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Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts. More titles added every week.
$14.95 a month after 30 days. Cancel anytime.


Audible is a membership service that provides customers with the world's largest selection of audiobooks as well as podcasts, exclusive originals and more. Your Audible membership is free for 30 days. If you enjoy your Audible trial, do nothing and your membership will automatically continue. We'll send you an email reminder before your trial ends. Download the free Audible app to start listening on your iOS or Android device. You can also listen on any Alexa-enabled device, compatible Fire tablets, Kindle devices, Sonos devices and more. You can cancel anytime before your trial ends and you won’t be charged. There are no commitments and no cancellation fees.
Plans start at $7.95 per month after free trial. Visit our Plans & Pricing page to learn more.
As an Audible member, your subscription includes:
  • Premium Plus members get credit(s) good for any titles in our premium selection (1 credit = 1 title)*
  • Premium Plus members get access to exclusive sales as well as 30% off all additional premium selection purchases.
  • All members can listen all they want to thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, originals, and more in the Plus Catalog.
*Number of credits varies based on your membership plan. Credits expire after one year.
Eligible Amazon Prime members are invited to start an Audible Premium Plus trial with 2 credits (1 credit = 1 title) that can be used on any titles from our premium selection. A standard Audible Premium Plus trial includes 1 credit. After trial, all members receive 1 credit per month. Learn More >
There are no commitments. You can easily cancel your membership at anytime. All titles purchased with a credit are yours to keep forever.