20 Best Marketing Audiobooks for Conquering the Industry

20 Best Marketing Audiobooks for Conquering the Industry

April 24, 2020
Though it may seem effortless, behind every advertisement and promotion is an entire team of professionals making a series of choices in order to convey a given message or sell a particular product. Honing your marketing skills and learning insider secrets is a surefire way to reach people and make your voice heard at work and beyond. We’ve curated a list of the top 20 marketing audiobooks to help you master the ins-and-outs of the industry, run and promote your business like a pro, and effectively interact with colleagues and customers.
Lista de productos
    • You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See
    • De: Seth Godin
    • Narrado por: Seth Godin
    • Duración: 7 h y 2 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 11-13-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,194 calificaciones
    • Marketing professional Seth Godin has taught millions about marketing and advertising, having invented various phrases that are now used in mainstream business language. This Is Marketing offers Godin’s signature blend of observation and insight in a masterpiece of storytelling, taking listeners on a journey about empathy and human connection. Godin lends his reflective voice to tell his own story and teach every listener how marketing can and should affect the everyday person. This Is Marketing doesn’t list highbrow, tech-savvy SEO techniques. Instead, it’s Seth’s own philosophical look at the way a marketing strategy can become part of daily life.
    • Why Things Catch On
    • De: Jonah Berger
    • Narrado por: Keith Nobbs
    • Duración: 6 h y 50 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 03-05-13
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,864 calificaciones
    • In an era of viral crazes and trends, Professor Jonah Berger draws on his research to provide insight as to why some products, ideas, startups, and behaviors catch on while others don’t. Contagious is Berger’s report on the effectiveness that a word-of-mouth strategy can provide. this This New York Times best seller is not just a synopsis of his findings, either; Berger offers anecdotal evidence and real-life stories to support his research. Experienced actor and narrator Keith Nobbs expertly relays Berger’s findings in a way that doesn’t sound like you’re listening to a dull college lecture but instead getting some advice from a particularly wise friend. The result is a certified must-listen for people who want their own products or services to catch on.
    • How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too
    • De: Gary Vaynerchuk
    • Narrado por: Gary Vaynerchuk, Rich Roll, Amy Schmittauer
    • Duración: 8 h y 2 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-03-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 14,208 calificaciones
    • In this lively and inspiring audiobook, New York Times best selling author Gary Vaynerchuck, offers thought-provoking lessons and inspiration for anyone in the marketing world. He dissects the most popular social media platforms and relays the experience of many trailblazing influencers and entrepreneurs who crafted their own paths. He offers theoretical and practical advice for anyone, from a plumber to an ice skater, on how to boost their brand. This selection not only provides these fantastic tips but also features the narration talents of Vaynerchuck himself alongside a few successful entrepreneurs (like Rich Roll and Amy Schmittauer) who can vouch for the program firsthand.
    • De: Malcolm Gladwell
    • Narrado por: Malcolm Gladwell
    • Duración: 3 h y 4 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-01-06
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 2,313 calificaciones
    • Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer for The New Yorker and author of best sellers including Outliers and Blink, wondered how major changes in society often happen so suddenly, and his audiobook, 'The Tipping Point,' allows us to listen on his musings, research, and findings. He explains why some things just spread like wildfire, from Sesame Street to the most hyped bars and restaurants. Likewise, he examines the personality types that are most likely to create and spread new and innovative ideas. Gladwell’s storytelling prowess is on full display as he lends his voice to perform a listen that compels us into learning what he discovered: a single person can move the world.
    • Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
    • De: Donald Miller
    • Narrado por: Donald Miller
    • Duración: 4 h y 56 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-10-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 12,104 calificaciones
    • Author Donald Miller teaches listeners how to use the power of storytelling to connect with customers and grow a business. Miller utilizes his StoryBrand process as a proven solution for struggling business leaders to connect with buyers in a straightforward way: sharing a story that will make people invested in whatever idea or product you have to offer. This seemingly simple concept is tackled in a presentation that makes you feel as though you’re at a career-building conference headlined by Miller. And the principles this listen offers aren’t exclusive to marketing, either—they can apply to blogs, presentations, and even your Tweets. What Miller teaches is how to tell a story effectively, and if you do it right, everyone will pay attention.
    • How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses
    • De: Joe Pulizzi
    • Narrado por: Joe Pulizzi
    • Duración: 6 h y 50 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 09-17-15
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 926 calificaciones
    • This audiobook holds one simple rule for all business-minded individuals: build your audience then create your product. Pulizzi’s method has been successfully proven time and time again, marking him as one of the most creative business minds in a world where marketers often cling to more traditional methods. There’s so much more to his audiobook as well, from how to leverage influencers to how to build your following. His narration makes his lessons easy to understand as he breaks down each step clearly and explains the reasoning behind them, leaving you feeling confident and ready to get your startup off the ground.
    • The Underground Playbook for Creating a Mass Movement of People Who Will Pay for Your Advice
    • De: Russell Brunson, Robert T. Kiyosaki - foreword
    • Narrado por: Hank Bannister
    • Duración: 6 h y 11 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-26-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,798 calificaciones
    • The lessons Russell Brunson offers in Expert Secrets are obviously beneficial for marketers, entrepreneurs, and online influencers. Providing the right message at the right time can impact anyone—but only if you can get that message into the right hands. Brunson has cracked the code on how to identify your expertise and create a movement that serves the people who need it most. He offers an expert refresher on marketing tactics, like creating a top-tier webinar, closing a sales lead, and how to tell a great story for your product or service. Hank Bannister’s sincere narration and conversational tone makes the challenges of this listen seem totally surmountable, encouraging you to work towards improving your skills.
    • How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant
    • De: W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne
    • Narrado por: Grover Gardner
    • Duración: 6 h y 27 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07-28-06
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 3,601 calificaciones
    • W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne’s international best seller challenges every traditional notion of competing in business. Their audiobook tells us that the path to successful marketing isn’t through poaching the competitors, but instead in creating a brand new market space that is ripe for growth. Included in this audiobook are the tools to help your business reach new consumers simply and efficiently, without fighting in the typical "red ocean" business space. Grover Gardner lends his Audie Award-winning "golden voice" to this groundbreaking strategy. His narration expertly highlights Kim and Mauborgne’s answer to how you win in the crazy world of marketing: don’t compete with your rivals.
    • The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life
    • De: Rory Sutherland
    • Narrado por: Rory Sutherland
    • Duración: 9 h y 38 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 05-07-19
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,558 calificaciones
    • Rory Sutherland’s Alchemy explores the psychological landscape of what makes us choose something. Recommended by Robert Cialdini, this audiobook takes listeners on a personal journey through Sutherland’s unique branding process. Sutherland isn’t teaching listeners just how to sell a product but also how to promote ideas like paying taxes or improving public health. Wit and wisdom are portrayed throughout the entirety of Sutherland’s work as he lends his voice to the narration. He effortlessly gives listeners an experience of what it’s like to attend one of his TED Talks. Alchemy allows us to venture into a journey of decision-making, providing not only marketing and branding skills but also lessons that we can use throughout our lives.
    • Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
    • De: Chip Heath, Dan Heath
    • Narrado por: Charles Kahlenberg
    • Duración: 8 h y 37 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 12-18-06
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,998 calificaciones
    • Chip and Dan Heath’s intriguing guide offers listeners a look into the reason why some ideas stick and others just get pushed aside. The two brothers, accomplished educators and idea collectors, outline their "SUCCES" model: six principles (starting with Simple and Unexpected) that every type of successful message utilizes. Veteran voice actor Charles Kahlenberg brings this already lively guide to life. His commanding but warm voice relays the Heaths’ lessons of communicating your ideas with an inviting authority that amuses and instructs listeners. Made to Stick offers us thoughts on where ideas draw their power and how to apply that power to make a message truly impactful.
    • De: Al Ries, Jack Trout
    • Narrado por: David Drummond
    • Duración: 3 h y 6 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-22-14
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,069 calificaciones
    • Al Ries and Jack Trout—with the help of the ever-talented narrator David Drummond—give marketers and entrepreneurs precisely what they need to succeed: 22 universal rules to follow. But Ries and Trout aren’t limiting your creativity with this set of laws—they’re outlining the basic principles of what makes marketing work. They explain how, just like an airplane must follow the laws of gravity to fly, you’ll have to follow the marketing rule book to let your business soar. The two best selling authors also give examples of various companies’ wins and losses, allowing us to learn from others’ mistakes. Expertly narrated by Drummond, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing gives listeners the tools for what to do in marketing, as well as a handy guide of what to avoid.
    • Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity
    • De: Kim Scott
    • Narrado por: Teri Schnaubelt
    • Duración: 11 h y 55 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-01-19
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,473 calificaciones
    • A New York Times best seller, Radical Candor relays author Kim Scott’s experiences in managing others. Scott’s management experience as an executive at Google and then at Apple provides her with unique insight into how to be an excellent boss. According to the author, you have to both Care Personally and Challenge Directly—implementing one without the other is empty, cruel, and useless. Scott personally relates her extensive experience to listeners, breaking down her simple framework so it can be easily understood. Included are personal anecdotes, tips on how to phrase feedback, and encouragement that it’s possible to be a good boss without compromising integrity or sacrificing empathy.
    • The Art of Making and Marketing Work That Lasts
    • De: Ryan Holiday
    • Narrado por: Ryan Holiday
    • Duración: 7 h
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07-18-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,423 calificaciones
    • Best selling author Ryan Holiday lends his voice to his work, which Inc. recommends every entrepreneur should experience. In Perennial Seller, Holiday explores why certain things historically succeed and others fade away, explaining the difference between making and marketing for what he calls perennial sellers. He outlines the holistic connection between content and audience, a connection that, if constructed carefully, will undoubtedly stand the test of time. There aren’t any shortcuts or tricks to learn in this listen, but in the place of quick, cheap tips are lessons on creating and marketing that will last a lifetime.
    • Truth and Lies About Why We Buy
    • De: Martin Lindstrom
    • Narrado por: Don Leslie
    • Duración: 7 h y 22 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-21-08
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 754 calificaciones
    • Drawing from an extensive three-year brain scan study of more than 2,000 people across the world, Martin Lindstrom’s revelations in Buyology reveal that the foundational ideas behind much of marketing are wrong. This listen is less about the "how" of marketing and promotion, instead focusing on the "why." Don’t expect to learn how to run a successful business that becomes a household name overnight—Lindstrom elects to instead provide an invaluable look inward, providing an earnest, informative tour of the consumer’s mind. Don Leslie’s skillful, confident performance makes it feel as though you’re receiving a personalized tutoring session, learning the psychological reasons behind why, exactly, we buy one product over another.
    • Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
    • De: Chris Anderson
    • Narrado por: Christopher Nissley
    • Duración: 7 h y 56 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07-11-06
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 1,119 calificaciones
    • In The Long Tail, winner of an Audie Award for Business Information/Education, Chris Anderson, who was the editor in chief of Wired magazine for 12 years, takes the time to delve deep and help us understand why choice is satisfying. But though the age of the internet has allowed more subtle niche choices to grow, particularly in the worlds of music, books, and movies, offering better products remains critically important Christopher Nissley performs Anderson’s research in a clear, coherent manner that explores the perplexities and challenges of digital marketing—of standing out when anything a consumer could possibly dream of is available with a quick web search. One thing is clear: the one-size-fits-all method of marketing is ending. Anderson, with the help of Nissley, showcases a new world of marketing capitalizing on the economics of abundance that’s just starting to show its power.
    • De: Brittany Hennessy
    • Narrado por: Brittany Hennessy
    • Duración: 4 h y 31 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07-31-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,266 calificaciones
    • Brittany Hennessy takes listeners on a journey through her experiences working in the social media landscape. Hennessy has seen the role of the social media influencer evolve over her varied career as a blogger, social media strategist, and now as the talent director at Hearst Magazines. The one thing Hennessy tries to get at is that, though it looks like a breeze, influencing is no walk in the park. This author-narrated listen provides some insider information on tapping into the content we interact with on a daily basis. In an ever-changing world of marketing where traditional methods just aren’t yielding the same results, Hennessy offers a refreshing look at how branding and marketing work online.
    • How Non-Conformists Move the World
    • De: Adam Grant, Sheryl Sandberg - foreword
    • Narrado por: Fred Sanders, Susan Denaker
    • Duración: 10 h y 1 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 02-02-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 7,217 calificaciones
    • A number one New York Times best seller, Originals has been declared one of the most captivating and influential works you’ll listen to by critics and listeners alike. It isn’t about conforming ideas, but about improving the status quo. Grant challenges listeners to change the world through unique and original ideas. This audiobook isn’t a collection of the same old platitudes you hear about being innovative but rather a lesson, using studies and reports, teaching any listener how to spot a good idea. With Fred Sanders performing Grant’s work with authenticity and intelligence (and Susan Denaker deftly narrating Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s foreword), this audiobook is a must-listen for any new entrepreneur seeking to stand out from the crowd.
    • The Most Human Company Wins
    • De: Mark Schaefer
    • Narrado por: Mark Schaefer
    • Duración: 7 h y 14 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 01-21-19
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 313 calificaciones
    • Mark Schaefer’s Marketing Rebellion is the kind of audiobook that all marketing managers need to check out. His research, insight, and case studies provide entertaining lessons about how to create a new path in the maze of marketing, focusing on making a human connection that will help any business succeed. Schaefer also provides the narration, comforting anyone trying to navigate their way through the constantly changing maze of marketing. Listening to Schaefer can help any marketer, whether in a small business or at an agency, become a rebel in their field.

Inclusion in Audible’s “best audiobooks” series is based on a number of factors, including presence on Audible best seller lists,
listener ratings and reviews, Goodreads ratings, and input from the Audible Editors. All audiobooks featured here have a minimum
of 500 reviews averaging at least 4.5 stars, with some exceptions made for outstanding stories and performances.

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