A week ago

I was snuggled under a travel blanket while my dog Trigger napped in his carrier at my feet. We were heading to Boston to visit family for the holidays, and I couldn’t wait! Trigger was probably dreaming about sneaking treats from my nieces, but from my seat on Amtrak, I was thinking about a space adventure. Inspired by the #1 kids best seller

Zero G, I wondered what it would be like to board a massive space transport and help establish a new colony beyond the Kuiper Belt. From the first minute, I was hooked…and as the story turned from a tale about space travel to an adventure about ingenuity and survival, I found myself brainstorming solutions right beside 12-year-old Zero. I wondered if I have what it takes to be a space hero.

And it hit me, this is what I’ve always loved about adventure stories. I might not be brave enough to sign up for high-risk journeys in real life, but I’m always ready to dig into a story and match wits with characters from books. And in my imagination, with my dog by my side, I’m a hero!

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