Mother's Day

was this past weekend, so here’s hoping all the moms out there enjoyed the emotional or literal equivalent of breakfast in bed—preferably something decadent and sweet, with a strong cup of coffee. Honestly, though I’ve been a parent for nearly a decade now, I still struggle with being on the receiving end of the Mother’s Day Industrial Complex. I lost my mom when I was young, so it’s never been my favorite holiday. I’m still fascinated by stories about complicated maternal relationships, though, and lo and behold I found the most provocative thriller on the subject, and I gobbled it up like so much hard-earned cake.

I can’t wait to tell you about it, but first let’s pay tribute to a late, great master of crime fiction and to all the different women who populate this genre—mothers, daughters, those still-ubiquitous girls, and all.

Kat, Audible editor

About the Editor

Kat is an Audible editor and podcast addict who likes to mix up her diet of thrillers and true crime with comedy, weird literary fiction, and the occasional nonfiction blockbuster to sound smarter at parties. Follow her on Twitter @katbhandari.

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