
  • Alex Mangini: Learn Her Secret to the Fountain of Youth
    Aug 11 2024

    Alex Mangini is OBSESSED. She’s a social media consultant who manages a dental practice full-time. She just turned 60 and looks 40! Learn how Alex developed a lucrative side biz while working full time in a different field and how she’s maintained her youthful appearance.

    • Alex is a twin. Her brother always excelled at everything while she believed she felt short.
    • Majored in communications/journalism. Developed a passion for medicine and cures after her second son was born prematurely.
    • “I was obsessed w his health, prior to the internet. Happened in my late 20s. I was a stay at home mom while my sons were young. When they were in school, I went back to work. I always wanted to make my own money.”
    • 17 years managing dental practice. Started promoting on social media. Have 15 clients who were all referrals. She is self taught. Learned on Google, You Tube, all trial and error.
    • Alex tries to make social media user friendly. Unique posts. Very interactive with her clients.
    • At 60 she loves technology and learning new things and is a self proclaimed social media addict.
    • Alex firmly believes in any facial or body rejuvenation and plastic surgery that helps people feel better about themselves.
    • “Plastic surgery provides instant results. Do your research.There are affordable solutions. It’s all about taking care of ourselves.”
    • Her secret to staying young is peels, lasers, vitamins for skin, healthy lifestyle, use moisturizing cream at night, what you put in your body, exercise regimen.
    • Learn about Winston her dog and his instagram page @Winston_thecav. Over 16k followers, an influencer and earns money. He’s a superstar.
    • Alex is Mimi to two grandchildren, Hailey and Blake and baby Jack due in September.
    • “Don’t be afraid to try something new. Focus on you.”
    • “If you don’t know it, Google it”
    • “Don’t sleep your life away.”
    • “Be open to making new relationships later in life.”

    Contact Alex by calling 914.907.6763 or email at manginimedia@gmail.com

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    24 mins
  • Michelle Kowalksi: Forget Those Fad Diets
    Jul 24 2024

    Michelle Kowalski is a NY state certified nutritionist and registered dietitian with over 30 years of experience in the field. Michelle will teach you how to eat just right so you can fit into your favorite jeans again without going on a fad diet.

    • Michelle’s aunt and uncle who lived into their 90s, ate well, walked every day, no medications served as her role models. Saw you had the ability to heal yourself.
    • In her teens, Michelle was overweight and went on fad diets. Borderline anorexic. She studied nutrition in college. She learned how food can fuel her. Transferred the eating challenges she had to helping others
    • “I have to respect my body to age well. I do something everyday. I do it for my health.”
    • If you want to lose 40 lbs, she’ll ask what are your goals? Are you getting the right nourishment to heal your body.
    • These fad diets don’t work. They’re a tease. You may lose one pound a day but the processed foods don’t transition to real foods and can gain back the weight plus more. Have an awareness of what you’re eating. Read food labels.
    • You can always make something work. She’s seen close to 5k clients for weight loss and nutrition counseling in 23 years and has a great success rate. She educates and operates as a support system. “If you listen to what I say, you’ll have an 80 to 100% success rate.“
    • Manage the portion size. Binging leads to poor mental behavior.
    • If you want to have pizza, eat a salad before and take some fiber to fill you up. Positive eating vs shameful eating. Do NOT eat processed foods.
    • If you have a craving and do 100 jumping jacks, that craving will subside. One treat a day that you can look forward to.
    • Hear what she says about Ozempic. There are a lot of unknowns. Make sure you’re under the care of a doctor or coach.
    • Learn about her coaching biz, one on one coaching, maintenance program.

    How have you changed?

    • I’m a more compassionate soul. If I can guide someone, it’s not about me, you did the work.

    What do you recommend to women looking for a change?

    • Set good fundamental goals
    • Don’t beat yourself up.
    • Have some self compassion and self care for yourself

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    30 mins
  • Clelia Somers-Theodoridos: How to Create Wealth With Your Passion
    May 28 2024

    Clelia Somers-Theodorides was born in South Africa to Greek parents. She grew up in a large Greek community and enjoyed many cultural traditions. She lives in Luxembourg with her Swiss-British husband Gilles and son Constantine. She is an interior designer (who speaks 6 languages!) with a flare for house restoration. Learn how Clelia developed a nose for business and real estate and leveraged her multi-cultural background to create wealth.

    Clelia’s early years :

    • Grew up w rich culture and many traditions w Greek parents. Traditions are important to keep family together
    • Born during apartheid; today she considers herself a more tolerant person
    • She was curious about the world beyond SA
    • Decided to take a gap year to travel; worked as airline stewardess for Lux Air
    • Spent half time in Luxembourg and the other half in SA
    • Traveled to Italy to speak Italian, France to speak French and of course her native Greek
    • By speaking different languages you become an enriched person
    • Moved full time to Lux and became engaged a Lux/italian man who was a restaunteur like her Dad and an interior designer.

    Her next career moves:

    • Wanted to find something for herself and away from her fiancé
    • Got into banking w 350 banks in Lux
    • Broke off engagement
    • At JP Morgan met her husband who had similar qualities as her Dad. 15 years older
    • Married after 6 months
    • Gilles wanted her to stay at home but she needed to work
    • Banking crashed and she had to recreate herself. Renovated their 18th century country home
    • She felt the financial bubble in 2008 was the time to sell. “My nose told me something was going to happen.”
    • Sold before the financial crisis
    • Made a nice profit and poured profits into purchase of more projects in Lux and two homes in Milos, Greece
    • Felt an urge to purchase a large apartment in Lisbon, and has tripled in value
    • Properties are rented for cash flow

    Design Firm: CGA

    • Started when her husband retired and wanted to get out of the house
    • With two partners from Greece to bring Mediterranean influence to the dark, Germanic Lux. Wanted to bring some sunshine to Lux
    • Networked w Gilles’ banking contacts to grow her clientele
    • Clelia feels more confident than ever at age 56
    • She has trusting and personal relationships with her clients and feels intimately immersed in their lives as she designs their homes and is brought into their lives

    What advice do you have for individuals considering a different direction? Like your “brass ring”:

    • Women need to be inventive-even if they are not working in a traditional paid role when they raise a family, they will benefit significantly from having fundamental skills beyond motherhood
    • Working women are great role models; she believes in always working and setting an example for your children. Be a strong female figure
    • Go w the flow. One road leads to another; be open and flexible in your personal journey. Take risks, and don’t worry so much about the consequences. Think long term-big picture,
    • Travel opens your mind and inspires you.

    Where can listeners learn more about Clelia?

    On the CGA website www.cgastudio.lu, @cgastudio on Instagram, Facebook: CGA Studio Luxembourg and on LinkedIn

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    23 mins
  • Jan Johnsen: Living Her Dream Every Day
    Apr 18 2024

    Jan’s foolproof lessons to be a successful entrepreneur and how she learned to succeed in a male-dominated field and continues to live her dream everyday.

    Early years and her unusual college experiences:

    • Kid from the NY boroughs, growing up in a concrete jungle
    • Always fascinated w plants
    • Steered toward botanical illustratration by HS guidance counselor
    • Attended Friends World College, run by Quakers, created her own studies
    • Studied in Japan, lived in Kyoto and transfixed by Japanese gardens
    • Japanese boss said “you’re not an architect, you’re a landscape architect.”
    • Studied landscape architecture at University of Hawaii and studied hydroponic gardening, without soil. She was the only woman in her class

    What was Jan’s next endeavor?

    • Realized she was not suited to working in an office
    • She wanted hands on training and worked at Mohonk Mountain House in NY
    • Worked for a French master gardener who was reticent to work w her since she was a woman. But Jan was persistent and persevered
    • Learned professional horticulture
    • Jan believes in experiential education, learn by doing

    How did she start her biz?

    • With not much money, rented one room from a man who ran a small tree service, who became her mentor
    • “I knew what I knew, but I didn’t know how to run a business and luckily had a husband who knew how to.”
    • Her mentor coached her, told her what courses to take. He started Sav-a-Tree, a first class and very successful tree business.
    • Your thoughts and attitudes are key to your success. Set sites high enough
    • Have a goal and see it through Jan’s goal is to create beautiful outdoor settings
    • Her mission is to pay it forward, share what she’s learned


    • Jan started writing books because she loves sharing what she has learned and believes that having a serene outdoor environment can uplift people in this crazy world
    • 7 books including Spirit of Stone, Flowertopia, Gardentopia, Heaven in a Garden

    What advice do you have for women looking to find their passions, and her “brass ring” for success?

    • Get your business systems in place first before you start out. Being talented in your specific field is not enough, your passion I will be the key to your success.
    • Work with people you align with
    • Get yourself out there
    • Make time for yourself, even something as simple as a walk
    • It’s ok to be the only woman in the room
    • You have to love what you do

    Where can listeners learn more about Jan?

    • Instagram @johnsendesign
    • Subscribe to janjohnsen.substack.com for landscaping tips
    • johnsenlandscapes.com
    • Books can be purchased on Amazon

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    28 mins
  • Greta Hanson Sohmer: Be the BEST version of YOU
    Apr 2 2024

    Greta Hanson Sohmer is a modern day renaissance woman who has reinvented herself many times in her multi-faceted career path from corporate sales and marketing to wedding planner to real estate agent. Learn how to be the best version of YOU and how you can earn additional income for travel. Be prepared to laugh when you listen to Greta’s podcast.

    What were your early years and early adulthood like?

    • Grew up in a close knit family that loved reunions and welcomed strangers to their gatherings
    • This thread of hospitality was cemented early on which I’ve carried through my life
    • Close relationship with cousins was forged with annual cousins camp that met on my grandparent’s farm
    • When cousins grew up, I organized cousins camp for my children and my cousin’s children
    • Shy until high school when corp group of 6 friends brought me out of my shyness

    What kind of work did you start out doing?

    • Graduated with a degree in theology and taught theology ad English in private all girls high school
    • Has a competitive edge and when I saw my male friends succeed in business, I decided to enter the corporate world
    • Started in sales at Xerox, moved to Silicon Valley start up, moved w company to Boulder for management and sales training
    • Promoted to vertical sales where I met my husband who was “the client from hell.” He became my internal coach and biggest supporter
    • Being competitive helped in sales, developed “stick with it” attitude and tough skin; woke up every morning with a positive outlook

    When did you decide to have children?

    • I had a daughter from a previous marriage and after several IVF attempts our son was born when I was 40
    • Paul and I wanted to share our blessings and loving family life so we decided to adopt twins from Bulgaria.
    • My husband said, “If not us, who” and “At least it’s not triplets!”
    • I put my career on hold and became earth mother, vegetable gardener, and my hospitality took root.
    • Our home was the go-to for class parties, holiday reunions

    What motivating factors led you to change direction?

    • When the twins were in boarding school, I decided to rent out a portion of our property on AirBnB for additional income.
    • Created an AirBnB business, hosted yoga retreats, family reunions and weddings
    • I’m still in touch with all my brides and bridegrooms with growing families
    • My decision to become a real estate agent began when they asked for help with finding homes

    How do you feel you have changed from the younger version of you?

    • More realistic; still positive, hopeful and loving
    • Everything that is worthwhile takes hard work

    What advice do you have for women considering a significant life change and what is your “brass ring”?

    • Go for something that you’re a little bit afraid of
    • Unplug your brain as your brain can be wrong
    • Take walks in the woods and listen to your gut

    To get in touch w Greta, you can email her at greta@lakewoodestateny.com

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    20 mins
  • Bryn Cammy Williams: Learn How Cammy Has Discovered Joy Though Her Art
    Feb 9 2024

    Bryn Cammy Williams has been an artist for as long as she can remember. She paints to understand the natural world around her, to appreciate and to celebrate wildlife. It gives her joy to express through creativity and she loves to share that joy through her art work.

    Topic #1: Early Years

    • Family loved to have fun and has stayed w Cammy as a way to spread joy
    • She was her own rescuer and listened to her inner soul
    • Her collection of friends “wouldn’t try to fix me unless I asked for it.”

    Topic #2: Professional Life after College

    • Wasn’t career minded; focused on admin and working w people
    • Needs her own creative outlet; it feeds you
    • Self published Whiskers the cat and gave as gifts
    • Taught an art class w the same core students for 7 years and bonded over shared experiences

    Topic #3: Alchemy Ranch Studios

    • Met husband Al (woodworker) on a website of like-minded people
    • They work well together as they understand the ebb and flow of creativity
    • Created Alchemy Ranch Studios from their names; it was magic
    • Cammy sells acrylic paintings and prints of her wildlife artwork, mugs, cards, pillows; fun and playful art. She also does commission work
    • Al sells his woodcarvings
    • Goal is to be able to donate to wildlife conservation groups
    • Made in America is a priority

    Topic #4: Color of Woman and Helping Women

    • Intentional Creativity www.colorofwoman.com
    • Self healing work
    • Put your trauma on paper, journal about it
    • As you go thru painting process, healing begins
    • It’s a way of journaling
    • Loves to watch people grow
    • See and value your own work

    Topic #5: What is your Brass Ring to Success

    • Wait for your green light
    • You just need to know the next step
    • Be curious and keep challenged
    • Live in the present; the problems of the past are in the past and are just ‘fertilizer for growth.’

    Where can listeners learn more about Cammy and sign up for blog posts?


    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    26 mins
  • Krysty Krywko: Helping Women Explore Their Relationship with Alcohol so They Can Live Bigger, Bolder, More Brilliant Lives
    Jan 30 2024

    Krysty Krywko helps women explore their relationship with alcohol so they can live bigger, bolder more brilliant lives. Krysty launched her company Purple Dog Sober during the pandemic when there was an uptick in alcohol abuse among moms struggling to balance their work, their homes and the education of their children. Krysty’s mission is to help others, to break down the stigma and remove the shame of “gray area drinking.” Tune in to learn how Krysty transformed her life when she made the courageous decision to stop drinking and start Purple Dog Sober in order to help other women on a similar journey.

    Learn more at www.purpledogsober.com and sign up to receive her top-notch blog posts.

    Topic #1 What were the specific moments or events that brought about change for you?

    • Moving to NYC from Canada; I had to reinvent myself
    • Divorce
    • Sobriety

    Topic #2 What were some of the rough patches in your life?

    • Husband traveled a lot and home w 2 kids
    • Under stress w working full time, getting doctorate

    Topic #3 What brought about Purple Dog Sober?

    • Did not connect w/ AA
    • Steps were too formulaic
    • Wanted to create a space for women w no stigma, shame
    • One on one work, very private

    Topic #4 Gray area drinking

    • Alcoholic is an outdated term
    • Alcohol disorder, gray area drinking
    • Any level of drinking that affects your personal or work life, your health
    • Abstinence is just easier

    Topic #5 Sketchbooking

    • Part of my coaching
    • Fun place to do some deep work
    • Bringing joy into your sobriety
    • Who are you?

    Topic #6 Brass Ring for Success

    • Sobriety
    • Life is too short
    • What is your indecision costing you?

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    23 mins
  • Soli Pierce: Turning a Talent Into Profit
    Dec 20 2023

    Faced with the challenges of being a single mom, Soli Pierce just put one foot in front of the other and had faith that things would work out. She is an interdisciplinary artist working with natural materials and sound to create thought-provoking art. Soli honors herself, respects how she wants to live and doesn’t focus on what others want. Today, she has a standard to be respected, honored and treasured in all her relationships. Tune in to learn how Soli has navigated the twists and turns of life. Learn more at www.sherwoodforestdesign.com and www.solipierce.com

    Topic #1 Describe your background, how you were raised and life before family

    • Raised in the midwest and the eldest of four children, Soli felt like the little mom early in her life and a sense of responsibility for her siblings
    • Her father sought to groom her for a specific path but she wasn’t buying it
    • Soli studied art for grad school
    • Went to Afghanistan for a month

    Topic #2 How did you handle hitting a rough patch in your life?

    • Getting divorced from spouse with mental health issues and becoming a single mom with no financial support and mortgage to pay
    • Soli needed to find a way to support herself and son; “How am I going do this?”
    • “I could collapse into my story, or pull myself up by bootstraps”
    • Sent a prayer to the universe and the next day she decided that bowls were the answer

    Topic #3 Why bowls?

    • When she decided to create her bowl business, Sherwood Forest Design, her Dad’s initial reaction was to “get a real job”
    • When we don’t limit ourselves, some of the best things can happen’
    • Bowls represent a universal circle theme and her them is “Recipe for a good life”
    • “We’ve gathered in circles around fire”; its a nurturing shape
    • She’s mentored young women who have become family

    Topic #4 What’s next?

    • Sound forest was developed when she saw the discarded wood at her bowl factory
    • “I wanted to create totems from the discarded industrial waste”
    • Partnered with a sound engineer “so we can hear the sounds that come out of the totems”
    • Possibilities for installations in public spaces in NY
    • Encaustics painting with beeswax; “my art has been on display in Venice, London and NY; I love working with natural materials”
    • solipierce.com and sherwoodforestdesign.com
    • “I’ve let myself come out of the box to be a kid again”
    • In a new relationship with a man who “sees me and gives me time to create”

    Topic #5 What is your “brass ring” for success?

    • Don’t restrict what will happen; there are no boundaries
    • Don’t get caught up in the moment; it can happen if you dream and think about it
    • While she acknowledges that she doesn’t always know how something can get done, she has faith that things will align
    • Never lose sight of your dreams

    To learn more about Jean and the Be Joyful podcast visit www.bejoyful.love.

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    18 mins