20 Best Finance Audiobooks for Amateurs and Masters Alike

20 Best Finance Audiobooks for Amateurs and Masters Alike

December 6, 2019
Whether you’re a complete newbie or a seasoned investor, there’s sure to be a finance audiobook that will provide you not only with helpful, interesting information, but also with a listening experience sure to keep you engaged and focused. We’ve cultivated everything you need to get started, from investing to increasing your net worth, with this list of the 20 best finance audiobooks in our catalog.
Lista de productos
    • The Surprising Secrets of America's Rich
    • De: Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D., William D. Danko Ph.D.
    • Narrado por: Cotter Smith
    • Duración: 8 h y 16 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-27-00
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 19,636 calificaciones
    • The audiobook at the top of our list is here for two simple reasons: it’s thoroughly researched, and it’s narrated in a way that makes research-heavy chapters digestible and fun. Author Thomas J. Stanley has researched the habits of millionaires to discover the patterns that helped them build and maintain wealth, even if they started from scratch. The Millionaire Next Door tells listeners that by reframing our approach to small, everyday interactions, we can increase our overall net worth in big ways. Expert narration by Cotter Smith makes the most detailed statistical reports accessible, allowing listeners to soak up every last helpful detail.
    • De: Benjamin Graham
    • Narrado por: Luke Daniels
    • Duración: 17 h y 48 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07-07-15
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 7,076 calificaciones
    • Often referred to as the stock market Bible, Benjamin Graham’s classic from 1949 on investment principles recently received a facelift for modern market conditions. The resulting update is greater (and more relevant!) than ever; its integral message focuses on long-term investment and lasting success. When you download this audiobook from Audible, you’ll also receive the supplementary guides and material in your library—this way, you’ll be able to have concepts explained as you follow along with the research that developed them. And when coupled with narration from Hall of Fame Narrator Luke Daniels, this listen is more enlightening than ever.
    • What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
    • De: Robert T. Kiyosaki
    • Narrado por: Tim Wheeler
    • Serie: Rich Dad Series
    • Duración: 6 h y 9 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-15-12
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 77,971 calificaciones
    • Robert Kiyosaki makes bold claims in this personal finance audiobook that might have you questioning everything you’ve learned about the subject so far. According to the author, children who don’t grow up rich learn different things about managing money than wealthy children, and this may be a huge part of what stops some people from moving up in the world. His hugely popular audiobook seeks to change that by closing the knowledge gap. The irreverent, colloquial style of Rich Dad, Poor Dad translates extremely well to audio; rather than being talked at, listeners will have the privilege of getting an impassioned talking-to by an expert who feels like a particularly smart and paternal friend.
    • De: Napoleon Hill
    • Narrado por: Erik Synnestvedt
    • Duración: 9 h y 35 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 10-16-07
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 31,628 calificaciones
    • From best selling motivational author Napoleon Hill comes this philosophical text on how to get rich—inspired in large part by the life, work, and undeniable success of Andrew Carnegie. The journey that Hill (through highly capable narrator Erik Synnestvedt) takes listeners on is filled with deep musings and personal anecdotes that are easy and enjoyable to follow and engage with in audio format. For 20 years, Hill interviewed more than 500 subjects to profile in this audiobook, and he synthesized his research into what he calls the 13 Steps to Riches. The first step, he says, is all in the mind.
    • 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Fully Revised and Updated for 2018
    • De: Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez, Mr. Money Mustache - foreword
    • Narrado por: Vicki Robin
    • Duración: 11 h y 21 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-26-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,491 calificaciones
    • We hear it all the time: money is the root of all problems. Vicki Robin agrees, but takes it one step further by saying it’s actually our relationship to money that forms the root of all problems. In this audiobook, we hear directly from Robin herself on how to re-evaluate and change our toxic relationship with money, start taking back our self-worth from where it’s entangled with our income, and approach money as the means rather than the end. And as the title suggests, Robin asserts that this change is a fight for our lives. Her serious, compassionate narrative tone goes a long way in convincing listeners just how important being in a good relationship with that little thing that makes the world go round really is.
    • Your Financial Freedom Playbook
    • De: Tony Robbins
    • Narrado por: Tony Robbins, Jeremy Bobb
    • Duración: 7 h y 21 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 02-28-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 9,434 calificaciones
    • If you’ve ever been there, then you know that a personal financial crisis can be a paralyzing situation that spirals further the more you try to escape it. Tony Robbins, best selling author of Money: Master the Game, shares more of his expertise to help listeners not only find their way out of a financial crisis, but also protect themselves from ever finding themselves scrambling again. Robbins gives listeners advice they can act on. And by teaming up with an additional narrator, the talented Jeremy Bobb, he ensures that his audiobook will keep you engaged with his exciting, empowering content.
    • Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
    • De: Alice Schroeder
    • Narrado por: Kirsten Potter
    • Duración: 36 h y 58 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 09-29-08
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 7,364 calificaciones
    • Don’t we all want to know Warren Buffett’s secrets? One of the most successful people in America (if not the world!) with one of the most down-to-earth personalities, Buffett has refused offers to write a memoir for many years. But in The Snowball, he allowed one author to record a detailed account of his life. The resulting biography is absolutely fantastic—in turns enlightening, touching, and shocking. The entirety of this unique listen rounds out to 36 hours, which may seem like a daunting number, but Kristen Potter’s impeccable narration keeps each hour as excellent as the last.
    • No Guilt. No Excuses. No B.S. Just a 6-Week Program That Works (Second Edition)
    • De: Ramit Sethi
    • Narrado por: Ramit Sethi
    • Duración: 12 h y 8 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 05-14-19
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 9,327 calificaciones
    • If you couldn’t guess by the title, Ramit Sethi doesn’t mince words. The entirety of this audiobook—which he narrates himself with frankness and tons of personality—is meant to demystify the road to riches. It’s broken into clear sections and gives advice that is especially great for young investors or new adults engaging with the world of personal finance philosophy for the first time. I Will Make You Rich offers its instructions in super-clear language that feels more like an offhanded conversation than an audiobook. That said, it doesn’t go light on the practical tools it offers, either—it balances accessibility with hard-hitting advice that can aid any listener on their financial journey.
    • Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
    • De: T. Harv Eker
    • Narrado por: Charles Constant
    • Duración: 5 h y 10 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-14-16
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 10,633 calificaciones
    • Each one of us has a personal money blueprint, according to T. Harv Eker, and the key to financial wealth lies in knowing what our individual blueprint is, and resetting it to maximize success. Eker’s goal isn’t just to help the listener accrue wealth—it’s to help them become the type of person for whom wealth comes effortlessly. And though that might sound impossible, listeners have frequently said that if you follow its advice closely, this audiobook can be life-changing. The steady, confident narration by Charles Constant makes for a listen that’s digestible, believable, and, most importantly, effective. He skillfully performs Eker’s humor as well as he does his financial advice, making this entry to the financial self-help canon enjoyable as well as educational.
    • De: Timothy Ferriss
    • Narrado por: Ray Porter
    • Duración: 13 h y 1 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 12-28-08
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 21,183 calificaciones
    • Timothy Ferriss is living the life most of us wish we were living. By his own admission, he works less—much less, if we take his title at face value—and travels more than most of us, and still has amassed considerable personal wealth. This audiobook is his manifesto of a mobile lifestyle that rejects classic financial advice, where we can take our work with us wherever we go and leave the stress behind. Narrated by Audie Award-nominated performer Ray Porter, this audiobook outlines steps everyone can take to become financially secure enough to live like Ferriss. But even if we can’t all get to where Ferris has gone, listening to this audiobook on the way to work or during a tough day at the office provides a serious dose of inspiration and hope.
    • Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life
    • De: JL Collins
    • Narrado por: JL Collins, Peter Adeney
    • Duración: 6 h y 38 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 06-27-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 9,197 calificaciones
    • Collins’s idea for this audiobook came out of a conversation with his daughter, wherein she expressed what a lot of us think—she just didn’t have the energy or time to dive into financial philosophy. What this audiobook provides her, and others who are less than finance-obsessed, is a simple roadmap to understanding, security, and sustainable wealth without weeding through the sometimes (deliberately, says Collins) obscure language of finance. It doesn’t hurt that Collins has a voice for cozy fireside storytelling, which makes listening to this audiobook such a pleasant experience that you may not realize how much you’re learning.
    • Life and Work
    • De: Ray Dalio
    • Narrado por: Ray Dalio, Jeremy Bobb
    • Duración: 16 h y 5 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 09-19-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 18,884 calificaciones
    • In Principles, author-narrator Ray Dalio addresses the many lessons he’s learned over his long career—the same lessons that led to his founding the highly successful Bridgewater Associates investment firm and becoming one of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people. Dalio covers the principles of everything—from finance to management to interpersonal relationships, and you’re sure to find kernels of advice applicable to any scenario. He incorporates many examples and stories that are best heard straight from the mouth of the person who experienced them; the intimate feel he lends to the audiobook with his narration makes the advice feel even more salient.
    • Master the Mindset of Wealth
    • De: Jen Sincero
    • Narrado por: Jen Sincero
    • Duración: 6 h y 59 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-18-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 21,605 calificaciones
    • There’s almost no way you missed the cultural moment Jen Sincero’s debut, You Are a Badass, had, and this installment filled with financial conversation is just as valuable. Sincero speaks to listeners like a friend and attempts to convince them to reframe the way they think about money. Though it’s light on practical advice, sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed in one’s financial journey in order to avoid getting totally overwhelmed. The philosophy that Sincero articulates is motivating, affirming, and meets listeners where they are, energizing them for whatever the next step on their money path might be.
    • De: Chris Hogan
    • Narrado por: Chris Hogan
    • Duración: 6 h y 58 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 12-27-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,045 calificaciones
    • If you, like most people searching for financial advice, feel like being a millionaire is a far-flung dream, Chris Hogan wants you to know that you’re not alone...but you’re still wrong. Millionaire status is closer than we all think, and by considering, analyzing, and synthesizing advice from both the financial canon and newer sources, Hogan helps his listeners see just that. One of the most enjoyable parts of this audiobook—other than the sage advice, of course—is the bright performance by Hogan. Complicated financial principles are made humorous and wonderfully ordinary by both his playful narration and writing.
    • A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
    • De: Bob Burg, John David Mann
    • Narrado por: Bob Burg, John David Mann
    • Serie: Go-Giver, Libro 1
    • Duración: 2 h y 54 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 12-28-14
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 5 out of 5 stars 7,553 calificaciones
    • The format of The Go-Giver is singular among audiobooks on our list—not only is it a quick listen at just under three hours, but it’s also told in a unique parable form that holds your attention easily and keeps you enthralled. Settle in as you hear the story of Joe, who thinks he’s working toward success but is missing one key: generosity. The message of the audiobook is simple: to receive, you first have to open your heart to giving. But don’t be fooled by the sweet message or the simplistic format into thinking this audiobook is only platitudes—the advice it contains is efficient and sound.
    • New Chapters on Marriage, Singles, Kids and Families
    • De: Dave Ramsey
    • Narrado por: Nick Sullivan, CJ Critt
    • Duración: 6 h y 59 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-02-12
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,556 calificaciones
    • It’s rare for financial advice to begin with failure, but Financial Peace does. Author and investor Dave Ramsey built up an impressive $4-million real estate portfolio—only to find himself buried in massive, suffocating debt when he lost it all in the market crash. In Financial Peace, Ramsey lays out the principles and strategies he used to climb his way back out of his deep well of debt. Since that harrowing experience, he’s learned a lot about debt reduction and financial freedom, and hearing his own zig-zagging story of success to failure and back to success straight from his own mouth is moving, inspiring, and extraordinarily helpful. This is a great choice for those looking for a boost to clean up their act financially, but also contains plenty of excellent insights for those who are already in control of their finances and looking to capitalize on their good fortune.
    • The Gateway to Wealth & Prosperity
    • De: Dean Graziosi
    • Narrado por: Dean Graziosi
    • Duración: 8 h y 13 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 01-15-19
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,640 calificaciones
    • Identifying the reasons we seek financial success are just as important as the steps we take to get ourselves there. But with any area of our lives where we’re trying to create new habits, it’s easy to get distracted without a clear enough why. Dave Graziosi starts listeners off identifying their deepest, truest motivation—their why—before introducing his practical advice. Having Graziosi’s words guiding you to finding your drive and purpose through step-by-step daily exercises is invaluable.
    • An All-Out Approach to Early Financial Freedom
    • De: Scott Trench
    • Narrado por: Scott Trench
    • Duración: 9 h y 22 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 04-28-17
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,988 calificaciones
    • Many young professionals in the workforce express anxiety about their ability to retire. Given current economic conditions, it’s easy to understand how not working seems like a distant dream. Scott Trench wants to liberate his listeners from worry and help them retire even earlier than previously thought possible. His peppy, personally narrated audiobook is geared toward those of us at the start of our career journey for whom the end feels unimaginable. If you’re worried about how you’ll ever save enough to retire, settle down with Trench’s calming voice and sage advice in Set for Life.
    • A Total Beginner's Guide to Getting Good with Money
    • De: Chelsea Fagan, Lauren Ver Hage - designer
    • Narrado por: Chelsea Fagan
    • Duración: 3 h y 30 m
    • Fecha de lanzamiento: 01-02-18
    • Idioma: Inglés
    • 4 out of 5 stars 1,312 calificaciones
    • Chelsea Fagan’s YouTube channel (which has the same title as her audiobook) has more than 700,000 subscribers, and her fan base is filled with loyal, supportive people she’s helped reach financial security. The Financial Diet is an amalgamation of all the excellent advice she doles out online and new methods, research, and ideas. Meant for true beginners to finance, Fagan guides listeners through activities as simple as what to cook for dinner and as complicated as which moves to make for your first investment. Thanks to her background in vlogging, Fagan is an extremely engaging narrator. Her approachable, friendly style meshes with her content to make an audiobook that’s great for listeners looking to start from square one.

Inclusion in Audible’s “best audiobooks” series is based on a number of factors, including presence on Audible best seller lists,
listener ratings and reviews, Goodreads ratings, and input from the Audible Editors. All audiobooks featured here have a minimum
of 500 reviews averaging at least 4.5 stars, with some exceptions made for outstanding stories and performances.

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