• How Sexual Alchemy And Following Pleasure Is The Quickest Path To The Life Of Your Dreams - With DEMI WARD
    Jun 19 2024

    Demi Ward is an Evolution Mentor and Teacher of Tantrika and she's teaching us how to reconnect with our pleasure centres and listen to the wisdom of the body by surrendering to the Divine Feminine aspects within us all.

    To sat Demi is a free spirit is an understatement. She built herself a beautiful home in a van so she can live anywhere she wants in Australia and go wherever she is called at the drop of a hat.

    Demi expanded her business rapidly when she started trusting the guidance from her spiritual team and mentors and she now hosts tours of Egypt, holds retreats in Bali, sells out masterclasses, mentors women all around the world and ALL without spending every day selling on social media.

    As Demi reminds us, when we fully surrender and let the body lead, our clients are brought to us naturally.

    I LOVE that Demi is really walking the walk of what she teaches others. She is a beautiful example of what's possible when you so no to fear and say yes to pleasure and joy.


    Key Takeaways:

    Living in a van provides freedom and the ability to travel wherever one wants.

    Authenticity is key to living a fulfilling life and expressing one's true self.

    Egypt holds powerful energy and can be a transformative experience.

    Sexual alchemy and the cultivation of Shakti energy can lead to personal growth and empowerment.

    Following one's passion and living in alignment with one's purpose is essential for a fulfilling life.



    00:00 Introduction

    01:42 Living the Van Life

    08:48 Embracing Authenticity

    13:22 Journey to Egypt

    15:28 Sexual Alchemy and Shakti Energy


    Watch the full episode on Youtube:



    Follow Demi's journey or get in touch to work with her:


    Let me know what your favourite part of this episode was and what you've learnt from Demi via my Instagram accounts - @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell

    Stay True.

    Lots of love,



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    40 mins
  • Speed Up Your Manifestations With This Simple Daily 4 Step Process
    Jun 16 2024

    Your thoughts are powerful. You attract what you are. And you become what you repeatedly think about.

    When it comes to manifestation a big part of the process is keeping your focus on what it is you want and becoming a vibrational frequency match with that thing/outcome/goal.

    But even when we know exactly what we want, how often do we get distracted? Even within a day, you may start the morning in a clear, empowered state which means you're energetically drawing that desired reality to you... and two hours later you find yourself back in doubt and fear and scarcity – which means you’re attracting more of that!

    We continuously reset to our default beliefs until we are able to re-write the entire program in our subconscious mind. This takes time and repetition is golden ticket.

    This simple 4 step process that you can do as many times as you want each day will ensure you are continuously aligning vibrationally with that dream you are holding in your mind and it will bring it into your reality faster than you thought possible.

    Are you ready to finally create that life you've always wanted?

    This one's for YOU!


    Watch the full episode here on YouTube



    DM me on insta and let me know how you go with this one. I love hearing about your experiences and what you've learnt from this powerful work you're getting into.

    @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell

    Stay True.



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    19 mins
  • From Psychologist To One Of Sydney's Hottest DJ's - How To Let Your Passion Guide You To Your Dream Life w NICOLE TANIA
    Jun 12 2024

    The QUEEN of HIGH VIBES is here!

    DJ Nicole Tania is sharing her personal journey and how she got to where she is today as one of Sydney's hottest DJ's.

    If she's not playing from a Redbull truck, or touring with Australia's top performers such as L-Fresh The Lion, she's spinning at the ARIA's or appearing at APRA events.

    Nicole's career actually began in psychology however and she quickly became aware of the fact that she wasn't aligned with her passions but still uses her skills in understanding human psychology in her work every day.

    Nicole is such a beautiful person inside and out and in this episode she lets us in on her mindset when she's performing, how she stays at the top of her game constantly AND runs the business all herself as well as how she received a later-in-life autism diagnosis which has helped her in understanding herself in a much deeper way and afford herself more compassion and self love.

    Some Key Takeaways:

    The journey from a traditional career to a creative one involves navigating insecurities and uncertainties.

    The integration of psychology into the music industry provides valuable insights into understanding and connecting with audiences.

    Self-belief and a strong support network are crucial for pursuing a creative career and overcoming challenges.

    Personal relationships and life experiences play a significant role in shaping professional growth and career choices.

    Overcoming nerves as a DJ by adopting a confident and positive mindset.

    The impact of an autism diagnosis on happiness and self-confidence.

    The importance of self-love and the value of being single for personal growth.

    To follow this incredible woman follow her on instagram @nicoletania or visit her website https://nicoletania.com/


    Watch this episode on Youtube here -


    DM me on Insta @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell and let me know what you learnt from this episode and what your favourite part was. ❤️

    Stay True.



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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Easily Attract Abundance & MORE By Unlocking 4 Superpowers Of Your True Self
    Jun 9 2024

    Let's get you moving into that life you are craving to live!

    You deserve to LOVE your life every day and to do what brings you joy - however, there's a lot of unlearning and healing that needs to take place before you can exist in a reality of effortless manifestation and abundance. This is your natural state and we are going to get you back there!

    Today we are diving into WHY you want to do this inner work and what life changing superpowers await you when you do.

    Let the best work of your life begin, continue or deepen.
    The journey back to your True self.
    It's what you've come here to do.


    Watch this episode on YouTube here -


    DM me on Instagram @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell and let me know how you're going with this transformational journey and what you want to learn more about.

    Stay True.



    Show more Show less
    22 mins
  • The Truth About Death & Reincarnation and How To Tap Into Your Own Intuitive Gifts with CHARLOTTE ROWLAND
    Jun 5 2024

    I knew this episode would be powerful but wow! Charlotte Rowland - aka K.C Spirit has over a decade of experience working as a channel and medium and has so much knowledge and insight to share with us from higher dimensions of existence and non-physical beings.

    Charlotte has proven time and time again to be able to tap into information from our deceased loved ones that no one could have possibly known unless they were truly communicating with them. This is why the waitlist to have a reading with her is over a year!

    She has created a beautiful community of people whom she helps to tap into their unique intuitive abilities and inherent healing powers.

    K.C has built a life of doing only what lights her up and this came about because she chose to follow that divine inner guidance that we often disregard as mental chatter.

    In this episode we discuss Charlotte's psychic gifts, her journey of awakening, and her beliefs around reincarnation and the death portal. We also touch on the topic of galactic beings and the messages that come through from deceased loved ones.

    We explore the different aspects of mediumship and channeling, including connecting with loved ones, guides, and higher selves. Charlotte also shares some of her favourite experiences as a medium, including connecting with souls before they incarnate!

    For the True seekers out there, this one is not to be missed.

    Follow K.C and jump on the waitlist via her instagram or website:


    To watch this episode on YouTube go here:



    Don't forget to DM me on Insta or comment on the YT video with your favourite parts and what you've learnt from this episode. I love hearing your feedback.


    Stay True



    Show more Show less
    1 hr
  • The Actual Steps To Manifest What You're Dreaming Of Using Reverse Engineering
    Jun 2 2024

    Let's be honest, there is a lot of talk about manifestation out there and sometimes it can be a little vague which can be frustrating when you're trying to understand EXACTLY what to do to start manifesting what you really want.

    Whether its a new career, more money, a new relationship, deeper friendships or more adventure and travel, there are logical steps to achieve each of these things and anything else you desire.

    Manifestation is a co-creative process where you are working with the universal consciousness aka the unified field to become a vibrational match for the things you seek. This episode focuses on the physical 3D process which will allow the universal/spirit elements of the equation to work its magic in with you naturally.

    Watch the full episode on YouTube here:


    DM me on Insta @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell and let me know what you are manifesting now. I love hearing all your stories.

    If there's anything about manifestation in particular you want me to cover deeper, let me know.

    This podcast is for you, so I want you to have the info you are seeking.

    Stay True.

    Lots of love,



    Show more Show less
    17 mins
  • Minimalist Mentality & Discipline - The Master Keys To Success In Business, Music and Fitness with HASIN HUSSAIN
    May 29 2024

    We've got the INSANELY talented and ever up-levelling HASIN in the house! -My house actually. We recorded this one live and had a great time catching up.

    Hasin is a crazy talented music producer who collaborates with a range of great artists - check out some of his work here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6YlaY3QRdk1czHQUFsD4Xf

    He has also upped his fitness game the past couple of years and totally transformed his body and mindset around eating and healthy living.

    This love of fitness has led him to become a franchisee who has recently opened his first Snap Fitness in Perth and has a couple more locations opening soon.

    He travels the world, visits the F1 races wherever he can and has created a global network of friends from his adventures.

    As if this wasn't enough - these are just his pursuits outside of his full time job as a Snr Service Delivery Manager (Computer Network Defence).

    I've known Hasin for years and the past couple of years I've watched him shift into a whole new level of success and self mastery and I've been so inspired by all he's doing.

    I know you're going to get a lot out of this chat and you're going to feel some serious motivation to start doing the things you know you need to do to get where you want to go.

    Discipline has played a huge role in Hasin's success and it may just be the missing link you've been searching for.

    Follow Hasin on Insta - @heishasin
    or check out his website for everything else - https://solo.to/hasin


    Watch this episode on Youtube here - https://youtu.be/zjGCGo2PqAE


    I'd love to hear your favourite parts of the episode!
    DM me on Insta - @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell

    Stay True!


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 4 mins
  • The Reason Why You're Not Attracting Abundance Yet
    May 26 2024

    Understand the mechanics of manifesting abundance and what's blocking you from receiving in this episode.

    We talk about why you're struggling to call in the things you desire, how you can start to shift that and how you can turn this waiting period into a really powerful period of transformation.

    This week's True Tasks will move you into a place where you're truly ready to receive.

    Do the work - witness the results. And keep me posted on your progress!

    I'm excited for you.


    For the visual folks - watch this episode on Youtube:



    DM me on insta and let me know how your manifestations are coming along - @Truejectory or @Sarahlouisemaxwell

    I always love hearing from you all :)



    00:00 Introduction

    02:32 The Power of Beliefs and Intentions

    05:17 Overcoming Scarcity Mindset

    09:03 The Law of Attraction and Thoughts

    12:23 Money as an Amplifier

    16:08 Healing first - then receive

    Show more Show less
    21 mins