
  • Why Does AI Hallucinate? Can It Be Fixed? w/ EyeLevel.AI CEO Neil Katz
    Jun 20 2024

    As most people who have played with AI know, it can make stuff up, or what’s often referred to as “hallucinate.” (I like to think of it as “bullshitting.”

    It’s one of the trickiest problems vexing the entire AI space. Why does AI do this? How widespread is the problem? What are the solutions, and is it even something that CAN be solved?

    To unravel all this, we speak with Neil Katz, the founder of EyeLevel.AI, a company that’s developing solutions to help make AI more accurate (and less likely to hallucinate) for private companies. They're building what they call the "truth serum" for AI,

    We dive deeeeep into the world of AI hallucinations, as it's one of the least understood--and most important--topics in the space.

    I very much enjoyed.

    Find Neil and EyeLevel.AI at:

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • AI to Revolutionize the Health Care Experience, w/ Lyric CEO Rajeev Ronanki
    Jun 13 2024

    The health care system in the US is a mess. Few will argue this. Can AI make it better?

    That's the thesis of Rajeev (Raj) Ronanki, CEO of Lyric, which is working to build AI that will simplify and streamline the health care experience. What can AI make better? How will you, as a patient, have a dramatically different experience in the world of AI-assisted health care? And what are the challenges that need to be overcome to make this a reality?

    Raj and I get deep into the current problems with the health care system, how AI can help, and what it will take -- as a society -- to pull this off.


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    43 mins
  • Robot Dogs and Dystopian Use of AI Surveillance at the Border, w/ Petra Molnar
    Jun 6 2024

    Petra Molnar is a Harvard Faculty Associate, lawyer, human rights activist, and author of the just-released book The Walls Have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

    Publisher’s Weekly gave the book a glowing review and called it a “a grave wake-up call."

    To research this book, Petra spent *six years* studying what she called the “sharp edges” of surveillance tech, focusing on how it’s impacting real people. She spent considerable time at the border and in refugee camps. And she emerged from this research with chilling, dystopian tales of how AI-infused surveillance is being used at the border. Things like…“robot dogs,” which are exactly what they sound like.

    We get into what her research has uncovered, what she thinks caused the current state of play, the often over-looked role of defense tech, and what she sees as possible solution.

    Whatever your take on this issue, it’s an important conversation she’s raising. Hope you enjoy the episode.

    The Walls Have Eyes:

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    41 mins
  • 7 Ways Crypto (yes, Crypto!) Could Help Build Better AI
    May 30 2024

    Before launching the AI-Curious podcast, I spent a bunch of years writing about bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, and web3, often for CoinDesk, the space’s main publication. I still write about it. So I’m in a relatively unique position to see the intersection of these two techs. Is there a connection? Can crypto really help develop better AI? There’s now an explosion of interest in “Decentralized AI,” which — in theory — could help minimize risks from Big Tech, reduce bias, fight censorship, solve the problem of deepfakes and even make AI more inclusive.

    And this episode is sneaky-timely. There are over 15,000 people converging in Austin, Texas, for the annual “Consensus” conference — presented by CoinDesk — which focuses on the wider world of crypto. There’s now an “AI Summit” at this conference… and I’m hosting the AI Summit. So this episode is very much a conversation, in a sense, of the themes discussed at Consensus.

    (And if you found this podcast from Consensus itself, welcome! This is an excellent intro episode for you.)

    Consensus 2024:

    Piece I wrote last year:

    “10 Ways Crypto and AI Can Make Each Other Better (or Maybe Worse)”


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    38 mins
  • AI and the Law, w/ Patent Attorney Robert Plotkin
    May 24 2024

    I'm going to guess that most people listening to this podcast are not lawyers. Fair. I'm not either!

    But there are *massive* questions about how AI impacts the law -- new questions about IP, copyrights, patents -- and also how AI impacts the legal profession itself.

    Here to guide us through all these questions is Robert Plotkin, a 25-year-veteran patent attorney and the author of the 2009 patent-and-AI book "The Genie in the Machine: How Computer-Automated Inventing Is Revolutionizing Law and Business" and the new book "AI Armor: Securing the Future of Your AI Company With Strategic Intellectual Property."

    Because even if you're not a lawyer... if you like things like movies, books, and tech - this will impact you in sneaky and surprising ways.

    AI Armor:

    Robert Plotkin:

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    43 mins
  • New AI (and AI-agent) Safety Risks, w/ AI Safety Expert Bo Li
    May 17 2024

    Many have been worried about AI safety. But the stakes were just raised: OpenAI and Google just announced new capabilities that look likely to usher in the new era of “AI agents,” meaning tools that will automatically accomplish tasks for you like buying plane tickets or even how to invest your 401k. What could go wrong?

    It’s Bo Li’s job to figure out what could go wrong. Li is an Associate Professor at the University of Chicago, where she conducts research and experiments on AI safety. Her team does “red team” analysis to try and hack and jail-break AI to sniff out problems. She already uncovered flaws in the AI that powers self-driving cars, and the systems then improved as a response to her work.

    We get into the tricky problem of AI agents, the AI safety risks that keep her up at night, the possible dystopia of AI-injected deep fakes — and tools that could fight them — as well as why Li is NOT worried about existential risks to humanity.

    I found this conversation oddly…comforting? Hope you enjoy!

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    44 mins
  • AI to Revolutionize Medical Diagnostics (and save millions of lives), w/ Dr. Bryan Dechairo, CEO of Sherlock Bio
    May 10 2024

    Sherlock Bioscience is developing medical diagnostic tests that are dramatically faster, cheaper, and easier to distribute than traditional models.

    The impact? This could make health care more inclusive, slow the spread of STDs, and help us avoid future pandemics.

    Dr. Dechairo and I start with the current problems of traditional diagnostic tests, then get into how AI could help and how that could impact the globe.

    There is a LOT of silly stuff in the world of AI… this is not that.

    Hope you enjoy the conversation.

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    47 mins
  • The Problems of AI Bias and the Solutions for AI Adoption, w/ Adam Bai
    May 2 2024

    No tech is just about the tech. True adoption — or lack thereof — is often about issues of culture, which is why I’m thrilled to speak to today’s guest: Adam Bai, who’s an anthropologist as well as the Chief Strategy Officer of Glimpse, a company that leverages AI for market research solutions.

    Adam’s team has done extensive research on both AI adoption — and how this intersects with a company’s culture, teamwork, people, etc. — and AI bias and equity. He’s helped diagnose the problem and has some ideas on the solution.

    At heart, this discussion gets at the growing gap between AI promises and AI reality, as it helps explain why some organizations are struggling to adopt AI, and others are thriving.

    Fun conversation! Thanks again to Adam and Glimpse.


    Adam Bai:

    Jeff Wilser on Twitter/X:

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    44 mins