
aren’t usually my cup of tea, but after spending the majority of 2018 planning my wedding and a huge move (and *ahem* two separate D&D campaigns), I’m ready to reset and refocus. In the past, I’ve set numerical listening goals—e.g. listen to 35 books—but this year, in the interest of being more realistic about my time and mental energy (see: running two D&D campaigns while planning my wedding and a move), my goals are a little more fluid: listen to at least one more book apiece from authors I already love (Octavia Butler to start), make progress in a series I’ve been slacking on (His Dark Materials—I’m coming for ya!), and check out the new releases that excite me (which you may catch a glimpse of below).

In fact, I’ve set some more realistic goals at work, too. At the time you’re reading this, I will be setting up my new apartment, so I’ve asked my fellow editor Melissa to help curate this edition of the Worlds Away newsletter. You may know her as our romance editor, but she’s also a massive fantasy fan, so we’re kindred spirits on this team. Take it away, Melissa, and catch you all again in February!

- Sam, Audible editor

About the Editor

Sam is obsessed with sci-fi & fantasy in all forms, with a particular soft spot for robots, time travel, and kick-ass heroines. When she’s not exploring distant galaxies and treacherous dungeons, she enjoys a healthy dose of memoirs, horror, and true crime. She is also an avid knitter who uses audiobooks to get her through mundane and challenging patterns—even if the more intense listens tend to mess with her tension.

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