Justin Baldoni is a director, producer, actor, and author whose efforts are focused on creating impactful media and entertainment. His latest title, Boys Will Be Human, is a raw, honest guide to discussing masculinity and emotions with young boys.

"I’m so grateful to Audible for asking me to share some amazing audiobooks that I believe kid and adult listeners of Boys Will Be Human will also find enlightening and inspiring," Baldoni says. "Becoming the best person we can be starts by asking challenging questions about ourselves and how we relate to each other. I think this selection of listens can help guide us toward the answers and shape us into the most kind, brave, honest, fair, and humble people we can be. Happy listening, and always remember: You are enough!"

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Deep Kindness
Growing Up Great!
Stamped (For Kids)
Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different
Teens Ask Deepak
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy