• Manifesting Your Future: Why Time is EVERYTHING
    May 25 2024

    In this podcast episode 10, we delve into the crucial concept of 'time', creating a future timeline, and music. When it comes to manifesting your dreams, here are a few tips! Understanding the importance of being aware of in which ‘time-zone’ you live in, can truly make a difference in creating the future you desire. Join us as we break down why timing is everything in the journey towards manifesting your goals. Don't miss out on this valuable episode! Keep your feedback coming – subscribe and share please.

    🎙️ Unbox The Podcast was born in 2004 to provide a higher soul perspective. It's a tool to deepen awareness of your daily choices and their impact on your life journey. Any suggestions? Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com. Follow Sahar on Social media: https://linktr.ee/unboxwithSahar

    🌐 Based in Dubai, UAE, I offer online consultations. Let’s take the first step together: https://www.saharhuneidi.com.

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    17 mins
  • My Psychic Journey - The Creative Power of Intuition
    May 8 2024

    Welcome back to "Unbox The Podcast," where we continue our quest for self-discovery and empowerment. I'm Sahar Huneidi Palmer, your guide on this journey of unlocking the creative potential within. In today's episode, we're diving into the profound connection between creativity and intuition. Have you ever experienced a moment of inspired insight, where ideas flowed effortlessly and solutions seemed to appear out of thin air? That's the power of intuition at work.

    Join me as we explore how nurturing our intuitive abilities can enhance our creativity and vice versa. We'll uncover the ways in which intuition serves as a catalyst for innovation, guiding us towards fresh perspectives and original ideas. From artists to entrepreneurs, intuition plays a crucial role in unlocking our creative potential and bringing our visions to life.

    🎙️ Unbox The Podcast was born in 2004 to provide a higher soul perspective. It's a tool to deepen awareness of your daily choices and their impact on your life journey. Any suggestions? Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com

    🍎 Subscribe on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unbox-the-podcast-live-your-best-life-with-sahar/id933605052?mt=2

    Follow Sahar on Social media: https://linktr.ee/unboxwithSahar

    🌐 Based in Dubai, UAE, I offer online consultations. Let’s take the first step together: https://www.saharhuneidi.com.

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    18 mins
  • Overcoming Solo Content Creation Challenges
    May 8 2024

    Hey everyone, I owe you an apology for the delay in yesterday's episode. Creating content solo can sometimes feel like juggling too many balls at once, and yesterday, it got the best of me. But fear not! Today's episode is on its way, packed with insights and inspiration just for you. Thanks for your patience and understanding! Give me your feedback to help me continue with Unbox The Podcast. Next episode will be released today 🤞🏼 so stay tuned!


    🎙️ Unbox The Podcast was born in 2004 to provide a higher soul perspective. It's a tool to deepen awareness of your daily choices and their impact on your life journey.

    *Subscribe on Apple:
    🍎 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unbox-the-podcast-live-your-best-life-with-sahar/id933605052?mt=2

    Or here: https://sites.libsyn.com/27201/site

    Any suggestions? Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com

    🌐 Based in Dubai, UAE, I offer online consultations. Let’s take the first step together: https://www.saharhuneidi.com.

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    3 mins
  • My Psychic Journey: How My Darkest Time Made Me STRONGER
    May 2 2024

    Welcome back to Unbox The Podcast – where we continue My psychic Journey from the corporate world to the mystical one; a journey of transformation, where pain and trauma empowered my personal transformation. Trauma may change us, but it doesn't have to define us. It can, however, be a catalyst for growth and transformation if we allow it to be. This is what this podcast episode is about.

    Join me next Tuesday for more inspiring episodes of Unbox The podcast. Where we continue journey of overcoming challenges and developing resilience so you can feel free and full of joy. Remember to subscribe and share this podcast episode. Till next week, live your best life – one day at time. This is Sahar Huneidi Palmer wishing you a good week. 🎙️ Unbox The Podcast was born in 2004 to provide a higher soul perspective. It's a tool to deepen awareness of your daily choices and their impact on your life journey.

    🍎 Subscribe on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unbox-the-podcast-live-your-best-life-with-sahar/id933605052?mt=2

    Or here: https://sites.libsyn.com/27201/site. Any suggestions? Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com. 🌐 Based in Dubai, UAE, I offer online consultations. Let’s take the first step together: https://www.saharhuneidi.com.

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    18 mins
  • My Psychic Journey: How Adversity Unlocked My Creativity!
    Apr 23 2024

    To every cloud there is, truly, a silver lining! In this heartfelt episode of Unbox the Podcast, Sahar Huneidi Palmer takes us on an intimate journey through the aftermath of trauma and the surprising ways it can reshape our lives. Sahar reflects on the profound disorientation and emotional turbulence following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, an event that not only displaced her life but also unfolded a drama that lasted for years. With raw honesty, she recounts the conflicting thoughts and emotions sparked by witnessing children in war, and the struggle to reconcile her personal experiences with the sensational narratives sought by news agencies.

    As Sahar navigates the emotional residue left by trauma, she discovers an unexpected outlet in creative writing and poetry, revealing to us how personal wounds can lead to profound self-expression and discovery. She shares her poignant poem "The Invasion," which captures the humanity and complexity of war through a personal lens, rather than the gory details the media so often craves.

    Delving deeper, Sahar explores the concept of core values and how they guide our decisions, emphasizing the importance of knowing oneself and one's purpose in life. She encourages listeners to embark on their own inner journey, to journal dreams and thoughts, and to cultivate resilience by processing life's experiences mindfully.

    Join Sahar as she reflects on the strength that comes not from enduring hardships, but from the passionate conviction to pursue understanding and healing. This episode is a testament to the power of turning trauma into a catalyst for growth, creativity, and a deeper connection with oneself. Tune in to discover how you, too, can weave the tapestry of your life into a unique and meaningful narrative. Don't forget to reach out with your thoughts and questions—Sahar is eager to hear how you're living your best life.

    Thanks for watching! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content.

    Subscribe to Unbox The Podcast.


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    17 mins
  • My Psychic Journey: From Generational Trauma to Poetry
    Apr 16 2024

    Join me on a transformative journey from the corporate world to the mystical realm in this podcast episode, where I delve into uncovering my true identity. Through poetry, I explore generational trauma and the process of re-identifying with myself, shedding light on the realization that the nightmare I once feared has become my new reality. Discover how going deep within has led me to unearth hidden paths and talents, ultimately triggering a reawakening of self-discovery and empowerment. The Nightmare became a reality. The walls of the corporate world, once comforting, now felt suffocating. The new reality forced me to go deep within, to question everything I thought I knew about myself.

    Who am I really? What is my true identity? Generational trauma whispered through my veins, urging me to listen, to heal, to express. And so, I turned to poetry, to art, to the mystical world that called out to me. The journey was not easy. It was a path of self-discovery, of unearthing hidden talents and passions. But through the darkness, I found light. I found myself. And in that reawakening, I uncovered a new sense of purpose, a new way of being in the world. The corporate mask fell away, revealing the true essence of who I am. From the ashes of the old, a phoenix rose, ready to soar into the mystical unknown. Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

    Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com. Subscribe to Unbox The Podcast I to Unbox with Sahar on YouTube channel.

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    25 mins
  • My Psychic Journey: Decoding A Nightmare
    Apr 9 2024

    Welcome to another insightful episode of Unbox the Podcast, where we delve into the profound impact dreams, and nightmares, can have on our lives. I'm your host, Sahar Huneidi Palmer, and today, we're venturing further into my personal journey from the corporate realm into the mystical, demystifying the realm of nightmares. Self-growth hinges on self-awareness, encompassing our physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts—both conscious and, crucially, unconscious. Dreams serve as the language of our subconscious, reflecting the impressions left by our waking experiences. Have you ever pondered the meaning behind a particularly vivid nightmare?

    Too often, we dismiss nightmares as fleeting disturbances, attributing them to mundane causes like late-night snacking or physiological processes. Allow me to share a personal anecdote: one Wednesday night, on the eve of a routine dental appointment, I awoke in terror, only to be reassured by my sister that it was merely pre-appointment jitters. Little did I know, just hours later, the reality of a military invasion would shatter the tranquility of our streets.

    Our dreams possess a profound wisdom, offering insights that can shape our decisions and steer us towards personal growth. By paying attention to the wisdom of our dreams, we can navigate life's twists and turns with greater clarity and resilience. In our next episode, I'll delve deeper into how this intuitive understanding unfolded, recounting a moment where it not only altered my trajectory but also saved a dear friend's life. Thank you for tuning in! And remember, to never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe to Unbox the Podcast. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com. Subscribe to Unbox The Podcast I to Unbox with Sahar on YouTube channel.

    🌐 Sahar offers online consultations since 1992. Take the first step here saharhuneidi.com

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    13 mins
  • My Psychic Journey: How A Nightmare Changed My Life
    Apr 2 2024

    Welcome to today's episode of Unbox the podcast, whereI share with you how a dream can change your life! I'm Sahar Huneidi Palmer, your host, and in this episode, we're diving into a remarkable transformation – a journey from the corporate world into the mystical world of psychic exploration and holistic healing. My own journey! Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, it stayed with you long after you woke up? Dreams have the power to foretell what's to come, giving us a glimpse into our future. But what if I told you that these dreams could actually transform your life? Paying attention to the messages in our dreams, we can prepare, indirectly, us for what may lie ahead.

    Whether it's a warning of challenges to come or a sign of new opportunities, our dreams can guide us on our path. Imagine the possibilities if we listen to the wisdom that our dreams offer us. We can make better decisions, avoid pitfalls, and embrace the changes that lead to personal growth.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe to Unbox The Podcast. Any suggestions? Email me: sahar[at]saharhuneidi.com. Subscribe to Unbox The Podcast I to Unbox with Sahar on YouTubechannel.

    🌐 Sahar offers online consultations since 1992. Take the first step here saharhuneidi.com

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    13 mins