This soul-stirring episode is your invitation to uncover the profound effects of authentic relationships, as we're joined by Curtis Anderson from Wild Courage. Reflecting on his charismatic church upbringing and the bonds formed within supportive brotherhoods, Curtis imparts the wisdom of embracing each man's unique journey and how collective encouragement fosters unparalleled growth.

    Struggle and surrender walk hand in hand in the quest for perfection, especially within the realms of faith. We grapple with the exhausting cycle of sin and share revelations from Michael Cusick on the tiring pursuit of appearing flawless. Yet, as we peel back the layers of pretense, we stumble upon the liberating truth of imperfection. It's in this space of vulnerability and open-hearted spirituality that life begins to flourish anew, leading us toward a vision of transformation less about external shifts and more about internal renewal.

    Our final thoughts extend a heartfelt thank you to you, our listeners, for being a part of this enlightening conversation. Your stories and engagement breathe life into our community, and we cannot wait to accompany you further down this path of discovery. Whether you're navigating life's turns with Wild Courage or simply seeking camaraderie in vulnerability and acceptance, remember this: it's within the garden of shared humanity that the most resilient of spirits are cultivated. Join us on social media or our website to continue the dialogue—your insights could very well shape our next adventure in the Foxhole.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    57 mins
  • Living with Intention: Embracing Stewardship, Presence, and Purpose in God's Plan
    May 17 2024

    Have you ever paused to consider that every breath, every moment, and everything you call 'yours' is a gift from above? That's where we start in our latest conversation, as my co-host Steve and I, Mark, delve into the profound sense of presence that comes from recognizing God's hand in the minutiae of our lives. We share candidly about our personal struggles and breakthroughs in the quest to remain connected to the Divine amidst the whirlwind of daily commitments.

    This episode takes you through a transformative shift in perspective on what it means to 'own' something. With stories from our own lives, we explore the liberating concept of stewardship over ownership—how treating our possessions, our businesses, and our families as precious loans from God can infuse our daily routines with gratitude and purpose. We also dissect the nature of giving, shedding light on its power not just as a duty but as a heartfelt response to the generosity of our Creator.

    Finally, we reflect on the paths to unconditional love, radical forgiveness, and peace beyond understanding. These are not just theoretical ideals but targets we aim for in our own lives, even as we stumble and press on. We share practical ways to be fully present for our loved ones, to actively listen, and to embrace the spiritual practices that keep us grounded in the reality of God's ever-present love. Join us on this journey, and let's together discover the richness of living in alignment with God's purpose.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    32 mins
  • PIVOT: Cultivating a Resilient Spirit in a World of Change
    May 3 2024

    Ever wondered how a simple change in your morning routine could lead you closer to your faith and improve your relationships? Join us as we bare our souls about reshaping life to make room for God in the day-to-day hustle. In this engaging episode, Mark and Sarge inject some humor into the conversation about lifestyle pivots, repentance, and the quest for authenticity in how we live and connect with others.

    Change can be daunting, but divine guidance can make all the difference. This episode peels back the layers on behavioral change, the limitations of willpower, and the grace found in surrendering to a loving, sovereign God. We share anecdotes and spiritual insights, like those found in a resonant Psalm, to illustrate how shifting our focus can transform our approach to life's hurdles. Our discussion leads us to a deeper understanding that discipline in returning to spiritual truths is not just beneficial but essential for a resilient spirit.

    Faced with the fast-paced world of today, we dissect the concept of intentional living, exploring resources like Cal Newport's "Slow Productivity" and the Encounter app as aids in your journey towards tranquility and purpose. Wrapping up, we extend an invitation to our listeners to engage, share their stories, and join a community that values transformation and spiritual depth—because after all, isn't life about more than just keeping busy?

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    41 mins
  • Unveiling Scars and Redefining Manhood with Guest Jason Lloyd
    Apr 19 2024

    Have you ever witnessed a man's heart laid bare, revealing the scars and stories that shaped him? That's exactly what unfolded as we welcomed Jason to our latest Foxhole Symphony session, a place where authenticity isn't just encouraged—it's essential. Together with our special guest, Jason Lloyd, we traversed the rugged landscape of identity, fatherlessness, and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness. Jason's candid recollection of his childhood weaves through our discussion on the deep-seated need for companionship and the profound impact it has on personal growth.

    The absence of a father figure can cast long shadows on a man's life. This episode holds space for the raw and often unspoken struggles that come from fatherlessness and emotionally distant parenting. We share intimate stories that illuminate the craving for paternal support and the quest for acceptance. And amid the echoes of lost boyhood, we dissect the coping mechanisms that emerge when traditional definitions of masculinity fall short. This is a call to redefine manhood, to seek healing, and to acknowledge the role of community in guiding us through life's darkest chapters.

    Concluding our session, we reflect on the courage it takes to chart one's own faith journey and the solace found in brotherhood. Jason's story doesn't shy away from the tumult of questioning one's inherited beliefs or the liberation that follows a true acceptance of self. We examine the transformative power of faith and the strength in shared narratives, urging you to discover the beacon of hope that can shine through your own story. Tune in, and let this conversation inspire you to embrace change, seek authenticity, and step into the redemptive journey that awaits.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Sailing the Seas of Uncertainty with Faith as Our Compass
    Apr 5 2024

    When life feels like an uphill battle with no end in sight, we often need a beacon to guide us through the darkness. Join us for a heartening discussion about choosing faith over fear, a mantra that has helped us navigate the toughest of times. Together, we dissect the powerful lyrics of "Fear is a Liar" by Zach Williams and share a personal tale that illustrates the transformative role community and steadfast relationships play when adversity strikes. We underline the message that fear doesn't get to make the rules in our lives; instead, leaning into our bonds can help us emerge stronger on the other side.

    Uncertainty can be like uncharted waters, but is there a way to sail through without losing oneself to fear? In a chapter of our lives where control seems like a distant dream, we explore the analogy of a bus ride, questioning whether to stay aboard or rush for the exit in pursuit of a false sense of control. In this contemplative segment, Sarge and Mark unravel the importance of surrender, finding tranquility in stillness, and embracing the strategy of presence over frantic action. It's a reminder that true peace often lies in awareness and faith, even when the future is a murky horizon.

    As we circle back to the essence of personal growth, we reflect on our poignant journey at a Marked Men Phase 1 weekend experience and the ongoing evolution that follows. We discuss the delicate dance between action and surrender, and how scripture, specifically Micah 6:8, can light our path through life's labyrinth. Closing with an invitation to engage with our Foxhole Symphony Community, we stress the importance of sharing our stories to fortify each other. After all, it's in unity that we find the strength to face challenges, grow, and remain anchored in our faith.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    41 mins
  • His Handiwork: Finding Purpose and Belonging in God's Narrative
    Mar 22 2024

    As I watched my corgi, Red, bravely navigate through a foot of snow, his determination mirrored our own quests for purpose and belonging. You're invited to join us in the latest Foxhole Symphony episode, where we intertwine humor with profound insights, exploring our place within God's grand narrative. Through candid reflection and the practicality of journaling, we uncover the transformative power of a life script authored by our Father. Our conversation leads us into the heart of authentic community, where presence trumps productivity, and where each step is an act of faith and discovery.

    This session isn't just about stories; it's a deep dive into the masterpieces we are, as described in Ephesians 2:10, and the artistry of God's work within and through us. We're not alone on this artistic journey—our 'sages' and mentors guide us, echoing the wisdom found in Chris Bruno's book, "Sage." They remind us to listen closely and act on the heavenly guidance that shapes our path. Together, we navigate the challenges and seasons of redefinition, seeking clarity on the narrative God has written for our lives.

    Finally, we shed light on the solidarity of brotherhood and the hope found in shared spiritual battles. In the spaces where we can be real and vulnerable, we discover strength. We share tales of spiritual warfare, the importance of surrender, and how we find courage in the promise of victory. This episode is not just a conversation; it's an invitation to recognize ourselves as God's handiwork, to step into the good works He has prepared in advance for us, and to do so with the support of a community that believes in being 'victorious together'.

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    42 mins
  • Rotten Fruit
    Mar 8 2024

    When life throws you into the depths of despair, where do you find the strength to climb back out? Our latest Foxhole Symphony episode is a beacon for those caught in the tempest of hardship. We share the raw emotions that accompany life's most challenging trials—illness, addiction, loss—and the profound loneliness that can often ensue. But it's within this very vulnerability that we discover the irreplaceable value of brotherhood and authentic community. Through the pain, we emerge not alone but supported, our faith in humanity and the divine restored.

    Have you ever felt weighed down by the 'layer cake' of life's issues, uncertain of how to face another day? Our heartfelt discussion revolves around the power of community and faith, drawing parallels with the silversmith's artistic process—how through the heat and hammering, a purer, stronger self is revealed. As we examine scriptures like the Ephesians 6 and the Armor of God, we uncover the solace and strength that spiritual armor and community provide, empowering us to confront the darkness around us. This episode is a reminder that, even when the road is rocky and the shadows long, we are not walking it unaided.

    Concluding our exploration, we delve into the constancy of God's faithfulness and the stability it offers our lives, even when everything else seems to be shifting sands. We celebrate and give thanks for the Bible as a source of comfort and guidance, inspiring us to engage with its words for deeper understanding, connection to our creator and solace in tough times. We close on a note of hope, encouraging listeners to find peace in God's unchanging truths. As we share our collective journey of faith, we extend an invitation to join us in discovering the transformative impact of an authentic, supportive community.


    The Thrive Marriage Lab is the solution between books and counseling! Serving up hope, not prescriptions, once a year the doors open to join this unique 12-month journey. Led by experienced marriage counselors, members receive live and recorded monthly engagement through an intentional pathway guaranteed to lead to more curiosity, more intimacy, and more connection.

    And, as a faithful listener, you get $20 off each month when you use the code: FOXHOLE.

    Go to Restory.Life/Thrive to learn more and join today!

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    We have BIG plans at Foxhole Symphony and sure could use your financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a small monthly contribution to support us in our mission to catalyze transformation in the hearts of men? Support Our Mission

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    41 mins