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Imagine having to cover hundreds of miles ahead of you in complete silence. Maybe this is light stuff for someone practicing Zen Buddhism, but truck drivers tend to like going into different spaces—far out and far away. With their eyes on the road and their ears free to roam, many truckers are among the most expert audiobook listeners on the planet. Racking up impressive listening hours alongside their mileage, many truckers have their audio preferences down to a science—and often, that means science fiction.

It turns out that as truckers transport our goods, many like listens that transport them into other galaxies and alternate universes: fantasy, action, and adventure are also popular genres among many long-haul drivers, though their tastes run the gamut. Unlike many of us, in their working worlds, truckers have plenty of time to listen to a thriller unravel or to get lost—not on the road, but in a juicy historical fiction title. Truckers are the ultimate power listeners.

“Even though he’d been paying for membership,” Ashley says, “I would joke to colleagues that he married me for my Audible library.”

When Ashley T., an Audible customer service trainer, met her future husband Chris, listening played a big part in their whirlwind relationship. Chris was a long-distance driver, and texting wasn’t an option when he was on the road. They listened to each other’s lives, goals, and interests, one of which was audiobooks on Audible. Chris was already a member when they met. “Even though he’d been paying for membership,” Ashley says, “I would joke to colleagues that he married me for my Audible library.”

Ashley & Family - Trucker Post Photo

“Listening to an extra chapter in an audiobook to delay the inevitable is always preferable to being covered in Boudreaux’s Butt Paste!” —Ashley, trainer (CS Learning and Development), with Chris and their son

Like many drivers, Chris listens to endless hours of audio. He prefers fantasy and sci-fi, though more recently he’s been listening to podcasts and vintage radio shows, which often become a family affair. Audiobooks are now a part of their two-year-old son’s bedtime ritual. Chris in particular is passionate about listening. “He helps other drivers download the Audible app and suggests additions to their libraries,” explains Ashley. She may work for Audible, but Chris might be the family’s most vocal audio evangelist. "Sometimes when I'm listening to something and it's really good, I delay coming home so that I can finish it… I've done that a few times," he admits. To this, Ashley, a good sport, responds: “Listening to an extra chapter in an audiobook to delay the inevitable is always preferable to being covered in Boudreaux’s Butt Paste!”

Chris’s strong audio preferences are by no means rare among drivers. “I rarely have to invite them to tell me what content they like,” says Brandon D., a concierge specialist, about the many truckers he speaks with who are clearly evangelists. “They’ll usually tell me what they’ve listened to, what they’re hearing from other truckers, and what they want to add to their library.”

Brandon CS - Trucker Post

“I think they might like some titles because following all the twists and turns keeps them super alert.” —Brandon, concierge specialist

Echoing what Chris said about preferences for sci-fi and fantasy, Brandon says he’s also seen a growing interest in subgenres such as urban fiction and romance novels. “I think they might like some titles because following all the twists and turns keeps them super alert.”

Here’s a list of trucker-approved listens recommended by Brandon and Chris for epic driving.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Impact Winter
The Kaiju Preservation Society
We Are Legion (We Are Bob)
The Martian
The Sandman

Thrillers & Suspense

Killing Floor
The Teeth of the Tiger


Powder River - Season One

Urban Fiction




Truckers' Tales

The Long Haul
King of the Road