• May 2024 Energy Report
    May 1 2024

    https://enlighteninglife.com/may-2024-energy-report/If you wonder why I always put the year in the monthly Energy Reports it’s because I have over 10 years of energy reports on the website and two files cannot have the same name. So I had to choose between giving each one a different name (other than Energy Report) or adding the year to the name which is what I decided to do. I started writing these energy reports as our downloads and shifts started to become more frequent and more defined. They have always given insights as to the nature of the month’s potential and the central energetic theme.

    My monthly energy reports are my most read, shared, and downloaded articles every month and I know many of you look forward to them. I know others write monthly energy reports, copying my format and messaging. While I do not like it when others steal my ideas and work, they serve their audiences according to their energy and if that means appropriating ideas, concepts, and information from others to do so, in the end their karma will catch up with them.

    You may not have noticed (but you probably did) that at 11:00PM Universal time on April 30, just before May began, we had an X-Class solar flare which I thought was a great way to usher in a new month and cut ties to the old one. We also had a rare and potent astro aspect that is our example of ascension because it involves the divine masculine and divine feminine. More on that in a minute.

    May is the 5th month of the year and in an 8 year (2024) that is a 13 or a 4. Now pay attention to 13 because it is a mystical number, not unlucky. 13 is one step beyond our 12 dimensions, it is the number of universal alchemy, and the number of full embodiment of faith and form, which we also call human and material.

    In numerology we add any double digits so 1 + 3 = 4 and that is the number of stability, aligned action, guided determination, and formation. April was a 3 month which fosters creativity and ideas, in which what we thought we knew was dis-integrated to make way for new thoughts and ideas. Now we can put those into play. I saw a lot of friendships and relationships dissolve in April and many were past their prime, held together by thin threads of hope and expectations but something pushed them over the edge and that was one of the byproducts of the April 8 eclipse.

    May opens with a fabulous expression of divine masculine and divine feminine energy with Mars moving from Pisces into Aries (its astro home) and Venus moving into Taurus (its astro home) from Aries. Both of these planets moved from their natural 12th to the first house. I will give you an overview here and if you are in the Core 4 Pillars of Karma program, I am adding it to the curriculum because it’s a great way to learn more about your karma path.
    Your natural 12th is the house before your Sun placement, and I believe it refers to your karma, life lessons, and the healing and overall purpose of your lifetime. If you are an Aries Sun sign and your sun is in the 6th house then Pisces, the 5th house, is your natural 12th.
    read the rest of this article on Jennifer's blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    20 mins
  • Breaking the spiritual bubble
    Apr 18 2024

    I looked through my 21 year article archive which contains over 5000 articles and various pieces of content and I do not think I have ever written about this topic before. Maybe because until the last 5 to 6 years we had to exist in a spiritual bubble because that is how we did our energy work and maintained our energetic balance.

    But now things are different. We are well into the ascension path, we are present in far greater numbers and the collective energy frequency is very high, we have done a lot of 5D integration into 3D so the density is not the problem. So what is going on?

    I recently posted on social media that we are seeing the fully polarized 3D earth grid, dark vs light. At one end we have the full darkness of 3D density and at the other end we have 5D light and energy and there is a big energy gap in between. We are moving into duality, which is multi-dimensionality.

    This is the concept of ‘heaven on earth’ and we are now able to integrate both 3D and 5D, no more separation or veil between the spiritual and material worlds.

    Polarity and duality are not the same thing, which I have been saying for years. The words do not even mean the same thing, look them up. So when I hear people using the terms polarity and duality in the same sentence to describe the separation between the spiritual and material worlds it is irritating and annoying. They do not know what they are talking about and if they bothered to look up the words they would know that.

    We are moving out of polarity and into duality, which is full multi-dimensionality, the ability to integrate multiple dimensions into our reality. It’s still in early stages which is why you can feel off balance, out of synch, you drop things, stumble, or fall because your sense of space is altered. With practice that will improve and get easier to manage. For now, be careful and pay attention to your physical surroundings because when you are operating on a multi-dimensional level it is easy to hurt yourself, drop things, or lose your sense of your physical space. We do a lot of this integration work during our daily coma naps but it can happen to us during the day too.

    This polarizing of our 3D reality is plain and clear and we see it in a growing awareness of the illusion we have known as our reality and truth that has been hidden. read the rest of this article on the blog at this link.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    17 mins
  • Karma, trauma, worms, and lighting it up
    Apr 18 2024

    https://enlighteninglife.com/karma-trauma-worms-light/ https://enlighteninglife.com/karma-trauma-worms-light/I got the title for this article and podcast from research on US legislation I had to do so I could write a course for the University of Phoenix, whose e-business program I wrote in the early 2000s. A few years after the Patriot Act was enacted they had asked me to research and report on data safeguarding requirements under the Patriot Act. One of the requirements was called the WORM process, where WORM stands for Write Once Read Many. This process required that data could be written once and never changed but it could be read unlimited times. Once you entered the data it was permanently inscribed and could not be altered. But you could look at that data as many times as you wanted to.

    What an appropriate concept for how we process and handle our karma and trauma. We write it into our energy field once at the time it happened, and then we read it over and over again, each time we are in a similar situation. If you want to create your high vibes, joyful life you need to understand your WORMs of karma and trauma and deal with them. Now is better than later and a lot better than never.

    How do you write karma and trauma into your energy field? Let me ask you a question – do you remember the last time you had an interaction with someone in your life who has always been a source of irritation, annoyance, frustration, and anxiety? Are you afraid of repeating this behavior with each interaction? Do you dread talking to them because you know that it’s going to be another rehash of why you’re a terrible, no-good, bad, inept, untalented, unattractive, and unsuccessful person?

    Do you remember the first time they made you feel that way? You wrote that experience once into your energy field and every time you think about, see, or talk to that person, that old data comes up, that situation gets repeated, and all of the energy around it rises to the surface and starts eating away at your joy, peace, and peace of mind, heart, and spirit.

    What came first, the energy or the experience? In this lifetime it’s the energy , in past lifetimes it’s the experience. Now it’s your turn, think of someone in your life who is a challenge and what makes them challenging. Do you remember the first time it happened? Now go farther back in your memory.

    Was there ever a time when you felt comfortable around them or did you always feel that you had something to prove with them, that they were a threat to you, toxic, or even dangerous? Welcome to your karma.

    Now that you know what this is and how it works, let’s look at your WORMs of karma and trauma. We will look at the past and at your hidden and not so hidden fears, anxieties, doubts, and challenges.

    Here we will use what I call the miracle cancelling words from my Miracle Mastery course and my book 30 Days to Everyday Miracles. These words cancel your miracles because they are critical, judgmental, negative, and blaming. Words like never, should, should have, did not, cannot, and others judge you for not doing something – not making the right choices, decisions or moves, taking action too late or too soon, missing opportunities, being afraid, not getting approval, and more.

    Does any of this resonate with you? How often have you heard those voices of blame, shame, guilt, condemnation, criticism, and judgment speak to you?
    Read the rest of the article on the Enlightening Life blog at this link.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    29 mins
  • April 2024 Energy Report
    Apr 2 2024

    https://enlighteninglife.com/april-2024-energy-report/It’s a new month and if you’re still wondering what happened in March, you won’t have too much time to think about it because April is a new vibe with a lot of action even though the month starts with the beginning of another Mercury retrograde. Isn’t it interesting that 2024 started with the end of the last 2023 Mercury retrograde and Mercury retrograde is all about review, reconsider, release, restart, and let’s not forget rest and relax. We have a new month, a big eclipse, we’re already in the eclipse portal, and we are seeing ascension action all around us even if it does look very weird right now.

    April is a 4 month in an 8 year so we have a 12 or 3 vibe (1+2=3) which is highly creative, communicative, and connected. 3 represents the divine trinity body, mind, and spirit or human, higher self, and Source, the holy trinity in the Christian church is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And Nicola Tesla famously said ‘if you understand the significance of 3, 6, and 9 you understand the key to the universe.” That may not happen in its entirety this month but we can make a good start.

    The first gift of April is Mercury retrograde, which starts April 1. It’s in Aries, which could be a real annoyance for all Aries or any action takers but we have Aries’ ruler Mars in Pisces, which creates an Alpha Omega portal and that is going to be a source of inspiration and not frustration and vexation. This will serve to slow us down so we can consider all options, take a 360 view of every situation, instead of just looking at what is right in front of us or trying to get away from what is chasing us, and not only consider multiple modes of action BUT also different potentials. If letting go is your option, do that. But if that is not your only option, then consider new and different potentials as a solution. It’s time to uplevel and rise up.

    How many of you are creatures of habit, you do the same things in the same way all of the time, just like your parents or family did, and their parents and family before them did?. Do you remember my story about the grapefruit and how I did not know that it is possible to peel a grapefruit like an orange? I share it in the podcast and while it is about how a new way of eating grapefruit was revealed to me, but it’s more about what we don’t know because no one we know knows enough to know that there is a different way to be or to do things.

    Mercury retrograde is also an opportunity for us to use our intuition, to refer to our inner guidance, and to give ourselves the energy, time, and space to reconsider, review, refer, renew, and relax when we’re faced with choices and decisions. Yes we generally have to re-do things done in Mercury retro but that’s usually because we get too hasty and we don’t listen to or heed the intuition warning signs that ask us to slow down and pause.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    30 mins
  • Equinox 2024 is our happy new year
    Mar 20 2024

    https://enlighteninglife.com/equinox-elevate-expand/I know that I talk a lot about the energy movements and you know it’s because you feel them too. From the time I started my website and newsletters in February 2004, energy assessment has been a big part of the process. Who remembers when we would get big energy downloads that would flatten us for 2 or 3 days? I do. I also remember the fatigue, nausea, and lack of motivation that we would have to fight through.

    We are still doing that on a much different level and as we have now moved through the wretched, wrecking Pluto in Capricorn years, from 2008 to 2023, we are now in a stronger, wiser, and more balanced place. That is if we have fully recovered because those were rough times, they were for me anyway.

    We are entering the Spring Equinox week, which is the start of the new astrology calendar. In the natural world the calendar should begin with March and the Equinox, as it did in Roman times. In fact, this was the calendar until 1751 when it was changed by the UK Parliament.

    But this is no ordinary Equinox, it has several energy aspects that are going to add new elements to the existing volatile mix of energies.

    We have the Spring Equinox in a good aspect with Pluto in Aquarius. The Equinox is the start of Aries season and action oriented Aries just loves freedom oriented Aquarius so that’s a good thing. It is also going to expand our desire for freedom in all ways - energetic, emotional, physical, mental, and creatively on both the personal and collective levels.

    We have two Alpha Omega portals that encompass the entire zodiac happening this week. I introduced this concept at least 10 years ago when I noticed that particular energy aspects created a lot of opportunity for endings and beginnings. Normally involving a two new moons at the first and last degrees of a sign, they also include aspects which feature Aries and Pisces, as we have now.
    The first Alpha Omega portal is with the Equinox in Aries and Mars, as Mars rules Aries. You have the sign ruled by Mars in prominence for 30 days and Mars, Aries’ ruler, moving into Pisces just days after the Equinox.
    The second Alpha Omega portal has been in effect since mid-July 2023 and it’s highlighted now with Chiron, and it’s the moon North Node in Aries and Neptune in Pisces. While the Nodes are a mathematical point, they are considered to be the first aspect of the zodiac chart and are quite important in the energetics of the moment. This Alpha Omega portal is a collective call to spiritual awareness and it is certainly contributing to the awakening we are seeing every day.

    A growing call to spiritual maturity and to integrate more of our spirituality into our humanity. This is not about wearing beads and flowing robes and going vegan, this is a full integration of our spiritual self into the entirety of our energy field.
    We associate the ‘third eye’ with spiritual sight and insight but what about the rest of the body and the energy centers? How do they participate? When do we bring them in? In the past we have not even considered this but now it’s part of the process and it also involves the integration of self and Self, human and divine, material and spiritual. We’re in new and uncharted territory here, as this is part of our 5D energy integration. It is also what I am introducing with the 5D I AM Paradigm program, learn more about that here.

    This call to spiritual maturity, grounding, and balance is the contribution that Saturn in Pisces is making. I am not one of those who think this is a ‘bad’ aspect, not at all. It is a very disciplining aspect, the result of Saturn’s 30 year cycle through the 12 zodiac houses, forcing each one to stand up and pay attention and do its very best. Go back to January 1994 to know when Saturn’s journey in Pisces started, that was when this spiritual cycle began.

    And we are in an eclipse window which starts with the full moon eclipse on March 25 and then the celebrated total eclipse on April 8. The excitement is building.
    Read the rest of this article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    24 mins
  • March 2024 Energy Report
    Mar 6 2024

    There’s so much going on in March that it is hard to know where to begin. If you have been following my facebook posts I shared one of my favorite orchestral pieces, the Parade of the Charioteers from the movie Ben-Hur. It is a piece I have played a lot when I played in orchestras and it is one of the most majestic, inspiring musical compositions. This is how I see the month of March entering the stage. I have posted a link to the Andre Rieu orchestra playing on the blog page below.

    There is a lot happening in March, including an eclipse, Mercury shadow retro, the spring equinox, and easter. I will start with the numbers not because they are more important than anything else but because when we have a month or year with an 11 value a lot of things are going on. March is the 3rd month in an 8 value year, and that’s an 11. Now we will have another 11 month in December 2024, so bear in mind what you learn about this month because we get a repeat of this energy in December. I know that seems far off but it is only 8 months from now. Look at how quickly the year has gone by already (well, at least parts of it).

    11 is a master number and the number of the spiritual initiate. This is the beginning of our initiation into spiritual integrity – not learning about spirituality but actually becoming the synergy of human and divine, spiritual and material, the integrated 3D/5D paradigm that is the soul mission of this lifetime.

    When we work with the 11 energy we have to learn to integrate a spiritual perspective into everything and start thinking of ourselves as aligned with spirit. Sidebar here – we do not need to master spirit, go back 1000 lifetimes and try to figure out where it all began, get rid of the ego (this is very bad advice), find another thing to heal, go on silent retreats (I would never even consider that), spend hours in meditation, or fast for a month (also not a good idea).

    Those activities are fine if we want to satisfy our curiosity about how much torture we can take, but they do not have any long term value when it comes to the step on our ascension path that we are being presented with and that is full integration – the merging of spiritual and material which creates a new paradigm of evolution.

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    22 mins
  • Access Your Secret Dream Treasure
    Feb 16 2024

    When I talk about dreams here I am not referring to the visions you have during your sleep that provide explanations, insight, and sometimes foreshadow events in your life. I am talking about the vision for your life, the plans, goals, wishes, and hopes that you have for what you want to be and to become, what you want in your life, and what you want to accomplish. If this subject makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. So often our dreams and vision for our life are met with judgment, ridicule, dismissal, criticism, denial.

    And when that happens we think we’re wrong, our dreams are bad or wrong, so we set them aside and do what is acceptable and accepted.

    A few years ago I shared the quote ‘Dreams are the music your life dances to’. How many of you are dancing or have you become permanent wallflowers, no longer dancing because the music of your soul has been silenced? You can occasionally hear the music of your dreams but it is quickly silenced by your fears and past disappointments. When are you going to start dancing to the music of your dreams again?

    How many of your dreams have you hidden away from everyone, even yourself, because you were afraid to show and to share them? What have you thought about every day and wished it would happen but silently and secretly feared it would not? Who do you share these dreams with that will regard them with the same anticipation and potential that you do? Probably no one.

    Well, you could share them with me and I would be happy to help you expand them into a beautiful reality. But that positive audience is probably very limited and maybe you’re even still remembering the criticism or ridicule you received long ago and you don’t want to go through that again.

    The problem is that all of you who are ascension pioneers came here to share your dreams and visions, to expand your reality and realize these bold dreams. But you also thought that sharing them and getting acknowledgement, approval, and support of those in your soul group would be part of the process. Unfortunately, the same people who hold you back today have always been your biggest detractors, your biggest judges, and your most vocal critics.

    Read the rest of the article on the website at https://enlighteninglife.com/access-dream-treasure/

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    19 mins
  • February 2024 energy report
    Feb 4 2024

    It’s February and we are witnessing a change of the guard in many ways. This new month is really the fresh start we were hoping for this year because January was full of loose ends, clearing up unfinished business, major setbacks, and very heavy energy. That wasn’t surprising given that we were closing up the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, a 16 year process of upending everything in our 3D material world and preparing us for massive change on the individual and collective levels. Now that that’s over, we can start looking forward to the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings of the powerful 8 year that is 2024.

    In February we find ourselves in Aquarius territory and with Pluto just beginning its 20 year transit there, that energy gets an extra special blessing and attention. I don’t agree with those who say that Pluto is the planet of death, destruction, and misery. Pluto only destroys that which we have put off destroying and points out what should have been dead long ago because it is way past its use by date. Pluto prunes the dead wood, but it doesn’t touch the viable growth unless what is getting its attention is rotten from the core, then all bets are off and Pluto does what it does best – raze everything to the ground so we can start over. Haven’t we seen quite a lot of that in the past 5 years?

    February 2024 ushers in a 10 vibration which is the number of fresh starts and action from a place of pure potential. Simply put, it’s a time for a return to the basics, setting intention and creating miracles. Manifestation is a strong point of February but not the kind that gets us out of a jam, the kind that requires us to acknowledge our mastery and start using our energy in ways that benefit us in both the short and long term. I have been talking for a long time about how we need to stop the healing cycles, acknowledge our own path, and start moving forward in our own direction.

    I know that is hard to do when we are noticing how much people around us need help and support but it’s time to draw the line and make your energy boundaries strong.

    In February the messages is to Embrace Enlightenment as we enter this new Age of Enlightenment. But that’s a topic with many variations. As we enlighten ourselves, which means to light up our own lives, we can discover a lot of things hidden in the dark recesses where we put them so many years or lifetimes ago. Long forgotten dreams, delayed goals, plans set aside because of time, timing, events, and life itself. It’s time to get those out of their dark closets and re-visit them.

    Is there something you have always wanted to do, to become, or to experience? Now’s the time to consider it. Even if you are not ready to take action right now, those old dreams and goals are going to become important this year and next, so give them some room to expand.

    Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

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    20 mins