• Episode 38 - A glimpse of the Lord - Kailash Chora
    Jun 22 2024

    I desired for years, to do a Kailash Chora…. Was it an Ego trip, or Challenge or spiritual desire?
    The Kailash Chora is the most famous Pilgrimage for the Hindus and Tibetans. For the Hindus represents Mount Kailash, Mount Meru the place where the God Shiva lives. It is not allowed to climb Mount Kailash, so the pilgrims go around Kailash, which is called Kailash Chora. The stunning altitude is on this pilgrimage trek mainly between 5200m and 5700m and is about 50 km long…
    Finally, I booked the Kailash Chora, and we drove with the bus from Kathmandu to Dunche, the starting point of the Kailash Chora trek. I repeated always in my mind the famous Shiva mantra and got blissful, sometimes I cried for Shiva,... Awesome experiences...
    Just before we arrived there was a terrible accident just in front of us… A car passed by our bus and crashed with the speed of 80km/h in another car…. Both cars were destroyed and one car flipped upside down… I just saw a hand hanging out of the car that flipped upside down … Nobody wanted to help.
    I shouted stop I have to help, and the guide tried to stop me…
    The driver of this flipped car was mooring, the roof was nearly flat to the level of the crashed front of the car…Is he still alive?How to get him out of the car….
    We tried many ways… nothing worked out, and we were desperate, finally, I got the idea to remove the plastic from inside the door… Then we got him out and nursed him… His shoulder and some ribs were broken, severe head injuries…. Still, he could breathe… Luckily he had survived and there was no other person inside the car...
    Then we continued our drive to Dunche…
    I took my pilgrimage seriously and meditated in the morning and night repeating the name Shiva mantra with every step that I took…
    The first day we trekked from the altitude of 4600m to 5200m and 20Km length and the last 5 Km was so exhausting… I had to reduce my speed, my 16kg backpack made it even worse. I enjoyed the beautiful mountain area and even more my rest! On this day, was the Tibetan Saga festival and 1000 Tibetan pilgrims were doing the trek… And that was so motivating….
    On the second day we stayed at the monastery to trek close to the Kailash and touch the Kailash instead of continuing with Chora….Unexpected this day became the Highlight for most Tourists and pilgrims…
    Just when I started I was so overwhelmed by love, that I cried … IncredibleAnd all people who touched the Kailash had a high spiritual experience, regardless if they had faith or not….
    A friend of mine took a stone from Kailash and brought that to our Guest house for the people who could not touch Kailash…. One Indian woman cried when he gave her the stone and so me…She decided that we couldn’t bring the stone home and should give the stone back.
    Half of our group, could not continue the Chora because they suffered from symptoms of altitude sickness and went back and one woman rode a horse to the 5700m high pass…. This 5700m high pass got steeper and steeper, and I switched to snail gear… stopped every 5 minutes… the backpack drew me back… Still, it was not as hard as the Thorens la pass, because I trained every morning on the treadmill… Our group and guide supported me a lot, and thought I could do that… So I did… I lost 5 kg body weight because I could not get my raw food, and could not eat much-dried fruits and ground nuts…. The digestion didn’t work properly at high altitudes, hard to sleep… Congestion of the nose...
    I had the fortune to complete the Chora. The Tibetans needed only one day to complete the Chora and we required 4 days, including touching the Kailash.
    I think everybody should be well-trained before starting the Chora…
    It will be an unforgettable experience, - a life time experience. For sure we don’t get holier, but a glimpse of the Lord will be worth it.And You strengthen your perseverance and stamina … Regardless how difficult it is, you learn to do it in baby steps when there is no other choice.
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  • How is it to be alone?
    Jun 21 2024
    To be alone is to be in a weird company...?Here start the problem, that we feel uneasy to be alone, that we afraid to go alone to a place, to ask strangers, instead to enjoy it.... Sometimes we feel minor because we are alone or we think nobody loves us. The problem is, that we think that other people think bad about us, when we are alone.... In reality nobody is caring for us, when we are alone under strangers. Everybody is focused on himself, even when we are together with somebody, we are not that important .... Everybody lives in his/her world.... so that we even remain alone, if we are exchanging our opinion....Now comes the point, it might be provoking: Franz Kafka said: If I would tell you everything from me, all the suffering I went through... you still can't understand me... Oscar Wild: I am my greatest mysterious, - this means we even can't understand ourselves, how we can understand other people. Hans Fallada wrote the book: Every man dies alone.... and so he lives.... With other words: WE ARE ALWAYS ALL ONE.This so called harmony between humans had almost not exist, because of our ego... The ego separates us, without our ego we would be ALL ONE.How would it be, if we would build up enough self-esteem, to love ourselves? Or if we start to define ourselves, instead to create an image from our self in order to get approval? For instance, now I am sitting behind a table, together with 10 Nepalis who are eating, in a mountain hut on 3700m altitude (in Muktinath), and writing on my Galaxy. This means I am alone under strangers, I exclude them total.... still I am together with them.... And if I like to meditate, I could do the same.... Before I had spoken with the Nepalis over God.... What is the difference to sit alone and writing? There is an old saying for relationships: Who cannot live alone, can't live together, because how he/she can love, if he/she depend on his/her spouse. Love is only possible when both are independent and not be enslaved. And this is also true for every relationship. If we can't make our yoga, meditation, music, exercise alone, then we need somebody to do it together... and not always we find somebody. I make my things, because I am convinced of it, regardless my spouse joins me or not...because I want for me the results or the pleasure....In my family we had two twins, 1 year distance and my oldest sister 3 years older, I was in the last twin. For me it was not possible to be alone and my twin brother (two eggs twin) was my complementary partner, like a couple... How should I develop myself, and find out what is fitting to me, if I would not get the space to be alone?My Video: How is it to be alone? To be alone is to be in a weird company...?Here start the problem, that we feel uneasy to be alone, that we afraid to go alone to a place, to ask strangers, instead to enjoy it.... Sometimes we feel minor because we are alone or we think nobody loves us. The problem is, that we think that other people think bad about us, when we are alone.... In reality nobody is caring for us, when we are alone under strangers. Everybody is focused on himself, even when we are together with somebody, we are not that important .... Everybody lives in his/her world.... so that we even remain alone, if we are exchanging our opinion....Now comes the point, it might be provoking: Franz Kafka said: If I would tell you everything from me, all the suffering I went through... you still can't understand me... Oscar Wild: I am my greatest mysterious, - this means we even can't understand ourselves, how we can understand other people. Hans Fallada wrote the book: Every man dies alone.... and so he lives.... With other words: WE ARE ALWAYS ALL ONE.This so called harmony between humans had almost not exist, because of our ego... The ego separates us, without our ego we would be ALL ONE.How would it be, if we would build up enough self-esteem, to love ourselves? Or if we start to define ourselves, instead to create an image from our self in order to get approval? For instance, now I am sitting behind a table, together with 10 Nepalis who are eating, in a mountain hut on 3700m altitude (in Muktinath), and writing on my Galaxy. This means I am alone under strangers, I exclude them total.... still I am together with them.... And if I like to meditate, I could do the same.... Before I had spoken with the Nepalis over God.... What is the difference to sit alone and writing? There is an old saying for relationships: Who cannot live alone, can't live together, because how he/she can love, if he/she depend on his/her spouse. Love is only possible when both are independent and not be enslaved. And this is also true for every relationship. If we can't make our yoga, meditation, music, exercise alone, then we need somebody to do it together... and not always we find somebody. I make my things, because I am convinced of it, regardless my spouse joins me or not...because I want for me the results or the...
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  • The Mass is always wrong!
    Jun 20 2024
    Or why people don't like to help in an accident...There was a study ( published: Psychology Today), if the first 3 people who arrive at a car accident and don't help the accident victim/victims; for the next people it will be more difficult to help, because of the group pressure not to help. If there are more than 20 people looking and not helping, it will be very difficult to help....this means the only looking people will even abuse or hindrance the helper....
    The philosopher Earl Nightingale said it simple.... If there are two groups, a big group and a very small group going in opposite directions, and we always chose to follow the small group in our life, we will make rather no mistake in our whole life.... This means, mostly of the time the mass is always wrong....
    For instance, I went trekking in Nepal; in the night I entered the hotel restaurant.... and the porters/ mountain guides were smoking, and the tourists were sitting on a fare most distance table and not smoking.... I got angry, and immediately I said, it is not aloud to smoke inside, smoking causes cancer.... I don't like to eat here, please send my salad to my room. Maybe l am intolerant.... never less they stopped smoking.... Still I didn't like to sit there, because of the group pressure against me.
    Imagine if there would be war and nobody (soldier) will be there, there would be no war, and almost every war was wrong...We have to decide for ourselves, what is right or wrong, instead to follow blind a group....
    In marketing it means, that we ignore social proof for a product, instead to chose for ourselves what is the best.... I look up for instance always Amazon for reviews or other sources, if this is possible....
    For the spiritual seeker: The sheep that doesn't follow the flock, I (this means God) prefer more than the whole flock (Thomas Evangelin). Here is again true, follow your own way, make your own experience, instead to follow blind a group... regardless how that looks for others. This means we can still learn from Gurus and we don't have to adapt to everything that he/she is saying!

    My Video: The Mass is always wrong! https://youtu.be/rCP_NgxxILIMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/The-Mass-is-always-wrong.mp3

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  • For what we need compensatory satisfaction?
    Jun 19 2024
    We see and hear children demanding for sweets. In reality they want love, can't get that and so they want sweets. After some time it gets chronicle, the desire for love is suppressed and only the desire/craving remains for sweets. As grown-up, we use eating of sweets and other junk food for suppressing of our fear and all the other feelings.
    When I was making the Primal intensive group, (that means: 14 days releasing of the baby hood traumas,14hours/day) it was forbidden to eat sweets instead to eat fruits.... The craving of sweets subsides... and we got condition to substitute sweets for fruits... one of the best groups that I have ever done...
    If we do a task that doesn't satisfy us or we have a problem that we can't solve, we want some how a gratification for it....If we don't get the satisfaction we want a compensatory satisfaction.... this means for instance: over eating, eating junk food or sweets, smoking, taking drugs to calm us down, shopping, looking TV, lose our time in searching the Internet, procrastinating, start to argue over meaningless thinks.... Instead to use our time for ourselves, to be productive, enjoying our hobbies, to have play and fun time, sex .... We waste our precious time.
    How would it be, if we do this exercise? We breath deep in our frustration/emotions and release them, instead to be indulged in compensatory satisfaction. We learn so to let go our problems... and switch to something meaningful for us.... What we can't solve, simple accept it,... very often we get the solution later...and then we go on in our life.
    One difference between a successful entrepreneur and a looser is... successful entrepreneurs know how to switch fast to different tasks, if they can't find the solution for that problem. Time is money....Or we should choose a work that is more fulfilling for us, even we earn less money for it.

    My video: For what we need compensatory satisfaction? https://youtu.be/SK3GSCxWF5s
    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/for-what-we-need-compensatory-satisfaction.mp3

    My Audio: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/rudizimmerer/1/for+what+we+need+compensatory+satisfaction.mp3
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  • TONY ROBBINS - His SECRETS Revealed!
    Jun 18 2024
    Most people don’t know what they want.And their focus is on that, and that they get.First step, what do I really want? … And why do I want it?The why is more important than the what.There is always a gap between where we are and where we want to be.Next Step: Massive action and you changeYou become more by facing these challenges.You learn and grow.Everything moves in cycles. When you want to understand something:First, You check and look for:Pattern recognition.Pattern utilization. It is nice to see the pattern, but it is better to utilize that pattern… You become a great investor, and businessman when you do so.And you are not fearful anymore.Afterward, you create your own pattern…New stuff is coming: AI and you want to utilize it instead of fear it…Many things are coming in cycles.The 4 season. Springtime, everybody is optimistic, you put the seeds into the soil.Summertime, is challenging, it is too hot, so you have to water your plants.Fall, you are reaping your fruits/vegetables… So it is easy… low-interest rates for a house...Winter, it is getting hard.Four seasons of life cycles.0 -21, 0-22 -42 soldier time, to get started, to work, to test new strategies…43-63 power season, reaping time.64 - to death, you are a mentor.Now we are entering a new age... I have written already about that... The corrupt, rigid structures/institutions are crumbling and the corrupt people want to keep them... Chaos, Civil War... Now we are in the wintertime because the primary emotion is fear…And we can utilize fear because fear sells at best…Challenges make us strong…Good times create weak people.Weak people create bad times.Bad times create strong people.Strong people create good timesTony. Robbins forecast For the next 5 to 7 years we will have wintertime And then again we have springtime ..New research in Longevity will give us longer life In 12 years we will have the technology to live one year longer for every year.You have to master two worlds your inner world and your outer worldIf you take control of your emotions, mind, body, and action you do have an amazing life…You should take advantage of the wintertime instead of complaining…We live in a challenging time and exciting time! The disease is selfishness.The cure is love. You care for something else. If we are doing our workouts, or in bliss, ecstasy, or have big success...When you are in an elevated state of mind or physical state…These times are good for new programming of your mind or anchoring your goals/visions in your life.4 basic principles of moneyBecome an owner/saver of money instead of consuming all of your money.Save 10 to 20% of your money, and put it in an account, every month, Regardless of how much you earn. 1. Focus of not losing money.2. Asset allocation. How much money I put into low-risk, more risk and high-risk investing.In the last 40 years, SP500 gave a 9.2% reward.And that recommend Warren Buffet for the average people Private equity, real estate, and private credit average that gave 14.2% reward.And that is true for professional investors. Private equity is difficult to invest, you have to have the income… money3. Don’t take giant risksThe least risk with the highest reward.For instance:For 1 dollar get 5 dollars, if you lose 1 dollar, still you can make with 1 dollar 4 dollars...4. Diversification not all money in stocks...My Video: TONY ROBBINS - His SECRETS Revealed! https://youtu.be/dzUvMZjAYLc My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/TONY-ROBBINS—-His-SECRETS-Revealed.mp3
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  • The worst times are the best!
    Jun 17 2024
    Looks really masochistic.... For sure the meanings is not that we are looking for suffering or hardship... The meaning is rather more that we learn to appreciate our difficulties and to be thankful for that, instead to blemish our circumstances or people, be it our spouse or chief...
    The Sufis are saying build your enemies a throne... because we profit from them at most and not from our friends who confirm our personality instead to challenge us to become better...
    If we see the hardships as learning opportunity instead of complaining or fighting against our hardship, we profit from every hardship... After we had realized that our attitude was wrong or that we have been wrong or that we have to adapt to the situation and that not necessary our world (how we conceive) was right.... our personality changes...and so us or our world. We become open for new opportunities, start a new life...
    The greatest opportunities in our life are during our worst suffering/hardships, where we can connect with God/Allah and in good times we never can do so. Maybe you understand the story from Hiob (Bible), where Hiob got all the hardships from the devil to get tested from the Lord... And so it was/will be with every god seeker, Bhakti Yogi or Sufi.... we go through the tests of the Lord and our life will be transformed, when we fix our mind and heart on the Lord.
    I got so many tests from the Lord, and the last big test was, when I was laying in the hospital, my entire body was paralyzed, the doctors could not help me... I just repeated the name of the Lord (this time it was Allah) and gave thank you to God...And then I imagine that I can do it by myself- to walk out of the hospital,..... so I did after 7 hours... Would you have more faith in God if this had happened to you?

    My video: The worst times are the best! https://youtu.be/5gsXfyrXpWYMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/The-worst-times-are-the-best.mp3
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  • First accept and then change..
    Jun 16 2024
    Without acceptance, we can’t change our situation.We all have many desires and want them fulfilled. The problem is that we think if we can’t modify the situation then we can’t be happy… And this is wrong.
    Everybody has seen an unhappy couple, followed up with the separation and changing the partners… Guess what happens, that both spouses previous together, were running into the same problems, then they had been before. Just to like to be rich, and to work like crazy to become rich is not enough, because then we will also loose very fast our wealth.
    And this goes for every change in our life.
    If we CAN’T accept the situation where we are in, then we CAN’T change the situation… we still remain in the same problems… This means we have first to change inside, to get another or better outcome.
    I didn’t have any chance to get a girlfriend until 25 or worse to have a lovely and sexy relationship… My mother and my sister could not understand it, they said, you are total attractive to women, and you should have one girlfriend after the next.
    What to do?
    I started with therapy to change myself, to release my traumas, blockages, made tantra and guess what happens… I became what my mother and sister had predicted ... Now the next problem was, that I could not stand it, to have problems with my darling, because then my traumas were showing up and I became paralyzed in this situation it was so awful … Then I swore, that I never will separate on my term and will solve the problem first together with my therapist. And that helped. Still, I attracted mainly women who wanted an adventure, … they just came to me, easy.
    Now comes the homework!!!! Close your room, switch off your mobile phone and look at your relationships, your profession, your health… Close your eyes and honest feel what is missing and what is right on the first subject… When something is missing, make a list with things that you don’t like and feel every term, what you like to change… There must also be something good… make for that also a list.
    Inside of our self, we have a program running, that might be in the way, that we can’t enjoy something on this particular subject/task and then we think that everything is bad or against us. For instance, I hated to represent my chief, when he was not present because I loved to finish my work. Then I complained, the other manager said simple, what you don’t like you have to learn… and so you should also represent me… And then I talked to him, how I could love that…? Change your perception, and be proud to represent us. In the next firm, I became without applying the chief directly.
    If you don’t find the solution, how to change your perception that you love this disliked task, ask your friends. And this you make with EVERYTHING in your life, step by step until you like the whole situation… your entire life!!!! Take your time, don’t rush!!!!

    My video First accept and then change…https://youtu.be/5icVeFktdYwMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/First-accept-and-then-change.mp3

    My Audio: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/rudizimmerer/1/First+accept+and+then+change%E2%80%A6.mp3

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  • How to Work WITH Your Anxiety to HEAL Your Life
    Jun 15 2024

    John Delony

    Build a not anxious life.
    What is the root of anxiety?
    You hear the smoke Alarm…Something is on fire.You smell the smoke.If you are anxious it means,Your body is working perfectly and you feel you are not safe.
    We want to run away or to distract from our anxiety.
    Anxiety can be our friend, a crippling friend, or an annoying friend.
    How to get out of chronicle anxiety?
    I don’t want to live in a house with a smoke detector, because it is not safe?
    Instead, ask yourself why your body wants to tell you that you are not safe?
    If you have identified that you are lonely and deep in debt...Your body would fail if he would not tell you that you are so deep in debt.Instead of distraction look to solve your problem… then you can sleep.
    Addiction is linked to anxiety.
    Addiction means putting a pillar around the smoke detector so that you can’t feel the anxiety. For instance, drugs and distraction. It is easier to be occupied and distracted than to be vulnerable Because we want to numb our anxiety...Men should not be in public anxious, so they drink, be distracted instead of admitting I am anxious.So there is no model for them… to admit.
    Today we are in distraction mode and do not feel anything.Don’t look at reality.Don’t take ownership of your life.
    But your body knows that you neglect yourself and that you do have anxiety. Your body would fail if he let you sleep when you have deep problems… The society created all these methods, - drugs, TV, Internet, digital addiction not to feel anxiety… And so we were grown up and should keep quiet, should be calm, otherwise we were punished… Guess, later we took drugs, and smartphones, to calm down…
    Device communication is a distraction.
    About kids… what is the worst for kids?Rage, anger, when the parents are out of control. Kids absorb, tension. Kids understand mother or dad would rather scroll on their smartphone than talk to them… That are sanctions against kids.A connected parent will win always.So don’t use a smartphone at home with kids.
    To be not enough creates again self doubt, fear…
    The new cult of egocentrism and narcissism causes so much fear for everybody.
    We have clipped all the connections to friends, the higher self, God, family, and love and have replaced them with narcissism, to do selfis and show how great we are on Facebook, other people should follow us or serve us… The result is isolation which causes anxiety.
    Instead of surrendering to God, serve other people, serve your family…, believe in your family, and have a mission that takes away your anxiety and brings you peace.
    Today we want to look good, how we win, how we succeed, how to make more, and be right instead of helping other people.
    Anxiety in relationships
    For relationships what is the worst?
    1. It is me over us. This means my ego is more precious than your ego and a good relationship,- so you have to serve me…
    2. It is more important how I feel and how you make me feel…
    3. You did it and not me…

    You can’t go back to where you were before in the relationship.For instance 9/11 attack … You can’t rebuild the building out of the dust…You have to create a new relationship out of the old relationship that is not working anymore.
    In a relationship should be "us" more important than I.Today, most friction in a relationship is moody and infidelity
    Moody: Emotionally unstable, or bitchy.

    My Video: How to Work WITH Your Anxiety to HEAL Your Life https://youtu.be/E9LnGKHOrI4My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/How-to-Work-WITH-Your-Anxiety-to-HEAL-Your-Life.mp3

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