Here to help: The best therapy audiobooks and podcasts

Here to help: The best therapy audiobooks and podcasts

The continued increase in the use of technology over the last two decades has brought many helpful advances in almost every field, including mental health treatment. The option of virtual sessions has made participating in therapy easier. The internet has made important information about mental health and excellent resources available at the click of a button. And social media has played a big part in helping to destigmatize mental illness.

Seeing and hearing other people—whether a stranger, a friend, or a celebrity—talk about their struggles with mental health helps make us feel less alone. And that sense of community often encourages those struggling to take steps towards treatment. There is nothing wrong with needing help and wanting to feel better—and some truly exceptional mental health audiobooks and podcasts are available to keep you company on that journey.

Therapy audiobooks and podcasts are not just great for people looking to supplement their treatment—they're also great for therapists. You can never stop learning when it comes to fresh approaches and advancements in your field. Here are 15 of the best therapy audiobooks and podcasts for anyone looking for more information and guidance about mental health, therapy, and treatment. Some are serious and some are lighthearted, but they all share the same goal: helping people feel better.