• 135. Enhance Emotional Healing Post-Divorce with Deep Body Awareness: Techniques from the Post-Divorce Roadmap
    Jun 6 2024

    Ever find yourself trapped in a relentless cycle of overthinking, struggling to break free and truly process your emotions? Discover the transformative power of deep body awareness in this episode of Dear Divorce Diary. We promise you’ll learn how to shift your focus from your relentless thoughts to your physical sensations, facilitating genuine emotional healing. Join me, Dawn Wiggins, as I share strategies that have profoundly impacted my clients, helping them let go of resentment, grief, and anxiety.

    Through practical insights and guided techniques, I'll teach you how to enhance your body awareness, turning it into a potent tool for emotional relief. Get a glimpse into my 21-day immersive journaling program, the Post-Divorce Roadmap, designed to help you practice this essential skill. Whether it’s during sessions of EMDR or through journaling at home, this episode will equip you with the tools to identify and process your emotions somatically. Grab your journal and start your journey toward a more profound healing experience!

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 134. Why Talk Therapy Might Be Holding Back Your Divorce Recovery and Reinforcing Codependency
    Jun 4 2024

    Can Talk Therapy Actually Be Detrimental to Your Healing Process?

    Most of us turn to talk therapy for venting and finding relief, but is it possible that it might be doing more harm than good?

    The Common Pitfall of Talk Therapy and Its Impact on Your Healing Journey...

    If you’re feeling stuck or not making the progress you desire, this episode is essential. Many people unknowingly reinforce negative patterns rather than heal them during their therapy sessions.

    1. Discover how repetitive storytelling in therapy could reinforce your victim mentality rather than foster true healing.

    2. Learn about alternative therapeutic approaches that can foster deeper healing and transformation.

    3. Understand the importance of addressing both mental and physical aspects of your health to achieve holistic well-being.

    **Find out if your therapy sessions are holding you back and learn the tools to transform your healing process—tune in now!**

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 133. How to Turn Affirmations Into Beliefs: The Journey from Divorce to Self-Love
    May 30 2024

    Have you ever wondered if positive affirmations can really change your life, especially in the midst of a painful divorce?

    When navigating the tumultuous waters of divorce, finding a way to focus on a brighter future can seem impossible. This is where this episode steps in, offering practical wisdom through affirmations and the power of manifestation to help you shift your mindset.

    1. Learn How to Transform Pain into Belief: Discover how consistently repeating affirmations can shift your perspective from your current pains to a hopeful future.

    2. Tools for Daily Inspiration: Find out how simple tools like a daily affirmation calendar can keep you motivated and focused on personal growth.

    3. Real-Life Application: Listen to Dawn share her personal experiences and practical tips on incorporating affirmations into your daily routine for genuine change.

    Start cultivating a future filled with positivity and resilience; play the episode now and embrace the power of affirmations in your divorce journey.

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • 132. Why You Need to be Using Gratitude to Navigate Divorce-Related Trauma and Resentment
    May 28 2024

    Are you struggling to feel gratitude in the midst of your divorce journey, even though you know it's essential for your mental well-being and manifestation goals?

    Gratitude is a powerful tool for attracting positivity into your life, but trauma and attachment issues can sometimes block your ability to access and harness its benefits effectively.

    1. Unlock the deep-rooted power of gratitude to attract happiness, healthy relationships, and personal growth into your life.

    2. Learn how trauma and attachment styles can impact your ability to feel and express gratitude and discover strategies to heal and shift towards a more positive mindset.

    3. Gain insights into homeopathic treatments and therapeutic techniques that can help you break free from past traumas and cultivate a sense of empowerment and self-love.

    Dive into this insightful episode of Dear Divorce Diary to explore practical tips and transformative tools that will empower you to heal your attachment wounds, unlock the power of gratitude, and manifest a brighter future post-divorce.

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • 131. Navigating New Waters: Strategies to Overcome Indecision and Rebuild Your Life Post-Divorce
    May 23 2024

    Feeling like you're trudging through quicksand after a life-changing event like divorce is all too common. I'm Dawn Wiggins, and in this heartfelt session, I'm sharing indispensable strategies to pull yourself free from that mire of indecision and self-doubt. Together, we'll navigate the tumultuous waters of change and explore the necessity of stepping beyond what's comfortable. By dissecting the patterns that chain you down and daring to test uncharted waters, you'll learn to extinguish the fires of your personal struggles, one life aspect at a time.

    This episode is a treasure map to rediscover the confident and resolved person you've always had within. We delve into the art of communication with ex-partners, fine-tuning parenting skills, and fostering personal growth that leads to a harmonious life. My guidance is your compass to pinpoint where to pivot, how to shake off the shackles of the familiar, and embrace innovative approaches that promise a ripple effect of positive transformation. Buckle up for a journey to unlock the doors to a rejuvenated self post-divorce, without retracing the steps that led you into feeling stuck.

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 130. Is Suppressing Your Divorce Anxiety Ruining Your Manifesting Goals? Probably!
    May 21 2024

    You’re probably looking for ways to manifest a better life after your divorce, but why isn’t it working for you?

    Like many, you might have tried to jumpstart change through positive thinking, only to be stuck in the same place. This episode dives deep into why suppression of negative emotions and over-reliance on superficial healing tools are just band-aids—and what you really need to do to truly manifest the life you desire.

    What You’ll Learn

    - Why suppressing pain can only offer temporary relief and how to recognize when it's happening.

    - How relying too much on tools like essential oils, self-help books, and podcasts may actually be holding you back.

    - What deeper, transformative work needs to be done to remove your biggest roadblocks to manifesting?

    Tune in now to discover how you can turn off those negative thoughts and truly unlock your ability to manifest positive change!

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness and letting go.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • 129. Pine Flower Essence: A Key to Boosting Self-Esteem and Self Worth After Divorce
    May 16 2024

    Feeling Like You're Never Enough? Discover the Healing Powers of Pine Flower Essence!

    Are you constantly struggling with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially after your divorce? It's a common challenge you've faced, driving you toward external validation rather than nurturing inner strength and self-respect. This episode unveils an overlooked, natural solution that could transform your journey toward healing and self-acceptance.

    By tuning into this episode, you'll gain:

    1. Insights into how pine flower essence can peel back layers of self-doubt and foster profound self-respect.

    2. Practical advice on incorporating this essence into your therapeutic routine to enhance emotional stability and reduce anxiety.

    3. Encouraging stories of real transformations, including host Dawn Wiggins' own experience with the essence, highlighting its impact on personal peace and boundary setting.

    Click play to unlock a more confident, respected, and peaceful you with the help of pine flower essence. You deserve this bottle of self-acceptance!

    Bach's Pine Flower Essence for Self-Respect

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 128. Manifestation Meets Scripture: Can You Use the Bible to Manifest a New Life After Divorce?
    May 14 2024

    Does Manifestation Really Work, and Can the Bible Guide Us Through Intentional Manifestation? YES!! And if you're like me, you have questions or doubts about the alignment between manifesting and biblical principles.

    Are you struggling to regain control after a divorce, wondering if you can intentionally shape a better future? You're not alone in seeking deeper answers and perhaps the Bible holds some forgotten wisdom that could guide you.

    Manifestation isn't just a trendy concept; it's an ancient practice deeply rooted in spiritual texts like the Bible. In this episode:

    1. Discover practical biblical insights that connect manifestation principles to personal healing and growth.

    2. Learn how to transform deep-seated pain into powerful, motivational energy for your future.

    3. Gain strategies to align your life towards more fulfilling outcomes by understanding and utilizing manifestation in the biblical context.

    Tap play and uncover how the biblical approach to manifestation can help transform your post-divorce recovery into a journey of empowerment and purpose!

    Loneliness Roadmap on HeartBeat
    Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyCoachDawn
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnwiggins/
    On the Web: https://www.mycoachdawn.com

    A podcast exploring the journey of life after divorce, delving into topics like divorce grief, loneliness, anxiety, the impact of different attachment styles and codependency, setting healthy boundaries, energy healing with homeopathy, managing the nervous system during divorce depression, understanding the stages of divorce grief, and using the Law of Attraction and EMDR therapy in the process of forgiveness.

    Más Menos
    25 m