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FluentFiction - Welsh

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Snowdonia Adventures: Kids’ Thrilling Biologist Dream
    Jun 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Snowdonia Adventures: Kids’ Thrilling Biologist Dream Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/snowdonia-adventures-kids-thrilling-biologist-dream Story Transcript:Cy: Cefndir oedd yn syfrdan.En: The background was stunning.Cy: Bannau'r Eryri, yn llawn symbolau o natur.En: The peaks of Snowdonia, full of symbols of nature.Cy: Cawsom ni fynd mewn bws gyda Ysgol Glan Clwyd.En: We got to go on a bus with Ysgol Glan Clwyd.Cy: Wrth ddisgyn o'r bws, roedd yr awyr mor glir.En: Upon getting off the bus, the sky was so clear.Cy: “Dewch ymlaen, plant!” galwodd y tiwtor.En: “Come on, children!” called the tutor.Cy: "Mae gennym waith i'w wneud."En: "We have work to do."Cy: Eleri, Gethin a Carys oedd yn gyffrous.En: Eleri, Gethin, and Carys were excited.Cy: Roeddent bob amser yn gwrando’n astud yn yr ysgol, ac yn awyddus yma hefyd.En: They always listened attentively at school and were eager here too.Cy: Cerddon nhw at lyn oedd wedi'i guddio mewn cwm.En: They walked to a lake hidden in a valley.Cy: Roedd y tiwtor yn dechrau esbonio am bysgod y llyn a phlanhigion y dŵr.En: The tutor began explaining about the fish in the lake and the water plants.Cy: Gethin gwelodd eog mawr.En: Gethin saw a large salmon.Cy: Carys oedd yn canolbwyntio ar y planhigion, a siaradodd am eirlysau a rhedyn.En: Carys was focusing on the plants and talked about snowdrops and ferns.Cy: "Maen nhw’n hynod ddiddorol," meddai hi.En: "They are incredibly interesting," she said.Cy: Yna, bu Eleri'n galw’n uchel.En: Then, Eleri called out loudly.Cy: “Edrychwch ar y castell yna!”En: “Look at that castle!”Cy: Roedd castell hen yn sefyll yn uchel ar ben bryn.En: An old castle stood tall on top of a hill.Cy: Gethin a Carys oedd yn anhydffro drostyn nhw.En: Gethin and Carys were thrilled by it.Cy: "Arhoswch," meddyliodd Eleri.En: "Wait," thought Eleri.Cy: "Gawn ni fynd yno?"En: "Can we go there?"Cy: Disgynnodd y tiwtor eu hysbryd, "Nid ydi hynny'n rhan o'r daith."En: The tutor dampened their spirits, "That is not part of the trip."Cy: Ond penderfynodd y tri fynd yn unigol.En: But the three decided to go on their own.Cy: Aethon nhw i'r castell gyda'i gilydd.En: They went to the castle together.Cy: Roedd anifeiliaid yn y coed, roedd adar yn canu.En: There were animals in the woods, and the birds were singing.Cy: Pan gyrhaeddasant y castell, roedd popeth yn hen ac yn dawel.En: When they reached the castle, everything was old and quiet.Cy: Teimlodd Eleri drafferth.En: Eleri felt uneasy.Cy: “Dwi’n gwbod, mae rhywbeth wedi digwydd yma,” meddai.En: “I know, something has happened here,” she said.Cy: Yn sydyn, roedd llawer o chwyrnu.En: Suddenly, there was a lot of snorting.Cy: Roedd moch daear yno.En: There were badgers there.Cy: Roedd un ohonyn nhw wedi cael ei faglu gan hen weiren.En: One of them had been trapped by an old wire.Cy: Gethin oedd y cyntaf i’w weld a gwelodd fod y moch daear wedi cael anaf.En: Gethin was the first to see it and noticed that the badger was injured.Cy: Y gweithred cyntaf oedd translate the situation.En: The first step was to address the situation.Cy: Roedd rhaid iddynt helpu’r mochyn.En: They had to help the badger.Cy: "Does dim angen poeni, wna i wneud hyn," meddyliodd Eleri, a defnyddio ei gwybodaeth.En: "No need to worry, I’ll do this," thought Eleri, using her knowledge.Cy: Gethwyd y weiren yn ofalus, a'r mochyn daear oedd yn ddiolchgar, yn dianc yn ôl i'r coedwig.En: The wire was carefully removed, and the grateful badger escaped back into the forest.Cy: Wrth ddychwelyd i'r llwyn, dywedodd Carys, “Roedd hynny'n anhygoel. Dwi am fod yn fiolegydd!”En: As they returned to the woods, Carys said, “That was incredible. I want to be a biologist!”Cy: Cawsant lwyddiant yn eu hantur.En: They had succeeded in their adventure.Cy: Edrychodd y tri'n hapus. "Roedd y wers hon yn fwy na'r hyn roeddem wedi'i feddwl," meddai Gethin.En: The three looked happy. "This lesson was more than we expected," said Gethin.Cy: Wrth ddychwelyd i'r bws, roedd pawb yn wên.En: As they returned to the bus, everyone was smiling.Cy: Roeddynt wedi dysgu llawer, nid yn unig o natur, ond o'u hunain.En: They had learned a lot, not just about nature, but about themselves.Cy: Roedd y wers go iawn wedi digwydd y tu allan i’r llyfrau.En: The real lesson had happened outside the books.Cy: "Mae Eryri yn lle arbennig," dywedodd Eleri.En: “Snowdonia is a special place,” said Eleri.Cy: Roedd pawb yn cytuno.En: Everyone agreed. Vocabulary Words:background: cefndirstunning: syfrdanupeaks: bannausymbols: symbolauclear: glirtutor: tiwtorattentively: astudhidden: cuddiovalley: cwmexplaining: esboniosnowdrops: eirlysauferns: rhedynold: henthrilled: anhydffrouneasy: trafferthsnorting: chwyrnubadgers: moch daeartrapped: magluinjured: anafaddress: translatesituation: situationgrateful: ddiolchgarescaped: diancforest: coedwigbiologist: biolegyddadventure: anturlesson: ...
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    16 m
  • Surviving Snowdonia: Aeron's Harrowing Storm Adventure
    Jun 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Surviving Snowdonia: Aeron's Harrowing Storm Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/surviving-snowdonia-aerons-harrowing-storm-adventure Story Transcript:Cy: Mae coedwig Snowdonia yn ddu wrth i'r cwmwl stormus grynhoi dros ben gogoneddus yr Wyddfa.En: The Snowdonia forest was dark as the storm cloud gathered over the magnificent peak of Snowdon.Cy: Cerddodd Aeron trwy'r llwybr cul, gan ryfeddu at y golygfeydd ysblennydd.En: Aeron walked through the narrow path, marveling at the splendid views.Cy: Ond yn sydyn, fe ddechreuodd y gwynt chwythu’n wyllt a'r glaw'n disgyn fel rhidyllion.En: But suddenly, the wind began to blow wildly, and the rain fell like needles.Cy: "A beth a wnawn i nawr?" meddai Aeron wrth ei hun, gan geisio cadw ei ysbryd.En: "And what shall I do now?" Aeron said to himself, trying to keep his spirits up.Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn aneglur, wedi’i guddio gan brennau a dail a ysgubwyd gan y gwynt.En: The path was unclear, hidden by trees and leaves swept up by the wind.Cy: Taenodd y storm lwch a phridd, gan wneud i Aeron gamu’n ofalus er mwyn osgoi syrthio.En: The storm scattered dust and dirt, making Aeron step carefully to avoid falling.Cy: Cerddodd ymlaen gan gadw ei ben isel a'i dwylo'n lapio amdano i'w warchod rhag y gwynt oeri.En: He walked on, keeping his head low and his hands wrapped around him to protect against the chilling wind.Cy: Roedd y dydd wedi dechrau'n braf, ond newidiodd popeth mewn eiliad; roedd natur ei hun wedi troi'n gyferbyniol yn erbyn y cerddwr bach.En: The day had started off nicely, but everything changed in an instant; nature itself had turned decidedly against the small hiker.Cy: "Mae angen i mi ddod o hyd i fwthyn neu gaban i ymatal rhag y storm," meddai Aeron, yn benderfynol.En: "I need to find a cottage or cabin to shelter from the storm," Aeron said, determined.Cy: Trafferthodd ymlaen, gan edrych ar gyfer unrhyw arwyddion o gysgod.En: He struggled on, looking out for any signs of shelter.Cy: Yn fuan, roedd yn gweld cysgod tywyll yn y pellter.En: Soon, he saw a dark shadow in the distance.Cy: "Efallai gallaf ddod o hyd i gysgod yno," meddai, gan fynd yn nerthol y tuag ato.En: "Maybe I can find shelter there," he said, nervously heading towards it.Cy: Wrth iddo ddod agosach, soniai gysgod ystlum yn troi allan i fod yn hen fwthyn wedi’i chwympo.En: As he got closer, what appeared as the shadow of a bat turned out to be an old, collapsed cottage.Cy: Er ei ddiffyg cyflwr, roedd y lle'n cynnig ychydig o gysgod rhag y tywydd gwael.En: Despite its poor condition, the place offered some shelter from the bad weather.Cy: "Diolch i'r nefoedd," meddai Aeron, gan orwedd yn groeswyllt wrth y wal garreg.En: "Thank heavens," Aeron said, lying down desperately against the stone wall.Cy: Tra roedd y gwynt yn canu cân frawychus yng ngwagle'r adeilad.En: While the wind sang a terrifying song in the building's emptiness.Cy: Aeth yr oriau heibio yn araf.En: The hours passed slowly.Cy: Dechreuodd y storm ollwng ei gafael, a’r cwmwl ddu ddechreuodd gilio, gan ganiatáu i olau'r haul deimlo eto.En: The storm began to lose its grip, and the dark cloud started to clear, allowing sunlight to be felt again.Cy: "Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn," meddai Aeron, yn dechrau cerdded i ffwrdd o'r hen fwthyn gyda’r gobaith y gallai ddod o hyd i'r llwybr yn ôl.En: "I am very grateful," said Aeron, beginning to walk away from the old cottage, hoping he could find the path back.Cy: Ar ôl tafliad dewr a llwyth o oriau cerdded, gwelodd Aeron giât y parc cenedlaethol.En: After a bold effort and many hours of walking, Aeron saw the national park's gate.Cy: Roedd yn teimlo llifeiriant o ryddhad yn llifo trwy ei gorff.En: He felt a surge of relief flow through his body.Cy: Roedd wedi llwyddo i osgoi’r storm ac wedi dysgu cryn dipyn am grit a dygnwch.En: He had managed to avoid the storm and learned quite a bit about grit and perseverance.Cy: "A nawr gartref," meddai, yn gamu yn gyflymach tuag at ddiogelwch a hydraig llonydd y gobaith cartrefol.En: "And now home," he said, stepping faster towards the safety and quiet embrace of home’s hope.Cy: Roedd y Storm wedi’i phasio, a gyda hynny, dysgodd Aeron fod weithiau angen dioddef y tywydd i fwynhau’r haul ar ddiwedd y ffilm hir.En: The storm had passed, and with it, Aeron learned that sometimes enduring the weather is necessary to enjoy the sun at the end of the long film. Vocabulary Words:forest: coedwigcloud: cwmwlgathered: crynhoipeak: benmagnificent: gogoneddusnarrow: culmarveling: ryfeddusplendid: ysblennyddblew wildly: chwythu’n wylltneedles: rhidyllionspirits: ysbrydunclear: aneglurscattered: taenoddchilling: oeridetermined: benderfynolstruggled: trafferthoddshadow: cysgodcollapsed: chwympodesperately: groeswylltstone: garregterrifying: frawychusemptiness: gwagleshelter: cysgodgrateful: ddiolchgarbold: dewreffort: tafldrasurge of relief: llifeiriant o ...
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    15 m
  • Exploring Snowdonia: A Learning Adventure in Nature
    Jun 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Exploring Snowdonia: A Learning Adventure in Nature Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/exploring-snowdonia-a-learning-adventure-in-nature Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fore clir a heulog, gyda'r Nen yn las, teithiodd criw o ddisgyblion ynghyd â'u athro daearyddiaeth i Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri.En: On a clear and sunny morning, with a blue sky, a group of students, along with their geography teacher, traveled to Snowdonia National Park.Cy: Roedd y disgyblion yn llawn cyffro.En: The students were filled with excitement.Cy: Gareth, Carys ac Eleri oedd ymhlith y criw.En: Gareth, Carys, and Eleri were among the group.Cy: Roedd hi'n fore gwych i ddysgu am ecolegau lleol a ffurfiannau rhewlifol.En: It was a great morning to learn about local ecologies and glacial formations.Cy: "Ydych chi'n barod, pawb?" gofynnodd Mr. Davies, y geograffydd.En: "Are you ready, everyone?" asked Mr. Davies, the geographer.Cy: "Ydw!" meddai pawb mewn llais uchel.En: "Yes!" everyone replied loudly.Cy: Dechreuodd y daith wrth yr afon.En: The journey started by the river.Cy: "Dyma Afon Glaslyn," esboniodd Mr. Davies.En: "This is the Glaslyn River," explained Mr. Davies.Cy: "Mae'n tarddu o Lyn Glaslyn a dyma un o'r afonydd lleiaf yma."En: "It originates from Glaslyn Lake and is one of the smaller rivers here."Cy: Cofnododd Gareth nodiadau.En: Gareth took notes.Cy: Roedd yn wybodus iawn am bysgod a phlanhigion.En: He was very knowledgeable about fish and plants.Cy: "Cadwch lygad am fadfall y dŵr," meddai Mr. Davies wrth iddynt gerdded.En: "Keep an eye out for the water lizard," said Mr. Davies as they walked.Cy: "Mae'n byw mewn dŵr glân."En: "It lives in clean water."Cy: Yn fuan, cyrhaeddasant y rhewlif.En: Soon, they reached the glacier.Cy: Dyma oedd rhyfeddod y dydd.En: This was the wonder of the day.Cy: Roedd gan Carys deimlad annisgwyl.En: Carys felt a sense of awe.Cy: "Mae'n edrych yn enfawr!" meddai hi wrth Eleri.En: "It looks enormous!" she said to Eleri.Cy: "Dyma fy hoff ran," atebodd Eleri yn gyffrous.En: "This is my favorite part," Eleri replied excitedly.Cy: Mr. Davies siaradodd am agweddau'r rhewlif.En: Mr. Davies talked about aspects of the glacier.Cy: "Gwnewch lun o'r hindreuliad," awgrymodd e.En: "Take a picture of the weathering," he suggested.Cy: Gareth tynnodd lun brydferth.En: Gareth took a beautiful picture.Cy: "Pryd fydd pawb yn gwybod am hyn?" meddai wrth Carys.En: "When will everyone know about this?" he asked Carys.Cy: Carys yn syllu ac yn gwenu.En: Carys stared and smiled.Cy: "Heddiw yw'r diwrnod gorau," meddai hi.En: "Today is the best day," she said.Cy: "Dwi'n dysgu cymaint."En: "I'm learning so much."Cy: Ar ddiwedd y diwrnod, y criw teithiodd yn ôl.En: At the end of the day, the group traveled back.Cy: Y disgyblion yn teimlo balchder am eu dysg.En: The students felt proud of their learning.Cy: "Diwrnod gwych!" meddai Mr. Davies.En: "Great day!" said Mr. Davies.Cy: "Rydych chi wedi gwneud yn wych."En: "You did excellent."Cy: "Diolch!" atebodd pawb yn un.En: "Thank you!" everyone replied in unison.Cy: Ac felly, gyda llawn llawes o luniau a nodiadau, dychwelodd Gareth, Carys ac Eleri adref.En: And so, with a sleeve full of pictures and notes, Gareth, Carys, and Eleri returned home.Cy: Roedd pawb yn hapus a balch.En: Everyone was happy and proud.Cy: Roedd y daith i Eryri yn llwyddiant llwyr, a hefyd bydden nhw byth yn anghofio'r profiad hwyl.En: The trip to Snowdonia was a complete success, and they would never forget the fun experience.Cy: A dyna ddiwedd ar y stori.En: And that is the end of the story. Vocabulary Words:clear: clirsunny: heulogexcitement: cyffrogeographer: geograffyddreplied: meddaioriginates: tardduknowledgeable: wybodusplants: planhigionlizard: madfallclean: glânglacier: rhewlifawe: annisgwylenormous: enfawrweathering: hindreuliadbeautiful: brydferthstared: sylunotes: nodiadaulearning: dysgproud: balchsuccess: llwyddiantexperience: profiadformation: ffurfiannauaspects: agweddautook: tynnoddbest: gorauday: diwrnodtravel: teithiowonder: rhyfeddodgroup: criwreturned: dychwelyd
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    14 m

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