• 76 - Projections in Relationships
    Jun 18 2024

    Has your partner ever accused you of projecting onto them? Do you put your partner down because you see things you dislike about yourself in them? Or, maybe you put your partner on a pedestal because you believe they have attributes and talents you don't have? In relationships, we project by attributing our own feelings, fears, or insecurities onto our partners. This defense mechanism often leads us to see in others what we cannot acknowledge in ourselves. For example, feeling insecure about our loyalty, we might unjustly accuse our partner of infidelity. Such projections can create misunderstandings and conflicts, distorting genuine connections.

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    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    31 mins
  • 75 - Authenticity in Relationships
    Jun 11 2024

    Do you hide out in your relationship? Are you afraid of sharing your authentic self for fear of rejection? Authenticity is crucial in a relationship because it fosters trust, deepens emotional connection, and encourages open communication. Being genuine allows partners to truly understand and support each other, creating a safe environment for vulnerability and growth. Authenticity ensures relationships are built on honesty and mutual respect, leading to a stronger, more fulfilling bond.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 74 - Obsessive Relationships
    Jun 4 2024

    Do you find that you can become obsessive in your relationships? Or are you the object of another person's obsession? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss the dynamics behind obsessive relationships and the risky behavior that can result. Obsessive relationships are characterized by intense, controlling behavior and an unhealthy focus on one's partner. Such relationships can foster resentment, stifle personal growth, and damage mental well-being.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 73 - The Pitfalls of Brushing Things Under the Rug
    May 28 2024

    Are you afraid of conflict? Do you tend to brush things under the rug rather than speak your truth? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how brushing things under the rug can lead to unresolved issues festering, which creates resentment and mistrust in relationships. When we ignore issues and stifle open communication, minor problems can grow into major conflicts. While letting go of little annoyances can be healthy, a pattern of avoiding conflict can damage our relationships and erode trust and connection.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 72 - Going with the Flow of Life
    May 21 2024

    Are you a control freak? Do you believe you have to micromanage all aspects of your life, or everything will fall apart? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss the beauty of taking our hands off the wheel and allowing life/god/spirit/ the universe to guide us Going with the flow of life means embracing uncertainty and surrendering to the natural ebb and flow of experiences. It involves letting go of rigid plans and expectations and allowing oneself to be guided by intuition and serendipity. By cultivating acceptance and resilience, individuals can navigate life's twists and turns with grace, finding beauty and growth in unexpected moments and opportunities.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 71 - Going With The Flow in Relationships
    May 14 2024

    Are you someone who goes with the flow in your relationships, or do you prefer to be in the driver's seat, getting your way in every situation? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how going with the flow in relationships entails embracing spontaneity, flexibility, and adaptability. It involves relinquishing rigid expectations and allowing the relationship to evolve naturally. This approach fosters open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to navigate challenges together. By prioritizing harmony over control, partners can cultivate a deeper connection, appreciating the beauty of the journey without fixating on predefined outcomes.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 70 - Choosing Our Battles Wisely
    May 7 2024

    Do you choose your battles wisely, or are you ready to go to war over the tiniest thing? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how choosing our battles wisely is essential for maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship. When we go to battle over everything that annoys us in our relationships, we risk driving a wedge between ourselves and others. Nobody wants to be close to someone who constantly finds fault with them. We promote effective conflict resolution by prioritizing conflicts while letting go of trivial disagreements. By focusing on battles that truly matter, you can navigate challenges with clarity, purpose, and resilience.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins
  • 69 - Relationships Are Like Bank Accounts
    Apr 30 2024

    Is your relationship bank account overdrawn? Are you withdrawing more from your relationship than you deposit? In this week's show, Del and Barry share how relationships are like bank accounts, where deposits and withdrawals determine the health of your relationship. Positive interactions and gestures build trust, affection, and intimacy, which enhance the quality of the relationship. Conversely, conflicts, neglect, or betrayal act as withdrawals, depleting trust and intimacy. Regular investments of time, effort, and communication are essential to maintaining a healthy balance and stability in relationships.

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    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

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    30 mins