
  • S3E1: The AmeriKlan Privilege
    Dec 21 2023
    ⚠️Slavery/Genocide/Accountability⚠️ This goes Way Beyond race and religion. “Being Human is a Given, but Keeping our humanity is a Choice.” Full Presence Advised. It is time to Call IN Our Power; And it starts with the Power of the Mind. While we understand the emotional strain that the world media may bring, we Also Overstand the Gravity of Sharing Love and Speaking Life over the Collective. Practice Intentional Scrolling. Our 3rd season is about Community- Service and Engagement; So I Urge you to use your Divine Presence for the Greater Good. Call in an Immediate Permanent Ceasefire. [ We are not asking for anything other than your Divine Thoughts and Energy. Yes, you ARE that Powerful. ] A loss of One people is a Loss For All people. ‘Privilege’ by dictionary meaning states, “A special right, advantage, or IMMUNITY granted or available only to a particular person or group.” And It is an Amerikkkan Privilege to Think that you Don’t have to worry about being affected by the inhumane conditions of the Worlds around you. The Collective Mind is One withIN Us All. We are ONE People. Governed By GOD. So Eye strongly encourage you to Use Your Privilege Wisely; for Love, Expansion, Compassion, Understanding, and Community. C’mon America Wake UP! We are Not hopeless. We are Not broken. We are Definitely Not Voiceless. Step out of this modern day slavery. Rewire the social programs. Conquer with Unity and Love. We are Divine and Powerful; and Stronger Together when we Recognize and Welcome the Light within Each Other. Fill your Sacred mind space with Loving thoughts, Hopeful thoughts of Peace- Love- Unity- Respect- Joy- Coexistence- Justice- and Abundance for All. So that You, Me, and WE may experience World Peace, or something Even Better! Eye Love You, God Loves You More. Check your privilege.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 41 m
  • S2 E:30 - Highly Aligned
    Aug 17 2023
    We made it through another Season, and Many many seasons. Grateful for the Journey. Thank you for sharing our space and Continuing to Grow with me, both in Our space and in your Own Divinely Guided Life. Remember to Trust God and to Trust Yourself. Believe in You, like We do. For this season’s Last episode we discuss Acknowledging Alignment, Numbers/Seasons, Birthdays, Accrediting the Self, Nurturing Anger, Recognizing the Inner Child’s Needs, Anxiety, Minding the Patterns, Forgiveness and Trust. “If the Choosing gets Confusing, Maybe it’s the Map You’re Using.” -Thumbelina. May this, and Every, episode bring Peace to your Mind, Love to your Heart, and Light to your Soul. I Love You, and I mean It. Remember; Patience, Love, Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude - Always! Happy Healing🫶🏼
    Más Menos
    3 h y 28 m
  • S2 E29: Strength Card
    Aug 10 2023
    The more Eye Listen the More I Learn. And as a wise fortune cookie once said “There Are Lessons To be Learned by Listening To Others.” On this week’s episode: Managing Anger, Taming the Lion, Fire: Creation and Destruction, Being Angry at God/Being in Sanctuary, Observing the Wild Mind, The Bittersweetness of Awareness, Subconscious Alignment, Opening Up/Sharing Life with Others, Recharging Energy, Soul Connections, Adult Anxiety/Child Excitement, Choosing Peace, Ego Self, Tough Conversations, Ancestral Wisdom, Reconnecting to Source. The only way through the Anger is to Observe the Anger. Meet yourself where you are and hold space for You the way you would for a Loved one. Patience goes a long way. Compassion leads the Heart. You’re intuitive belove(d) Tend To You. Happy Healing! | I didn’t even realize I was talking for so long, if you get through this whole episode I’m Even more grateful for your time 🫶🏼 I love you! God Loves You!
    Más Menos
    3 h y 4 m
  • S2 E:28 - Playing the 𝘕𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 Game
    Aug 4 2023
    Life is so interesting isn’t it? Just a bunch of humans trying Their best to figure out how to live their Best Life. Learning, Loving, and Healing along the way- others Not so much. Join me as we take a look inside my mind to uncover the topics of Pensamientos Ajenos (The Thoughts of Others), Respecting Alignment, Simultaneous Dualism, Cultivating a Safe Space (within/without), Silent Battles, Shadow Work, Building New Connections, Acting “Normal” and whatever That means, Being your Authentic Self, Trust - in Self and Others, and Remaining Grateful through the Changes. Peace comes Easily when you remember that God writes the Script, you just have to Play Your Part. Perfection is in Your Perception. Thank you for holding space. I’m extra proud of Anybody and Everybody who is currently going through life Pretending like everything is good when Actually They are Not. Sending you Xxtra Love. Remember to be Patient with yourself beloved. You Matter! And God is With(in) You Always. Remember that you are Love(d). Happy Healing!
    Más Menos
    2 h y 40 m
  • S2 E:27 - Human Experiencing
    Jul 27 2023

    ⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ Advised to be Fully Present | We’re back! With (another) New Look! We’ve been on a {hell} of a break, but we’re doing our best and we’re learning to thrive Through the changes. Two months recapitulated to Two hours, the experience has been Too real. Friendly reminder that Your best May look different Every day 🫶🏼 And that is Okay!!! Love yourself and be Patient, Compassionate, and Kind to yourSelf anyway; we’re all just Human(s) Experiencing! On this week’s episode we discuss Self Evolution, (Higher)Conscious-self/Human-self, Being Kind 222 Your Mind, Nurturing Child-self, Doing your Best, ⚠️Suicidal Ideation⚠️, the Capacity to Hold Space, and Showing Up. Vulnerable episode, possibly more than any previous one, but we come together in Our space to hold Love, Compassion, and Comprehension for the uncomfy conversations that many people are too afraid to have due to Social/Self stigmas. So let’s gather our Love and talk about it! We are ALL Divine creations living out our individual Human Experience, and let’s be real, this Experience can get overwhelming. So it is Vital that you Remember What/Who you are. You are Of God, You are Of Light, of Love, of Compassion. You are Divine Consciousness. The more you master silencing your wild mind, the More you will See life As It Is and Embrace it As it comes. No pity/guilt needed; Pure Intentions welcomed. I Love You, God Loves You. Happy Healing!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 30 m
  • S2 E:26 - (Test)imonies
    May 25 2023
    (⚠️TW:Suicide/SH⚠️) All Glory to God! God has a Purpose for your life. A Divine purpose. You were NOT created/born on accident. Bring your Love and your favorite beverage as we discuss Changes, Tests & Testimonies, Divine Purpose, Letting Go, Forgiveness, Renewal, and my Experience over this weekend’s Youth Conference. God knew your Entire life before you were even Born, so if you want to know more about your life, your future, your purpose then Go to God belove(d). You can be whatever you wish to be (as long as you’re not harming yourSelf or Others) so tap into those Seeds that God planted within you, and water them. You are Cosmic, and there is No power or Source greater than God. When your infinite potential meets the Love and Power of God, you become invincible, so You better Walk like you Know you’re Covered in God’s Grace. Eye Love You, and I mean it with all my Heart. Jesus Loves You! God Loves You! Please love yourself more 🏼
    Más Menos
    1 h y 57 m
  • S2 E:25 - Beyond the Surface
    May 17 2023
    Hop on your spaceship and tune Into you Bird’s Third Eye View. Grab your tea because we’re going for a wild ride! We’re taking THREE Mindfulness Minutes today to truly connect us to our Mind, Body, and Spirit. On this week’s episode we shine Light on the topics of Balancing Christ/Cosmic Consciousness, Shedding Old Personalities, Intellect vs. Holistic intelliGence (and the dangers), Cosmic Identity (Aham Brahmasmi), Reprogramming your Mind, The Law of Opposites/Polarity, and Being Stuck in the M*trix. Your perception only goes as far as your consciousness Allows. Expanded Self, Expanded Mind = Expanded and Evolved World. Our (Uni)verse is only ONE reality in a vast Multiverse. What does Your Youniverse look like? Does it Reflect the Beauty you Are within? Or does is Project the chaos you Hold within? Who you are right now is merely ONE version of all the endless potential you hold, you can be who you wish to be. (As long as you’re not hurting yourself or others) It’s time to Transmute that Past Pain into Present Peace.
    Más Menos
    2 h y 20 m
  • S2 E:24 - Eye Love You God Loves You
    May 11 2023
    Come as you Are! May you find peace Within and Peace in this week’s episode💚 God is whatever Higher Power They May be to you. We don’t do boxes in this space. We think Outside the box. We See Beyond what is in front of us. And Today we remind you that God truly just wants you to come as you are, doesn’t matter what life you’ve lived, what you’ve done, or who you’ve been. Leave your baggage at God’s feet and step into all the Abundance They have for you. Changes are coming, will you get dragged or Grow with the Flow? Why continue to try to force yourself back into a small box when you Know you’ve outgrown that space? Spirit sends exactly what we need when we need it. Will you surrender to the Plans or will you continue to go your own way even though you See that Your way is No Longer serving you. Step into the unknown with a Willing and Grateful heart, and watch everything else come together in Your highest favor. And also, a friendly reminder that You do Not have to put others down to uplift yourself, Nor do you have to put yourself down to uplift those around you. We all bring our Unique Light into the room, there’s space for us all to Shine. Stay Kind. Happy Healing!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m