
  • The Perfect American (Mexican) Girl
    Aug 1 2021

    Ever since I applied to become an American citizen, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be the "perfect" American. To answer this question I have to face a childhood trauma before I take my oath.

    This is the final episode of season two. Stay close to me on social media or my website for details on the next season! ¡Hasta pronto!


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Julian Rodriguez

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra


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    13 mins
  • Spanish Episode: Cómo vivir entre la intuición y la perfección.
    May 5 2021

    #158. In this solo Spanish-language episode of DIFERENTE, I explore why it's so challenging to listen to our intuition while seeking perfection.

    En este episodio de DIFERENTE exploro la dinámica entre la intuición y el deseo a llevar una vida perfecta.



    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Julian Rodriguez

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    26 mins
  • Telenovela Love. How to let go of our toxic impression of love.
    Apr 12 2021

    #157. In this episode I catch up with my friend, fellow podcaster and artist, Stephania Ramos to chat about the common thread that unites so many of us multi cultural folks, the idea that love needs to be somewhat toxic to be real. I call this type of love, "amor de telenovela", you know where slapping someone is a turn on, "no" often means "yes", and being passive aggressive and playing hard to get is the only way to win.

    That's the impression of love Stephania and I had growing up, and it stained every relationship we both had. Until one day we each realized the secret to letting go of that toxic idea of love had nothing to do with other people or canceling Telenovelas, and everything to do with ourselves.


    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Julian Rodriguez

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    33 mins
  • Culture Shock. El Choque Cultural De Emigrar a Estados Unidos.
    Mar 18 2021

    #156 - In this Spanish-speaking episode of DIFERENTE, I catch up with my BFF from Aguascalientes, Mexico Stephania Ramos, after more than 20 years of not seeing or speaking to one another. (That's a story for the next episode.) Steph and I talk about the multiple culture shocks we lived when we moved to the U.S., each of us at a different age, and how these experiences taught us how to love ourselves and our accents.

    En este episodio de DIFERENTE, me vuelvo a conectar con mi BFF de Aguascalientes, Mexico-Stephania Ramos-después de mas de 20 años de no saber nada de ella. Platicamos sobre las adversidades que vivimos debido al choque cultural de mudarnos a Estados Unidos, y cómo estas experiencias nos enseñaron a amarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestros acentos.

    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Julian Rodriguez

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    36 mins
  • Lessons on Sex and Feminism from Frida Kahlo. With Arianna Davis
    Mar 3 2021

    #155 - Arianna Davis, Senior Director of Editorial & Strategy at Oprah and Hearst Magazine's New Multiplatform Lifestyle Brand, and the author of "What Would Frida Do, A Guide to Living Boldly", joins me for this DIFERENTE conversation. We talk about the things we've learned, through Frida Kahlo's story, about sex, feminism and how not to be in a toxic relationship.

    This Women's History Month, Frida's story reminds me that it's important to continue the discussion on intersectional feminism and feeling safe in our bodies regardless of sexual orientation.

    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Dimitrios Mylis

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    41 mins
  • Why Getting My Name Right Matters
    Feb 22 2021

    #154 - Do you think your parents gave you a specific name so that you could be called something else? Something that doesn't really sound like your name, but it makes people comfortable, it's easier this way.

    I know my parents named me Maribel (Mah-REE-bel). That was always my name, until we moved to the U.S., and one day my dad picked up a call from someone wanting to know if MaryBell was home. My name would not return until the last quarter of my senior year in college, when I finally realized I had been trying so hard to fit in for so many years, that I had forgotten who I really was.

    Fast forward to now, I'm still struggling to correct people when they mispronounce my name. So I brought this episode back from season one, where my friend Tareya Palmer joins in to chat about one of the biggest things we have in common, people never know how to pronounce our names, and why "Justice" is more than just a word to her. Connect with Tareya on Instagram @_Thesociallight.

    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Dimitrios Mylis

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    37 mins
  • WHAT ARE YOU? Exploring Biracial Identity. With Cheyenne Woods
    Feb 5 2021

    As people of multicultural and multiracial backgrounds, we're often hit with the most random and intrusive questions. Constantly being asked to define ourselves in order to be properly catalogued, and boxed in, according to society's expectations.

    Why is that? And why do people of multi-racial identity have to divide themselves into percentages, 50% this, 30% that, rather than embracing all their ethnic backgrounds as wholes? I know the math doesn't make sense, but neither does having to explain yourself every day.

    In this episode we explore the BIG question and what biracial identity means in today's world with professional gofer, spokesperson and fellow podcaster, Cheyenne Woods.

    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM or TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Dimitrios Mylis

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    45 mins
  • Latina Fury. The Five Keys to My Meditation Journey
    Jan 18 2021

    One of the coolest things I've learned from another culture is how to meditate. Meditation was never part of my life as a child in Mexico, or even as a teenager in Ohio. I discovered it later in life, when I was struggling to figure out how to "tone down" my Latina fury-a title I gave to my reactionary personality back then. Little did I know that it wasn't a matter of appeasing anything, but re-directing my energy, becoming more mindful meant practicing not only how to process emotions better, but how to be kind to myself and others. Years later I realized that I didn't need to tone down anything, I just had to get to know myself better in order to focus my energy correctly.

    As a Latina, it took me a long time to realize that there's NOTHING wrong with having a passionate, fiery, or "sassy" outlook, and meditation helped me discover this, and so much more!

    That's why I love learning about meditation and sharing the gift of mindfulness with others.

    Feel free to use this meditation playlist I curated to help get you on your way!

    JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER: @Maribel_QS. And learn more about me at maribelqs.com


    Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.



    Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith

    Editor: Julian Rodriguez

    Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra

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    30 mins