One of the pleasures of listening to sci-fi books is the ideas they explore, from artificial intelligence to space travel and alien species. Beyond raising fascinating possibilities, the best works of science fiction ask big questions: What does it mean to be human? What will the future look like? What mysteries does the universe hold, and what do they mean for life on Earth? Sci-fi, as a medium, is incredibly well-suited to tackle complex and thorny issues while also telling riveting, imaginative stories.

And those riveting, imaginative stories are part of what makes sci-fi books such great candidates for film and television adaptations. Humans may not have figured out interstellar travel yet, but we can do some amazing things with special effects. There's nothing quite like seeing a favorite sci-fi story brought to life on the big screen, watching a director's interpretation unravel, from  the barren landscape of a desert planet to a futuristic spaceship to diverse extraterrestrial life forms.

From 2001: A Space Odyssey to 2021’s acclaimed adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune, the past 50 years have been full of cinematic sci-fi sensations. This list includes some of the most famous sci-fi adaptations out there, as well as plenty of hidden gems. You'll likely have heard of most of these movies, but you might be surprised to learn about the short stories, novellas, and novels they're based on. Use this list as a jumping-off point, an invitation to exploration. Many of these films have sequels and spinoffs, as do many of the books they're adapted from. There are worlds upon worlds out there to discover—these entries are merely the beginning.

The War of the Worlds
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Hunger Games: Special Edition
Who Goes There?
Stories of Your Life and Others
The Iron Man
Jurassic Park
Edge of Tomorrow (Movie Tie-in Edition)
A Clockwork Orange
Minority Report and Other Stories (Unabridged Stories)
The Children of Men
Altered Carbon