When Audio Is a Portal to Other Realms

When Audio Is a Portal to Other Realms

Many genres might be described as “escapist”: romance, fantasy, historical fiction, espionage thriller, comedy. But some listening experiences claim to be actual vehicles of escape—from the physical body, from everyday consciousness, from this dimension—at least, if you’re able to attain the altered states they describe.

Audiobooks about lucid dreaming, transcendental meditation, and out-of-body experiences may stretch the contours of our beliefs (and credulity), but they’ve been around for decades, and they’re trending again as tutorials on astral projection and reality-shifting find new audiences on YouTube and TikTok.

As yet more snow fell on our endless pandemic winter, I wondered if it was possible—could we close our eyes, open our ears, and end up somewhere else? Here are six listens that invite the curious to explore further realms, with audio as the guide.