
  • Ro - Fertility Nutrition Questions & Answers
    May 27 2024

    In this week’s episode of The Fertility Podcast, Kate is joined by the Ro Huntriss - fertility dietitian to answer some quick fire nutrition FAQ’s. Ro shares lots of interesting evidence based facts and little tips. So buckle up for a speedy episode and don’t forget to grab a note pad!

    During this episode, Ro and Kate cover topics such as whether you should stop drinking alcohol when trying to conceive, and if diet can help to improve sperm DNA fragmentation. Ro breaks down some myths and drops in little pieces of advice and information on how to optimise your fertility through diet and good nutrition.

    One of the big questions was, whether the craze of having a Big Mac and Fries after IVF, is a good idea or not and is there really a best way to eat when TTC? Tune in to listen to Ro’s answer on these and many more fertility nutrition questions.

    We are delighted that this episode is sponsored by two friends of the podcast - @onedaytests and @budfertility. One Day Tests is your one stop shop for ‘at home’ fertility blood tests and more. The lovely people at One Day Tests are offering The Fertility Podcast listeners 10% discount with TFP10. Bud make a Vitamin D which we absolutely LOVE. You can use the code FP20 for a 20% discount off your order.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Follow @fertility.dietition.UK on Instagram

    Ro’s book - Deliciously healthy fertility is available on Amazon

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    35 m
  • Anita - Making the difficult decision to end a pregnancy for medical reasons (TMFR)
    May 13 2024

    *Just a little trigger warning for this episode as there are mentions of termination for medical reasons and pregnancy loss, so if you aren’t feeling in the right place today, perhaps come back another day when you feel a little bit stronger. But don’t forget that The Fertility Podcast has plenty of back catalog for you to listen to!

    On today’s episode, Kate is joined by Anita who is a fertility and pre-natal dietitian. Anita is here to talk about her making the difficult decision to end her pregnancy for medical reasons. This is called Termination for Medical Reasons or TFMR for short.

    In the beginning of the episode, Anita talks about how her and her partner wanted to start trying to conceive back in 2019. After trying naturally for sometime, Anita and her husband embarked on IVF. After many rounds of IVF the couple were at at last successful and were overjoyed.

    Anita shares that at her 20 week scan, the hospital staff started checking the scans and whispering to each other. This started to cause Anita concern and she just knew that something wasn't right. After a few weeks and scans later, Anita and her husband then received the information they were dreading. They knew that they had a difficult decision to make.........

    Anita tells Kate in the few weeks that followed and due to the uncertainty that her pregnancy could continue, she felt the need to hide her pregnancy from her family and friends. Anita talks about how she felt receiving the diagnosis and making the heartbreaking decision to end her pregnancy. She explains that she would rather take the pain of losing her son herself, rather than Alexander, as they chose to name him, not being able to live a life. And as someone beautifully put, it wasn’t his time yet.

    However, Anita's story has a happy ending. She and her husband now have their beautiful little boy, Oliver, Alexander’s little brother. Anita’s story is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but she has proven there is always a rainbow after a storm.

    We are delighted that this episode is sponsored by two friends of the podcast - One Day Tests. One Day Tests is your one stop shop for ‘at home’ fertility blood tests and more. The lovely people at One Day Tests are offering The Fertility Podcast listeners 10% discount with TFP10.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Find Anita - Fertility✨IVF✨PCOS✨Diabetes (@fertility.hormone.dietitian) • Instagram photos and videos on Instagram

    Find Anita also Diabetes:T1,T2,GDM| Fertility (@anitab_rd) • Instagram photos and videos here on Instagram

    Fertility and Weight loss study - https://plymouth.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/2024wlm

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    31 m
  • Jade - What is Ectopic Pregnancy?
    Apr 29 2024

    *Just a little trigger warning, this episode mentions miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. If today is a day you’re not feeling too strong, perhaps leave this episode for another day. We have a HUGE back catalog to dive into, so there may be something else you fancy instead. *

    Joining Kate on The Fertility Podcast this week is Jade. In this episode, Jade talks about her traumatic and life-changing experiences with ectopic pregnancy. For those who don’t know, an ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that is outside of the uterus. Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy isn’t viable and is not able to continue.

    Jade’s story begins back in January 2022, when she first became pregnant. Unfortunately, this first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Later on, Jade fell pregnant again, however, this time, it was an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies can cause pain and in some circumstances, bleeding, however, Jade didn’t have any symptoms. It wasn’t until after a few trips to the doctor, that she was told she had an ectopic pregnancy.

    Jade eventually had surgery to remove the ectopic pregnancy. She was advised by her doctor that she had an increased risk of having another ectopic, and unfortunately, this happened to Jade again in 2023. However, this time around, Jade knew something was wrong. Jade talks about how hard it was to advocate for herself. Regrettably, this pregnancy ruptured her fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition which can become a medical emergency.

    Jade talks about how her experiences have left both her and her body scarred. She explains she is scared to get pregnant and risk going through it all again. However Jade is a fabulous example of the importance of being your own fertility advocate and being persistent if you think something is wrong. In Jade’s words “We do always have more strength than we think we have”.

    We are delighted that this episode is sponsored by two friends of the podcast - One Day Tests and Bud Nutrtion. One Day Tests is your one stop shop for ‘at home’ fertility blood tests and more. The lovely people at One Day Tests are offering The Fertility Podcast listeners 10% discount with TFP10.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Find The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust - Support For You And Your Loved Ones for more information

    Find Request a baby loss certificate - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

    Find The Premature Menocast podcast

    Read Endometriosis time to diagnosis report

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    33 m
  • How do embryologists grade your embryos?
    Apr 15 2024

    To kick start this new series of The Fertility Podcast, Kate is joined by a returning guest and friend of the podcast, Lucy Lines. Lucy is an embryologist in Australia, she is also a fertility educator and advocate. On today’s episode, Lucy is chatting all about embryo grading and what it is and how it’s done.

    Lucy explains how to grade an embryo and how a decision is made on which embryo to transfer. Lucy then delves into what it is like to be an embryologist, talking about the training period and the subjective nature of grading embryo’s and how this will differ from one embryologist to the next.

    Kate and Lucy move on to talk about which day post collection an embryo should be transferred. Lucy tells Kate that there is a lot of debate around whether day 3 is the best day or day 5 is. More often than not, clinics will prefer to transfer on day 5, as it usually has a higher success rate than day 3 and there are interesting reasons as to why this decision is actually made……..

    Lastly, Kate and Lucy talked about batching and what to do if you are thinking about batching embryos. Lucy’s answer is that there is a lot to take into consideration when thinking about batching. Considerations with regards to your age, your AMH, the stability of your relationship with your partner and what to do with the frozen embryos when you have completed your family.

    A little bit of advice to take with you from Lucy is when choosing a fertility clinic, take a look at the live birth rate per cycle, how many women who started a cycle ended up with a baby? And, a question to ask at you appointment is how far below the threshold would they grade the embryo?

    We are delighted that this episode is sponsored by two friends of the podcast - One Day Tests and Bud Nutrtion. One Day Tests is your one stop shop for ‘at home’ fertility blood tests and more. The lovely people at One Day Tests are offering The Fertility Podcast listeners 10% discount with TFP10. Bud nutrition make a super Omega 3 which we absolutely LOVE. You can use the code FP20 for a 20% discount off your order.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Follow Lucy Lines - Embryologist | Fertility Educator | IVF Advocate (@twolinesfertility) • Instagram photos and videos on Instagram

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    33 m
  • Kayleigh - Fertility Mapper
    Mar 25 2024

    *Just a little note: There is a little bit of background noise as Kayleigh joins me from a busy office. We’ve done our best to minimise it, but apologies if you hear a bit of background noise. *

    In what is the last episode of this current series, I am delighted to be joined by Kayleigh the founder of Fertility Mapper.

    Fertility Mapper aims to personalise and humanise the access to high quality fertility care. The site allows you to choose a fertility clinic based on geography, cost and patient reviews. There is also a calculator to help you identify whether you are eligible for NHS funded fertility treatments, and handily includes information on your local ICB, to help you really understand what is available for you and your specific circumstances.

    Kayleigh’s advice to anyone looking to access fertility treatments, is to take your time to gather all the information that you need, compare clinics and costs. She also advises to look around and read the stories of others, to help you in deciding which clinic is the right one for you.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Find Fertility Mapper | Our stories change everything. For more information and support

    Follow Fertility Mapper (@fertilitymapper) • Instagram photos and videos on Instagram

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Jessica Hepburn
    Mar 11 2024

    In this episode of The Fertility Podcast, we are joined by a friend of the podcast, and as this episode comes out just a few days after International Women’s Day - one hell of a woman - Jessica Hepburn. Jessica is an author, arts producer and, using her own words, ‘the most unlikely adventure activist’! Jessica returns to talk about her latest book, Save me from the Waves. However, for those of you who have not yet come across Jessica (and there really can’t be many as she is a living icon!) she also shares her fertility journey so you can get up to speed..

    Jessica’s fertility story lasted a decade, and through her journey of 10 cycles of unsuccessful IVF, she has experienced profound loss, but has found new treasures and a new career. Her books, The Pursuit of Motherhood, 21 miles and now Save me from the Waves, take you on an alternative adventure through the ups and downs of her life and provide advice and comfort for those who are on a similar journey.

    Through Jesssia’s many achievements, she is the only woman in the world to have completed The Sea, Street, Summit Challenge. From running the London marathon, swimming the English Channel and then to only going and climbing to the tippy top of Mount Everest! I am in awe.

    A common feature of the podcast is for me to ask our guests for a piece of advice or what they wished they knew sooner. Jessica answered both. Her advice to you is to be braver sooner, Jessica uses the hashtag #livebigandbrave wherever she can. When it comes to Fertility, her advice is that she wants people to know that there are many roots to parenthood. There are many ways to create a family, many ways to be a mother in the world. Wise words indeed!


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Find Jessica’s books here Books - Jessica Hepburn

    Go and have a look at Jessica’s website Jessica Hepburn - Jessica Hepburn

    You can find Jessica on Instagram at Jessica Hepburn (@jessica_hepburn_) • Instagram photos and videos

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    33 m
  • Kate & Andreia: MRKH and being empowered to keep searching for the answer
    Feb 26 2024

    In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Andreia Trigo @andreiatrigorn, a fellow nurse and the CEO and founder of Enhanced Fertility. We’re talking all about Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser also known as MRKH.

    Yep, you can be forgiven for not knowing much, if anything about this rare condition that severely impacts your fertility potential. Essentially if you have MRKH you’re born without a womb. Can you imagine how devastating that diagnosis would be and how it would impact you? Imagine finding this all out as a teenager and then in later years realising how this would impact your ability to create a family! Andreia talks about her diagnosis, what she experienced to even get diagnosed in the first place, the accessibility for those who are diagnosed with MRKH, and the first UK uterine transplant.

    Andreia’s fertility journey began when she was 17. She was concerned that she hadn't yet had her first period. After being told to come back after a year, she eventually had tests and scans done and one of the scans reported that a uterus was seen on the scan. It wasn’t until later that it turned out to not be the case and Andreia had been incorrectly diagnosed.

    A year later, when Andreia was 18, she was diagnosed with MRKH. The process that she went through to get that diagnosis took just over 3 years. This involved invasive and painful investigations and procedures to reach a diagnosis. Something that still haunts Andreia to this day. We talked about whether there has been a change in the way that MRKH is diagnosed in the UK. Andreia tells us how it has and now there is a lot more support and tests that are available to be able to effectively diagnose MRKH promptly. Incredibly, 1 in 5000 women are diagnosed with MRKH. Later on, we talked about the first UK uterine transplant and what this means for women like Andreia.

    Andreia is passionate about improving access and decreasing the time to diagnosis and helps women find their way through diagnosis and the next steps. Andreia’s advice to anyone on a fertility journey is, if you feel there is something wrong be persistent and feel empowered to investigate why.

    Find out more about Andreia at - https://efp.clinic/

    Follow @andreiatrigorn on Instagram

    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

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    31 m
  • Gemma: The IVF & Donor Conception Diaries
    Feb 12 2024

    This episode of The Fertility Podcast I am joined by Gemma. Gemma is going to be sharing her IVF journey with us as she goes through the process and on to the next step of donor conception. From this episode onwards, we are going to be keeping up to date with Gemma, so tune in each episode to hear a little update from Gemma.

    In this episode, however, Gemma starts from the beginning. After going through many tests and everything coming back as normal, they decided to take matters into their own hands and started using the cycle and ovulation monitor - OvuSense.

    As time went by Gemma started NHS funded IVF and sadly had two unsuccessful cycles. At this point Gemma started to look at accessing IVF abroad. Overall, Gemma went through 6 rounds of IVF in a year, unfortunately, all of them unsuccessful and this led Gemma to the prospect of using donor conception to create her family. Gemma shares how, initially, this prospect took a toll on her mental health.

    However, Gemma has now come to terms with her decision, has had all the tests required and is now waiting for a donor match. Keep tuned as we’ll be hearing from Gemma again in the next episode.

    If you are thinking about the next steps in your fertility journey and are perhaps considering donor conception, Gemma has found 2 places that she has found to be really helpful - The Donor Conception Network and Becky Kearn’s Paths to Parenthub.

    This episode is sponsored by our friends at OneDayTests. One Day Tests is your one stop shop for ‘at home’ fertility blood tests and more. The lovely people at One Day Tests are offering The Fertility Podcast listeners 10% discount with TFP10.


    Follow @YourFertilityNurse on Instagram

    Follow @TheFertilityPodcast on Instagram

    Follow @onedaytests on instagram

    Find Paths to Parenthub - Support and Connection for Donor Conception for more information on Donor Conception

    Find Donor Conception Network | Supporting families through donor conception (dcnetwork.org) for more information on Donor Conception

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    35 m